High on Life

All Shop Locations

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High on Life - All Shop Locations
Shops in High on Life provide plenty of useful upgrades and items in exchange for Pesos. Read on for a list of all shop locations and the items they have in stock!

Nova Sanctum Shop Locations

Mr. Keeps Pawn Shop (Blim City)

Location Found in the Downtown area of Blim City, on the easternmost side after leaving your house.

Note that this area fills up with new upgrades and items with each Gatlian you find, so come back often for more things to buy!

List of Mods and Upgrades

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Bounceflector ModBounceflector Mod This mod enables Kenny's shots to deflect off enemies. 600 Pesos
High on Life - Goopsuck ModGoopsuck Mod Allows Gus to suck Goop Armor off G3 enemies. 1500 Pesos
High on Life - Heartsap ModHeartsap Mod Creature's minion children will return with a gift of extra health after they get a kill. 1600 Pesos
High on Life - Remote Detonator ModRemote Detonator Mod Allows you to remotely detonate Sweezy's large crystals. 1500 Pesos
High on Life - Ammo Sac (Gus)Ammo Sac (Gus) Increases maximum ammo count by 2. 1200 Pesos
High on Life - Ammo Sac (Kenny)Ammo Sac (Kenny) Increases maximum ammo count by 2. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Ammo Sac (Sweezy)Ammo Sac (Sweezy) Increases maximum ammo count by 2. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - ChronoliverChronoliver Allows Sweezy to use Time Bubble more frequently 800 Pesos
High on Life - DiscbladderDiscbladder Lowers the cooldown of Disc Shot. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Dodge UnitDodge Unit Allows you to dodge and boost yourself mid-air. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Durahealth TankDurahealth Tank Increases maximum health. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Gatterall CompartmentGatterall Compartment Allows you to store more Gatterall. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Glob KidneyGlob Kidney Reduces Glob Shot cooldown time. 500 Pesos
High on Life - Jetpack BoosterJetpack Booster Increases flight speed. 999 Pesos
High on Life - Kinetic TankKinetic Tank Increase Jetpack fuel capacity 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Postpartum PsycheboostPostpartum Psycheboost Boosts psychic connection with Creature's minion. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Reload Tract (Gus)Reload Tract (Gus) Improves reload time. 1500 Pesos
High on Life - Reload Tract (Kenny)Reload Tract (Kenny) Improves reload time. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Reload Tract (Sweezy)Reload Tract (Sweezy) Improves reload time. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Slide Bash UnitSlide Bash Unit Allows you to perform quick powerslides. 1400 Pesos
High on Life - SuperovariesSuperovaries Allows to speed up Creature's birthing process, shortening reload time. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Womb ChamberWomb Chamber Creature can keep more kids alive at once. 1200 Pesos

Zephyr Paradise Shop Locations

Supply Station Valley Shop (Deep Jungle)

Location Found on the ground floor of the G3 facility at the end of Upper Falls, near the entrance of Back Canyon.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Ammo Sac (Kenny)Ammo Sac (Kenny) Increases maximum ammo count by 2. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Durahealth TankDurahealth Tank Increases maximum health. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Kinetic TankKinetic Tank Increase Jetpack fuel capacity 1000 Pesos

Moplet Mine Shop (Upper Valley)

Location Found in the Mineshaft inside the G3 Mine, inside a shipping container before the button that disables the laser grid.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Glob KidneyGlob Kidney Reduces Glob Shot cooldown time. 500 Pesos

Skrendel Cafeteria (Jungle Clearing)

Location Found inside Sector B - Cloning in the Skrendel Base.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Lamaze Launcher ModLamaze Launcher Mod Allows Creature to shoot 3 of his babies at once on full-charge. 3500 Pesos
High on Life - DiscbladderDiscbladder Lowers the cooldown of Disc Shot. 800 Pesos
High on Life - Durahealth TankDurahealth Tank Increases maximum health. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - Kinetic TankKinetic Tank Increase Jetpack fuel capacity 1000 Pesos

Furwaggle Farms (Upper Valley)

Location Found in front of a Moplet house on the right-hand side below the bridge leading to Dr. Giblets' base.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Bullet Rewind ModBullet Rewind Mod Allows Sweezy to rewind time on shot crystals, sending them back to you and dealing damage along the way. 3000 Pesos
High on Life - Durahealth TankDurahealth Tank Increases maximum health. 1000 Pesos
High on Life - PelletspleenPelletspleen Increases Gus' primary shots radius and more powerful 1500 Pesos

Port Terrene Shop Locations

Dreg Town Pawn (Dreg Town)

Dreg Town Pawn Shop - Old Town.png
Location To the right of the staircase before entering Maintenance Station B to solve Dr. Joopy’s puzzle.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Multiglob ModMultiglob Mod Allows Kenny to fire multiple Glob Shots at once. 500 Pesos
High on Life - Muscle ImplantMuscle Implant Improves the damage output of Kenny's primary shots. 1500 Pesos

Big Deal Emporium (Old Town)

Location In the Dreg Town Station, after getting off the Dreg Town Elevator.

List of Items

Upgrade Effect Price
High on Life - Jetpack Fuel RecyclerJetpack Fuel Recycler Allows you to hover in place for a slightly longer duration. 2000 Pesos
High on Life - StaggerStagger Allows Knifey's attacks to stun. 1000 Pesos

High on Life Related Guides

High on Life - Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

High on Life Tips and Tricks
Difficulty Settings Guide Controls and Best Settings
Is There an FOV Slider? What Happens if You Kill 5-Torg?
Can You Mute the Guns? Soft Locked After Beating Douglas Bug
Is There Character Creation? How to Upgrade Weapons
Can't Buy from Merchant Bug All Shop Locations
All Weapon Mods and How to Get Post Game Guide: What to Do After Beating High on Life
How to Use Warp Discs How to Stop Fans: Time Bubble Guide
How to Deflect How to Save: Is There Manual Save?
List of Bosses All Missable Achievements
All Dr. Gurgula Hint Locations What Happens If You Wait One Whole Hour?
All Enemy Types -
Achievement Guides
Gunning For Your Job Carried Stan's Load to Completion
Playing Card to Get Luglox Genocide
Sequel-Bait and Secret Ending Are You Packin'?
RIP Davey Glutes Seeing All the Sights
Mods Please Ban A Starfish is Born
We Paid For The Rights To Put A Whole Movie Epic Legendary Prize
Playing Favorites -
Farming Guides
How to Farm Pesos How to Farm Warp Crystals


9 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Just gonna say, this is not accurate to the game whatsoever. Says there’s 4 items in Skrendel Cafeteria when there’s only 3, the guy that freaks out when you walk by only has two and multiple vendors are missing. If you want to complete the game with help, don’t use this website. They clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.

8 Anonymousabout 2 years



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