Helldivers 2

List of All Terminid Enemies

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Helldivers 2 - List of All Terminid Enemies

Terminid is an enemy faction in Helldivers 2 that consists of bug-like enemies. See a list of all Terminid enemies and their locations, how to beat Terminid enemies, as well as information on the recent nerfs for Chargers and Bile Titans!

List of Terminid Enemies

Enemy Locations
Helldivers 2 - Bile SpewerBile Spewer Variants:
Nursing Spewer
Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Helldivers 2 - Bile TitanBile Titan Variants:
Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Eliminate Bile Titan
Helldivers 2 - Brood CommanderBrood Commander Variants:
Trivial, Easy, Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Eliminate Brood Commander
Helldivers 2 - ChargerCharger Variants:
Charger Behemoth
Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Eliminate Charger
Helldivers 2 - Hive GuardHive Guard Variants:
Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Helldivers 2 - HunterHunter Variants:
Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Helldivers 2 - ScavengerScavenger Variants:
Standard Scavenger, Bile Spitter
Trivial, Easy, Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Helldivers 2 - StalkerStalker Variants:
Easy, Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive
Helldivers 2 - WarriorWarrior Variants:
Standard Warrior, Bile Warrior
Trivial, Easy, Medium, Challenging, Hard, Extreme, Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive

Terminid Enemy Changes

Decreased Health for Chargers

Helldivers 2 - Charger Behemoth

In the recent 1.000.102 patch update last March 12, 2024, the developers have decreased the health of the Charger's head. Players will find that a well-placed headshot with weapons like the Recoilless Rifle or EAT-17 will now instantly kill a Charger!

How to Kill Chargers

Reduced Spawn Rate of Chargers and Bile Titans

Also included in the 1.000.102 patch patch drop, the spawn rate of Chargers and Bile Titans has been significantly reduced in difficulties 7 and up (Suicide Mission to Helldive difficulty).

This addressed concerns from the community on the large amount of heavily armored Terminids present in their missions.

How to Beat Terminid Enemies

How to Beat Terminid Enemies

Avoid Triggering Bug Breaches

Helldivers 2 - Bug Breach Alert

Bug Breaches will trigger when a patrol of Scavenger bugs spot you. One of the bugs will emit an orange cloud of smoke and a giant hole will emerge from the ground, summoning swarms of pesky bugs. You can prevent this by keeping out of sight of these patrols or calling in an airstrike on them to wipe them out before they see you.

Use Shotguns and Assault Rifles

Helldivers 2 - Shotguns Against Bugs

Terminids will generally use melee attacks, so you'll also want to fight back with weapons effective at close-range combat such as Shotguns and Assault Rifles.

Shotguns are great at dealing exceptional damage at the cost of fire-rate, and are great to use against Terminids with high health. Assault Rifles on the other hand boast a fast firing rate, capable of eradicating low-leveled bugs in a short amount of time.

Marksman Rifles are not that recommended to use against these bugs as it only fires in semi-automatic mode, which isn't that viable when you're surrounded with a horde of Terminids.

Best Primary Weapons and Tier List

Stay on Top of Vantage Points

Helldivers 2 - Stay on Top of Vantage Points

Since most Terminids are close-range fighters, you can stay on top of hills and rocks so they'll have a difficult time reaching you.

While they can still circle around and eventually catch up with you, this trick should still delay them, giving you ample time to kill them before they can get to you.

Terminid Enemies Information

A Faction of Bugs Infesting Planets

Helldivers 2 - A Terminid Enemy

Terminid is a faction of enemies that consist of bug-like creatures. Currently, this faction occupies the right side of the Galactic Map. Terminid enemies usually attack using their claws and also spit out some corrosive acids.

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