High on Life

Difficulty Settings Guide

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High on Life - Difficulty Settings
There are 3 different difficulty settings to choose from in High on Life. Read on to learn more about the Story Mode, Normal Mode, and Hunter Mode difficulties, and find out which is the best difficulty for you!

Difficulty Settings and Differences

Difficulty Description
Story Mode ・The easiest difficulty setting
・For those looking for a casual playthrough
・Enemies have less health and deal less damage than normal
Normal Mode ・The average difficulty setting
・For those looking for the intended gameplay experience
・Enemies have regular health and damage
Hunter Mode ・The hardest difficulty setting
・For those looking for an added challenge
・Enemies have increased health and deal higher damage than normal

Difficulty Affects Enemy Health and Damage

High on Life - Difficulty Affects Enemy Health and Damage
Choosing a higher difficulty setting increases enemy health and damage output, meaning players will have to act more carefully and strategically on these difficulties.

Best Difficulty to Choose

Choose Normal for the Intended Experience

High on Life - Choose Normal for the Intended Experience
For those who want to experience High on Life as intended by its creators, picking Normal Mode provides players with the perfect balance of story and challenge. In addition, Normal Mode is our pick for the game's best difficulty setting.

Enjoy the Narrative in Story Mode

High on Life - Enjoy the Narrative in Story Mode
We recommend choosing Story Mode for casual players and those who want to enjoy the game's wacky narrative, comedic moments, and unique alien worlds without too much effort. While Story Mode is less challenging than Normal Mode, it still provides an enjoyable gameplay experience.

Pick Hunter Mode for Added Challenge

High on Life - Pick Hunter Mode for Added Challenge
For players on their second playthrough and those looking for an extra challenge, we recommend choosing Hunter Mode. This mode ramps up the game's difficulty while remaining fun and without being too frustratingly hard.

Can You Change Difficulty Mid-Game?

Change Difficulties in the Settings Menu

High on Life - Change Difficulties in the Settings Menu
You can change the difficulty mid-game by navigating to the General tab of the Settings menu and swapping between the three difficulty modes there.

High on Life Related Guides

High on Life - Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

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Mods Please Ban A Starfish is Born
We Paid For The Rights To Put A Whole Movie Epic Legendary Prize
Playing Favorites -
Farming Guides
How to Farm Pesos How to Farm Warp Crystals


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