High on Life

How to Beat 9-Torg and Bounty Walkthrough

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High on Life - 9-Torg Bounty Walkthrough

9-Torg is a Bounty target during the main story of High on Life. Read on for a complete 9-Torg bounty walkthrough including info on how to unlock the contract, all unlockable achievements & weapons, all rewards for completion, puzzle solutions, and tips for beating 9-Torg during the bounty boss battle.

9-Torg Bounty Overview

Bounty Target Info

Torg Family Matriarch
Bounty Description Commands a small-time crime family who claims the Blim City Slums as their turf. Constantly stuck in a power struggle with her own clones. Don't underestimate her.
Location Blim City, Nova Sanctus
Rewards 1000 Pesos
How to Unlock Unlocked after completing the tutorial.

Unlockable Weapons

KnifeyKnifey Type: Melee
Unique Ability: Tether
Voice Actor: Michael Cusack

Unlockable Achievements

Achievement How to Unlock Gamer Score
Don't Knife The Hand That Feeds Take Knifey's advice and stab Gene in the gut. 20
First Bounty Down Defeat 9-Torg. 20
Bring A Knife to a Gun Fight Get Knifey. 20
Fallout Doesn't Let You Do This Kill Slumsley. 20

List of Achievements and Trophies Guide

9-Torg Bounty Walkthrough

Bounty Objectives

9-Torg Bounty Walkthrough
1 Complete the Tutorial and Acquire the Bounty Suit
2 Talk to Gene and Accept the Contract for 9-Torg
3 Make Your Way to the Blim City Slums
4 Kill or Ignore Slumsley
5 Explore the Slums and Kill the Ant Goons
6 Talk to the Alien Fisherman for Directions
7 Fight Your Way to the Laundromat
8 Masquerade as the Buyer and Obtain Knifey
9 Use Knifey's Tether to Get to Sludge Works
10 Defeat 9-Torg and Collect Her DNA
11 Return to the Bounty 5000 to Get Your Reward
12 Buy the Dodge Unit to Unlock the Next Bounties

Complete the Tutorial and Acquire the Bounty Suit

High on Life - Get the Suit

Before you can even think about fighting 9-Torg, make sure you complete the opening sequences of High on Life. They will get you up to speed on the game's controls and story premise, allowing you to jump into your first bounty as soon as you acquire the Bounty Suit.

Talk to Gene and Accept the Contract for 9-Torg

High on Life - Accept 9-Torg Contract

With the suit equipped, head back to your house and talk to Gene. He'll show you the brand-new Bounty 5000, a machine that lets you accept the different bounty contracts found in the game. Interact with the Bounty 5000 and accept the contract for 9-Torg to begin the mission.

Make Your Way to the Blim City Slums

High on Life - Get Past Slums Security

After a failed warp attempt, exit your house and make your way to the entrance of the Blim City Slums. Deal with the two security bots named Red and Blue at the slum entrance to gain access to the lower levels of the city.

Note: To unlock the way forward, simply answer which of them (Red or Blue) is hotter. Stick to your first choice in order to quickly unlock the next area for exploration.

Does Picking Red or Blue Pill Matter?

High on Life - Does Red Blue Choice Matter

Picking either Red or Blue security bots will not matter since both doors lead to the same pipe anyway. While one will remain closed for you depending on your choice, the other door will always be accessible even after you complete 9-Torg's bounty contract.

Kill or Ignore Slumsley

High on Life - Kill or Ignore Slumsley

As you make your way down the pipes to the slums, you will be confronted by an alien child named Slumsley. You can choose to either cave in to his goading and shoot him, or ignore him and press on. However, do note that killing him will unlock the achievement, Fallout Doesn't Let You Do This.

Explore the Slums and Kill the Ant Goons

High on Life - Kill the Ant Goons

After you deal with the police bots following the Slumsley incident, press forward and explore the Blim City Slums. After a certain point, you will have to kill the Ant Goons that are part of 9-Torg's gang. Clear out the area until now more Ant Goons spawn in.

