Helldivers 2

Best Stratagems Tier List and Codes

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Helldivers 2 - Best Stratagems and How to Unlock
Stratagems are tactical arsenals that can provide strategic advantages to your missions in Helldivers 2. See our tier list for the best Stratagems to use and a list of all Stratagems and their codes in this guide!

01.000.100 Patch Notes

Patch Summary

01.000.100 Patch Notes
Shield Generator Pack
・Increased time delay for shield regeneration
・When the shileld breaks, regeneration will take longer than if it were not completely broken
・Safe mode is now capable of penetrating Medium Armor
・Heavily armored enemies have to be dealt on unsafe mode overcharged
・Increased direct damage per second by 50%
Laser Cannon
・Additional damage on massive body parts
・ Increased Armor Penetration
Orbital 120mm and 380mm Barrage
・ Decreased scatter area for a more clustered AoE damage

All Patch Notes and Updates

Stratagem Tier List

Tier Stratagems
S Tier StratagemsS Tier
A Tier StratagemsA Tier

① Ability to Deliver Democracy
The number one criteria for any Stratagem is its ability to deal with the different types of enemies you'll encounter. A higher-ranking Stratagem should be able to easily assist you in delivering swift and formidable justice across the galaxy.
② Utility and Purpose
Not all Stratagems are suited for every scenario and against every enemy. This list considers the consistency of each Stratagems in terms of its usefulness and effectiveness in different missions.
③ Relevance in Higher Difficulties
Some Stratagems are extremely potent in the earlier difficulties but fall off in the later difficulties due to the sheer difference in enemy numbers. Although earlier difficulties were considered to an extent, ultimately, this tierlist was finalized with highest difficulties in mind.
④ Danger of Friendly Fire
There are Stratagems that can easily wipe out hordes of enemies and do the same to your entire squad. The chances of a Stratagem dealing friendly fire upon use were also considered in building this tier list. Nobody wants to see a fellow helldiver dead unless your idea of freedom is freeing your squadmates from the physical world.

Best Stratagems

Top 5 Best Stratagems to Use

Rank Stratagem
1 Railgun
2 Shield Generator Pack
3 Orbital Laser
4 Orbital Railcannon Strike
5 Eagle 500kg Bomb


Helldivers 2 - Railgun
The Railgun is arguably the best Supply Stratagem in the game due to its sheer power, which can make easy work of tougher Terminids and Automatons alike. This weapon can easily penetrate through any armor, making it the ideal weapon to bring, especially in higher difficulties.

We recommend sticking to Safe Mode when using the gun, as it can still deal high damage without worrying about it exploding.

Railgun Code and How to Unlock

Shield Generator Pack

Helldivers 2 - Shield Generator Pack
The Shield Generator Pack is one of, if not the best, backpack Stratagem in the game. This will provide you with a spherical shield that can withstand a remarkable number of hits. This Stratagem will often save you when the stakes are high.

Shield Generator Pack Code

Orbital Laser

Helldivers 2 - Orbital Laser
The Orbital Laser is capable of dishing out high continuous damage on a certain area, making it highly desirable for taking down high-value targets.

Contrary to popular belief, each member of your squad will be able to carry 3 individual charges of this Strategem, allowing you to use it a total of 12 times if everyone in the squad brings it.

Orbital Laser Code and How to Unlock

Orbital Railcannon Strike

Helldivers 2 - Orbital Railcannon Strike
The Orbital Railcannon Strike is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to instantly taking down large targets. Due to this Stratagem's auto-target features, you can throw it in a horde of enemies and easily take down the prize among the crowd.

Orbital Railcannon Strike Code

Eagle 500kg Bomb

Helldivers 2 - Eagle 500kg Bomb
The Eagle 500kg Bomb is democracy in the form of a nuke. This will deliver extremely high explosive damage that will take down anything caught in its radius, including a squad of Helldivers. It's a high-risk, high-return investment when used in particular situations.

