Helldivers 2

Best Builds and Loadouts

★ Check out our Beginner's Guide!
☆ How to Beat All Enemies: Automatons | Terminids
★ Equip the Best Builds and Loadouts!
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Helldivers 2 - Best Loadouts

These are the Best Builds and Loadouts you can equip in Helldivers 2. See a more detailed look at builds for certain enemy types, including recommended armor perks, weapons, and even stratagem loadouts for different mission types and gameplay preferences.

Best Builds and Loadouts

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Beginner Exterminator Robo-Killer
Support Pyromaniac Elite Killer

Beginner Build

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - FS-05 MarksmanFS-05 Marksman Fortified
Further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30%. Provides 50% resistance to explosive damage.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - AR-23 Liberator AR-23 Liberator Helldivers 2 - P-2 Peacemaker P-2 Peacemaker Helldivers 2 - G-12 High Explosive G-12 High Explosive
Booster and Effect Hellpod Space Optimization
Helldivers come out of the Hellpod fully stocked on Ammo, Grenades, and Stims.

The Beginner Build focuses on the first weapons, armor, and stratagems that are available to you as you begin your fight as a Helldiver. On your first few runs, you will only have a couple of stratagems to choose from as you start.

This is inevitable since the first few runs are meant for you to farm Warbond Medals to buy better armor and weapons, and Requisition Slips to purchase more stratagems.

Exterminator Build

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - CE-35 Trench EngineerCE-35 Trench Engineer Engineering Kit
Further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30%. Increases initial inventory and holding capacity of grenades by +2.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - SG-225 Breaker SG-225 Breaker Helldivers 2 - P-19 Redeemer P-19 Redeemer Helldivers 2 - G-12 High Explosive G-12 High Explosive
Booster and Effect Hellpod Space Optimization
Helldivers come out of the Hellpod fully stocked on Ammo, Grenades, and Stims.

The Exterminator Build is a Terminid-focused loadout that relies on having a larger stock of grenades to close bug breach holes. You need to be quick on your feet because Terminids can easily swarm a stationary shooter so choosing heavy armor is out of the question.

The SG-225 Breaker is undoubtedly one of the best weapons in the game, if not the best. Alternatively, you can purchase either the Stalwart or the Machine Gun as a support weapon, but we both know you'll use it as a primary weapon.

As for your stratagems, choose stratagems that deal wide AoE damage because bugs tend to cluster when swarming. Save up for the optimization booster to make sure you always deploy with full mags and grenades.


Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - SA-04 Combat TechnicianSA-04 Combat Technician Scout
Markers placed on the map will generate radar scans every 2.0s. Reduces range at which enemies can detect the wearer by 30%.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - R-63 Diligence R-63 Diligence Helldivers 2 - P-4 Senator P-4 Senator Helldivers 2 - G-16 Impact G-16 Impact
Booster and Effect UAV Recon Booster
Increases all Helldiver's effective radar range.

The Robo-Killer Build is an Automaton-focused loadout relying more on stealth and coordinated attacks from cover. Pair the Scout passive with the Recon Booster, and keep on dropping pins on the map to check for enemy forces in advance.

As for your weapons, we recommend the R-63 Diligence marksman rifle, for its higher damage output and long-range capability. We recommend the G-16 Impact grenade so that it detonates upon impact, rather than wait for a fuse to run out.

Against Automatons, having long-range advantage is a must. Use the Anti-Materiel Rifle to pick out stronger enemies like Berserkers before engaging the rest of the enemies. Likewise, we recommend long-range stratagems like the Mortar Sentry to take out multiple enemies before advancing.

Support Build

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - CM-09 BonesnapperCM-09 Bonesnapper Med-Kit
Increases initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2. Increases stim effect duration by 2.0s.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - SG-225 Breaker SG-225 Breaker Helldivers 2 - P-19 Redeemer P-19 Redeemer Helldivers 2 - G-3 Smoke G-3 Smoke
Booster and Effect Increased Reinforcement Budget
Increases the number of available reinforcements.

The Support Build is focused on providing cover fire for your squad, as well as serving as the unofficial “medic”. Your armor's passive allows you to carry 2 more stims so you can heal a teammate when their stims run out.

Your choice of weapons is also geared for long-range attacks. The Breaker shotgun is meant only if the enemy gets close to you, your primary weapon will be the Anti-Materiel Rifle shooting enemies from afar and covering your team as they complete objectives.

The stratagems chosen for this build also prioritize providing support rather than dealing damage. The Supply Pack is reserved for moments when your Resupply Stratagem is still on cooldown, and the Eagle Smoke Strike provides an easy getaway for your teammates.

Pyromaniac Build

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - DP-40 Hero of the FederationDP-40 Hero of the Federation Democracy Protects
50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage. Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary Helldivers 2 - P-19 Redeemer P-19 Redeemer Helldivers 2 - G-10 Incendiary G-10 Incendiary
Booster and Effect Vitality Enhancement
Allows all Helldivers to resist injury.

If you just want to watch the world burn, then this Pyromaniac Build is the one for you. This build focuses on dealing fire damage to obtain the Kill it with Fire! achievement. Swap out the SG-225 Breaker for its Incendiary variant, and make all your shots count. Throw your Incendiary Grenade at groups of bugs to deal damage over time. The Eagle Napalm Airstrike not only deals fire damage directly to its targets, but because it leaves a wall of fire, this lets you do some more damage to bugs who will try to cross the wall.

Kill it with Fire! Trophy

Silver TrophySilver Kill it with fire!
Kill 100 enemies using fire damage during the same mission.
List of All Weapons

It is recommended to choose an Eradicate Terminid Swarm with this loadout to clear this trophy.

Trophy Guide

Elite Killer

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - DP-40 Hero of the FederationDP-40 Hero of the Federation Democracy Protects
50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage. Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - P-4 Senator P-4 Senator Helldivers 2 - G-12 High Explosive G-12 High Explosive
Booster and Effect Increased Reinforcement Budget
Increases the number of available reinforcements.

The Elite Killer build focuses on dealing with the Elite enemies in the game. Equip yourself with armor that possess the Democracy Protects because it gives you a 50% chance of survivng attacks that would normally automatically kill your helldiver.

As for weapons and stratagems, we opted to go for the weapons that deal the most damage. When it comes to mission types where you must eliminate the elite enemy to complete the mission, damage even at the expense of blowing up your teammates, is the only option.

Death is inevitable, especially when against Elite enemies. We recommend saving up Warbond Medals for the Reinforcement booster to increase the number of reinforcements you can deploy, ensuring higher chances of completing the mission.

Endgame Build

Armor Passive
Helldivers 2 - DP-40 Hero of the FederationDP-40 Hero of the Federation Democracy Protects
50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage. Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages.
Primary Secondary Grenade
Helldivers 2 - SG-225 Breaker SG-225 Breaker Helldivers 2 - P-4 Senator P-4 Senator Helldivers 2 - G-16 Impact G-16 Impact
Booster and Effect Vitality Enhancement
Allows all Helldivers to resist injury.

This Endgame Build is the current “meta” in Helldivers 2. This build focuses on utilizing the best possible stratagems and armor perks available. Most of the recommended stratagems are unlocked only when you reach level 15 and higher, and each one costing upwards of 10000 Requisition slips.

This build is not the end-all-be-all in Helldivers, teamwork is still your best tactic when it comes to clearing missions and objectives.

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