High on Life

Is There Split Screen?

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High on Life Is There Split Screen
High on Life will not feature a split screen option, given that the game can only be played in a single player format. Find out if the game will ever include this option in the future.

Will High on Life Have Split Screen?

High on Life Will Not Have a Split Screen Option

High on Life Will Not Have a Split Screen Option

As a game set in a single player format, High on Life will most likely not have split screen as an option for players.

Is There Cross-Play? Multiplayer Co-op Guide

Possible Split Screen DLC in the Future?

High on Life Possible Split Screen DLC in the Future

The developers have stated that they are open to the idea of adding DLC in the future, which may include the possibility of a multiplayer feature.

In the event that the game acquires multiplayer compatibility through DLC, there is a chance that a split screen option can be included in the game.

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