Note that with the Expanded Weapons Bay Ship Module upgrade, you can have 2 charges of this per deployment, which means twice the democracy!

Eagle 500kg Bomb Code and How to Unlock

List of All Stratagems

All Offensive Stratagems

Jump to a Type of Stratagem!
Offensive Defensive Supply
Stratagem Unlock Level and Effect
Helldivers 2 - Eagle 110mm Rocket PodsEagle 110mm Rocket Pods Unlock Level: 10
Effect: A barrage of rocket pods, which the Eagle pilot will release on the largest target near the stratagem beacon.
Up Right Up Left
Helldivers 2 - Eagle 500kg BombEagle 500kg Bomb Unlock Level: 15
Effect: A large bomb obliterating almost any target close to impact. Make sure to clear the area.
Up Right Down Down Down
Helldivers 2 - Eagle AirstrikeEagle Airstrike Unlock Level: 2
Effect: A barrage of bombs creating a non-targeted carpet of explosions.
Up Right Down Right
Helldivers 2 - Eagle Cluster BombEagle Cluster Bomb Unlock Level: 3
Effect: A targeted air strike unable to destroy buildings, but efficient at clearing smaller targets.
Up Right Down Down Right
Helldivers 2 - Eagle Napalm AirstrikeEagle Napalm Airstrike Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A barrage of napalm bombs, creating a wall of fire which will stop the enemy in their tracks.
Up Right Down Up
Helldivers 2 - Eagle Smoke StrikeEagle Smoke Strike Unlock Level: 8
Effect: A barrage of smoke grenades, creating a thick smoke screen to block enemies' line of sight.
Up Right Up Down
Helldivers 2 - Eagle Strafing RunEagle Strafing Run Unlock Level: 2
Effect: A strafing run of the battlefield to clear small targets, delivered almost instantly.
Up Right Right
Helldivers 2 - Orbital 120mm HE BarrageOrbital 120mm HE Barrage Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A precision artillery salvo over a small area, perfect for taking out concentrated enemy units.
Right Right Down Left Right Down
Helldivers 2 - Orbital 380mm HE BarrageOrbital 380mm HE Barrage Unlock Level: 8
Effect: A prolonged barrage, wreaking extended destruction over a large area. Communication with teammates is advised.
Right Down Up Up Left Down Down
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Airburst StrikeOrbital Airburst Strike Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A projectile which explodes while airborne, creating a deadly rain of shrapnel. Not effective against heavy armor.
Right Right Right
Helldivers 2 - Orbital EMS StrikeOrbital EMS Strike Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A "compliance weapon" to modify enemy behavior. The projectile temporarily stuns all targets within the strike radius.
Right Right Left Down
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Gas StrikeOrbital Gas Strike Unlock Level: 3
Effect: A projectile which releases a cloud of corrosive gas, harmful to both organic and robotic lifeforms.
Right Right Down Right
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Gatling BarrageOrbital Gatling Barrage Unlock Level: 2
Effect: A barrage of high explosive rounds, fired from the Destroyer's high speed rotary autocannons.
Right Down Left Up Up
Helldivers 2 - Orbital LaserOrbital Laser Unlock Level: 15
Effect: The Destroyer's laser cannon will sweep over the designated area, vaporizing all targets within the effective radius.
Right Down Up Right Down
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Precision StrikeOrbital Precision Strike Unlock Level: Default
Effect: A single precision shot from the Destroyer's 'ATLAS' cannon.
Right Right Up
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Railcannon StrikeOrbital Railcannon Strike Unlock Level: 20
Effect: A high-velocity railcannon round fired at the largest target in close proximity to the beacon. Targeting is automatic.
Right Up Down Down Right
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Smoke StrikeOrbital Smoke Strike Unlock Level: 8
Effect: Creates a large, thick smoke screen to block targets' line of sight.
Right Right Down Up
Helldivers 2 - Orbital Walking BarrageOrbital Walking Barrage Unlock Level: 10
Effect: A linear artillery barrage which moves at intervals, driving the enemy out from cover while allowing an advance.
Right Down Right Down Right Down

Offensive stratagems include Orbital and Eagle strikes. These usually deal massive damage over a wide area, making them great for clearing out powerful enemies, swarms, Terminid Nests, and Automaton Outposts.

