The Witcher 3

Ursine silver sword - enhanced (Witcher Item) - How to Craft and Upgrade

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This is a page about Ursine silver sword - enhanced, a Witcher Item-tier weapon in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information about this weapon's components, its price and weight, how to craft and upgrade it, and other properties.

Ursine silver sword - enhanced Stats and Effects

Basic Stats of Ursine silver sword - enhanced

Tier (Rarity) Witcher Item
Sub-Type Silver
Origin Legendary
Price 1088
# of Slots 2
Disassembled Component 1 Leather squares 1
Disassembled Component 2 Dwimeryte ore 2
Disassembled Component 3 Glowing ingot 3

Ursine silver sword - enhanced Bonus Effects

Bonus Stats

・10% Adrenaline Point Gain
・+8% Critical Hit Chance
・+25% Critical Hit Damage Bonus
・12% Chance to Dismember
・+20% Bonus XP from Monsters

How to Craft Ursine silver sword - enhanced

To craft this item, you will need to acquire Diagram: Ursine silver sword - enhanced, obtain the needed number of required Components, then visit a Craftsman with the required Type and Level, and pay the cost to craft it. The complete information needed to craft this item can be found below.

Crafting Diagram Info

Diagram Price 53
Diagram Weight 0.1
Crafting Component 1 Bear School silver sword 1
Crafting Component 2 Leather squares 2
Crafting Component 3 Meteorite silver ingot 2
Crafting Component 4 Nigredo 1
Crafting Component 5 Monstrous saliva 1
Available in Witcher 3 Base Game

Craftsman Info

Craftsman Type Smith
Craftsman Level Master
Craftsman Cost 266

How to Upgrade Ursine silver sword - enhanced

This item is a Witcher Item. Witcher Items can be upgraded by finding the Diagram associated with the higher Rarity version of the Item, including the Base Diagram, Enhanced, Master, and finally Grandmaster.

Witcher 3 Related Links

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