Talk to the Alien Fisherman for Directions

High on Life - Take to the Alien Fisherman

With the area clear, head to the small pier where an alien fisherman can be found. Speak to him and ask him where 9-Torg is. He'll direct you to a Laundromat in the distance that gives access to 9-Torg's hideout inside the large Sludge Works building.

How to Get to the Laundromat

Use Kenny's Glob Shot to Navigate the Platforms

This section of the mission will also give you your first taste of platforming and how the Trick Hole abilities of the different weapons play into level exploration. To get to the Laundromat, use Kenny's Glob Shot to rotate the platforms and pave the way forward.

High on Life - Fight Your Way to the Laundromat

Fight your way to the Laundromat, killing any Ant Goons that get in your way. During this fighting segment, make sure to practice using Kenny's Glob Shot in combat as this handy alt fire mode can be used against 9-Torg during the later boss fight.

Masquerade as the Buyer and Obtain Knifey

Inside the Laundromat you'll hear a conversation between two Ant Goons from behind a locked door. Listen in and tell them you're the buyer to have them unlock the door. Once inside the room, pick up Knifey to unlock both him and the Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight achievement. Use him to kill the two Ant Goons before continuing.

Use Knifey's Tether to Get to Sludge Works

With a new traversal abilitiy unlocked, go ahead and use Knifey's Tether to grapple your way to the large Sludge Works building. Kill any Ant Goons that get in your way before heading inside the factory.

Defeat 9-Torg and Collect Her DNA

High on Life - Defeat 9-Torg and Escape

Defeat 9-Torg inside her HQ. Use a mix of Kenny's Glob Shot and Knifey's Tether abilities to disrupt and escape some of her moves throughout the fight. Once beaten, collect her Mandible as proof of a completed bounty.

What Happens if You Kill 5-Torg?

High on Life - 5-Torg Taking Damage With Boss Health Bar

Nothing happens if you kill 5-Torg at the end of the boss battle. While a boss life bar may appear after shooting her, all that happens is that you get to hear more dialogue from 5-Torg with every shot that hits.

Does Killing 5-Torg Affect the Story?

Return to the Bounty 5000 to Get Your Reward

High on Life - Turn in the 9-Torg Bounty

After securing the DNA and speaking to 5-Torg, use Knifey's Tether to escape via an open pipe at the back of the arena. Go back the same way you entered the Blim City Slums to reach your home and use the Bounty 5000 to turn in the proof of a completed bounty.

What Happens if You Stab Gene?

High on Life - Stab Gene

If you remember Knifey's earlier tirade about Gene selling him to 9-Torg then you can opt to stick him inside the intruding alien's gut to unlock the achievement, Don't Knife the Hand That Feeds. This won't kill Gene so feel free to stab him for the trophy.

Buy the Dodge Unit to Unlock the Next Bounties

High on Life - Buy the Dodge Unit

Unlocked Contracts
High on Life - Douglas IconDouglas KrubisKrubis

As part of the main story, Gene will have you buy the Dodge Unit using your bounty reward. After you purchase the upgrade, 2 new bounties will become available at the Bounty 5000.

List of All Items

How to Beat 9-Torg

9-Torg Boss Fight Tips

Use Kenny's Glob Shot to Juggle 9-Torg

Certain attacks like 9-Torg's laser will be hard to dodge as the arena gets smaller and cover becomes scarce. Use Kenny's Glob Shot to knock 9-Torg out of her attack animation, juggling her in the air so that you can get a few shots in.

Use Knifey to Deflect the Special Attacks

When 9-Torg starts using her special attack, you can deploy Knifey and use him to deflect the projectiles back at her. A prompt will appear whenever a projectile can be deflected, so make sure to deflect them in order to send 9-Torg flying and vulnerable.

Use Knifey's Tether to Avoid the Toxic Sludge

Knifey's Tether ability will come in handy when 9-Torg starts flooding the arena with Toxic Sludge. Avoid taking damage by using Tether to zipline and swing in the air while waiting for the sludge flood to subside.

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