High on Life

Is it Open World?

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High on Life Is It Open World
High on Life will not have an open world setting, and will instead focus on a more linear gameplay for its players. Read on to learn why Squash Games opted to separate itself from the open-world genre.

Does High on Life Have an Open World Setting?

High on Life Will Not Feature an Open World Setting

High on Life Will Not Feature an Open World Setting

The game will deliver a linear gameplay setting that compels the player to 'navigate dynamic and changing worlds', as stated by the official website.

High on Life will set vibrant and picturesque stages for players who will be wandering through the grand cosmos and hunting bounty hunters.

As opposed to the accessibility brought about by an open world genre, High on Life will rely on its humorous characters and simple narrative as a foundation for its world building.

Some Open World Features in High on Life

High on Life Some parts may be open world

The game may not be strictly linear in terms of gameplay and level design. Some levels in the game may incorporate metroidvania level designs that encourage players to explore and engage in possible hidden locations.

High on Life may also feature an option generally accessible to open world genres, such as choosing how to progress through the game.

There are reports that the bounties may not be given in order and can be left to the player's preference, implying that access to some levels are still dependant on the player's choice.

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