All Defensive Stratagems

Jump to a Type of Stratagem!
Offensive Defensive Supply
Stratagem Unlock Level and Effect
Helldivers 2 - Anti-Personnel MinefieldAnti-Personnel Minefield Unlock Level: 2
Effect: Deploys a defensive anti-personnel minefield, to halt enemy advance.
Down Left Up Right
Helldivers 2 - Autocannon SentryAutocannon Sentry Unlock Level: 13
Effect: An automated cannon turret firing anti-tank ammunition over long ranges. Sacrifices agility for range and power.
Down Up Right Up Left Up
Helldivers 2 - EMS Mortar SentryEMS Mortar Sentry Unlock Level: 20
Effect: A turret firing static field generators that slow the advance of enemies.
Down Up Right Down Right
Helldivers 2 - Gatling SentryGatling Sentry Unlock Level: 5
Effect: An automated turret with an extremely high rate of fire. Caution: does not check if friendly units are in line of fire.
Down Up Right Left
Helldivers 2 - HMG EmplacementHMG Emplacement Unlock Level: 10
Effect: A manned fortification offering superior firepower against lightly armored targets. Slow to turn, so place it wisely.
Down Up Left Right Right Left
Helldivers 2 - Incendiary MinesIncendiary Mines Unlock Level: 8
Effect: Deploys a defensive incendiary minefiled, which will set both terrain and targets alight when triggered.
Down Left Left Down
Helldivers 2 - Machine Gun SentryMachine Gun Sentry Unlock Level: 3
Effect: An agile automated machine gun turret. Will fire at targets even if Helldivers will be caught in the crossfire.
Down Up Right Right Up
Helldivers 2 - Mortar SentryMortar Sentry Unlock Level: 8
Effect: A turret firing powerful shells in a high arc. Effective at long ranges, and able to strike at targets behind cover.
Down Up Right Right Down
Helldivers 2 - Rocket SentryRocket Sentry Unlock Level: 15
Effect: A powerful automated turret, effective against armored targets. The turret will primarily aim at larger enemies.
Down Up Right Right Left
Helldivers 2 - Shield Generator RelayShield Generator Relay Unlock Level: 10
Effect: A stationary enemy shield which provides cover against projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.
Down Down Left Right Left Right
Helldivers 2 - Tesla TowerTesla Tower Unlock Level: 15
Effect: A turret which fires electrical charges at targets in close range. To avoid friendly fire, remain prone.
Down Up Right Up Left Right

Defensive stratagems are mainly used to fortify an area to prevent enemies from surrounding you. These cover sentries and mines to pick off nearby enemies and are great for missions that need you to defend.

