Helldivers 2

Galactic War Explained

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Helldivers 2 - Galactic War Explained

The Galactic War progress depends on the liberation of planets and sectors through accomplishing missions and major orders. Learn more about the Galactic War and how to check Galactic War progress in this guide!

Galactic War Explained

Various Operations to Liberate Planets

Helldivers 2 - Missions

The Galactic War is a fight between Super Earth's own Helldivers against two invading factions: Terminids and Automatons, both of which are out to conquer several planets across the galaxy.

Helldivers are called upon to participate in missions or operations on a planet to liberate it from the invaders. Each mission completed progresses the overall liberation of the planet.

All Mission Types

Major Orders Will Often Occur

Helldivers 2 - Current Major Order

Major Orders are missions determined by the Game Master and will often be available for Helldivers to do. It will take place on different planets, but all in all have the same mission objective. Completing these within the time given (usually several days) will reward you with Medals.

How to Get Major Order Reward

Controlled by the Game Master

Helldivers 2 - Game Master

The Game Master controls the direction of the Galactic War storyline. As players continue to liberate planets, the Game Master will then adapt to their progress and dictate how the Galactic War continues.

Game Master responsibilities include choosing which major order takes place, what daily orders can players do, and where enemies attack.

Game Master Explained

How to Check Galactic War Progress

View a Sector on the Galactic War Table

Helldivers 2 - Galactic War Table

To check the progress of the Galactic War, approach the Galactic War table in the main control room of your ship. From here, you can hover over through the sectors highlighed in either yellow or red to check that sector's Liberation Progress.

Grayed out sections means all those planets within it have successfully been liberated.

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