All Supply Stratagems

Jump to a Type of Stratagem!
Offensive Defensive Supply
Stratagem Unlock Level and Effect
Helldivers 2 - Anti-Materiel RifleAnti-Materiel Rifle Unlock Level: 2
Effect: A high-caliber sniper rifle effective over long distances against light vehicle armor. This rifle must be aimed downscope.
Down Left Right Up Down
Helldivers 2 - Arc ThrowerArc Thrower Unlock Level: 15
Effect: Projects an arc of lightning at close range. Charges up to project bolts, and may discharge through multiple targets.
Down Right Down Up Left Left
Helldivers 2 - AutocannonAutocannon Unlock Level: 10
Effect: A fully-automatic cannon effective against light vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.
Down Left Down Up Up Right
Helldivers 2 - Ballistic Shield BackpackBallistic Shield Backpack Unlock Level: 12
Effect: A backpack which can be wielded as a one-handed ballistic shield, protecting against small arms fire.
Down Left Down Down Up Left
Helldivers 2 - EXO-45 Patriot ExosuitEXO-45 Patriot Exosuit Unlock Level: 25
Effect: A heavily-armored walking exosuit equipped with a rocket launcher and a heavy machine gun.
Left Down Right Up Left Down Down
Helldivers 2 - Expendable Anti-TankExpendable Anti-Tank Unlock Level: 3
Effect: A single-use weapon specialized for damaging vehicle armor. Discarded after every use.
Down Down Left Up Right
Helldivers 2 - FlamethrowerFlamethrower Unlock Level: 10
Effect: An incendiary weapon for close range. Will ignite targets, terrain, and any flammable teammates.
Down Left Up Down Up
Helldivers 2 - Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A grenade launcher effective against armored infantry. Not intended for use against vehicle armor or fortified buildings.
Down Left Up Left Down
Helldivers 2 - Guard DogGuard Dog Unlock Level: 10
Effect: An autonomous drone equipped with a Liberator assault rifle, providing 360° cover. Returns to backpack to rearm.
Down Up Left Up Right Down
Helldivers 2 - Guard Dog RoverGuard Dog Rover Unlock Level: 10
Effect: An autonomous drone equipped with a laser rifle, providing 360° cover.
Down Up Left Up Right Right
Helldivers 2 - Jump PackJump Pack Unlock Level: 8
Effect: Enables the user to jump higher than 'gravity' and 'safety' would normally allow. Must be charged before use.
Down Up Up Down Up
Helldivers 2 - Laser CannonLaser Cannon Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A laser weapon firing a continuous beam. Doesn't require ammunition, but will need heat sink replaced if it overheats.
Down Left Down Up Left
Helldivers 2 - Machine GunMachine Gun Unlock Level: Default
Effect: A machine gun designed for stationary use. Trades higher power for increased recoil and reduced accuracy.
Down Left Down Up Right
Helldivers 2 - RailgunRailgun Unlock Level: 20
Effect: An experimental weapon which prioritizes armor penetration. Must be charged between shots - so choose targets carefully.
Down Right Down Up Left Right
Helldivers 2 - Recoilless RifleRecoilless Rifle Unlock Level: 5
Effect: A recoilless rifle effective against vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.
Down Left Right Right Left
Helldivers 2 - Shield Generator PackShield Generator Pack Unlock Level: 20
Effect: Encloses the wearer in a spherical shield which blocks high-speed projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.
Down Up Left Right Left Right
Helldivers 2 - SpearSpear Unlock Level: 20
Effect: An anti-tank homing missle which must be lock onto its target before launch. Effective against large and armored enemies.
Down Down Up Down Down
Helldivers 2 - StalwartStalwart Unlock Level: 2
Effect: A compact, low caliber machine gun. Trades power for ease of use, with faster reloading than heavier machine guns.
Down Left Down Up Up Left
Helldivers 2 - Supply PackSupply Pack Unlock Level: 3
Effect: Supply boxes containing ammunition, with a backpack that allows the user to distribute boxes to hellow Helldivers.
Down Left Down Up Up Down

Supply stratagems mainly include Support Weapons, which are typically stronger than regular weapons. Some of these stratagems, like the Guard Dog drone and Shield Generator Pack, also provide additional support.

What are Stratagems?

Strategic Arsenals

Stratagems are strategic arsenals that are a core part of your loadout as a Helldiver. These can provide defensive and offensive support that can make or break your mission in the highest difficulties.

You can bring a total of 4 different Stratagems in a single deployment, each with their own democratic purposes!

Upgradable With Ship Modules

Helldivers 2 - Ship Modules

Stratagems can be enhanced by unlocking Ship Modules with Samples. The upgrades can range from reduced stratagem cooldowns to improved effects.

List of All Ship Modules

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1 Anonymous12 months

Why is railgun still listed as s tier


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