The Witcher 3

Pyres of Novigrad Walkthrough

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This is a guide to the quest titled Pyres of Novigrad from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards, as well as useful tips and strategies for completing the quest.

Previous Quest Current Quest Next Quest
Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog Pyres of Novigrad Novigrad Dreaming

Pyres of Novigrad Rewards and Basic Information

Basic Information

Quest Number 18
Region Novigrad
Quest Location Novigrad
Previous Quest Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog
Next Quest Novigrad Dreaming


Gold Reward None
Exp Reward 200
Item Reward None

Pyres of Novigrad Main Objectives

1 Head to Novigrad. Head to the marker near Heirarch Square, in the middle of Novigrad.
2 You will encounter two looters. Choose the option Let's talk to cotinue.
Telling them to Get lost instead will start a fist fight.
3 There are 3 ways of continuing: follow a thief, ask a beggar or find the sewer.

Follow a Thief

The King of Beggars door

4.A Go back to Heirarch Square and look for a pickpocket; he'll be in one of the search areas marked.
5.A Follow the pickpocket; when stopped by a beggar, choose any of the options to continue.
6.A Continue following the pickpocket; he will pass the coin purse to another thief. Follow the thief.
7.A Knock on the door the thief led you to. If you do not know the password yet, you have two choices.
Choice 1: Pay 50 crowns to get in, and earn 5 Exp., but you are stripped of your weapons.
Choice 2: If you have Delusion Level 2, you can use the Axii dialogue choice, giving you 40 Exp. and letting you keep your weapons.
8.A Getting in will give you 100 Exp. Find the King of Beggars.

Ask a Beggar


4.B Go back to Heirarch Square and talk to the beggar on the scaffold next to Vivaldi Bank. When talking to him, choose the first dialogue option for every decision. Otherwise, speak to him twice to get the information.
5.B Head to the entrance to the King of Beggar's hideout. It is south of Heirarch Square in the Lacehalls district.
6.B Knock on the door. You can choose to give the password 'Old sow's farrowed piglets'. If you do not give the right password, you have two choices.
Choice 1: Pay 50 crowns to get in, and earn 5 Exp., but you are stripped of your weapons.
Choice 2: If you have Delusion level 2 you can use Axii dialogue choice, giving you 40 Exp. and letting you keep your weapons.

Find the Sewer

Sewer Entrance

5.C Go to Glory Gate. Dive in the water and swim towards the archway; right under is the sewer entrance. Enter it.
6.C Follow the sewer. You will encounter 3 drowners. Kill them.
7.C Loot the corpse in the room with the drowners; you will find a key. Use it on the locked gate.
8.C Continue through the sewers. Climb the ladder in the last room.
9.C You will encounter 4 thieves; weaken the leader (the axe-wielding thief) to end the fight.
10.C Meet the King of Beggars.

Meet with the King of Beggars

King of Beggars

11 After getting into the Putrid Grove you will gain 100 exp. Meet with the King of Beggars.
12 Follow Triss.
13 Enter the basement. A single drowner will be waiting for you.
14 Use your Witcher Sense and interact with the brick in the pillar in the middle of the room.
15 Continue following Triss.
16 Dive into the water and use your Witcher Sense to find the parcel. The parcel is below the western bridge, next to a wrecked boat.
17 Give Triss the parcel. Continue following Triss.
18 When talking to the merchant Brandon, demand the full price in advance.
19 Use your Witcher Sense to find rat activity and place rat traps. You will find the trap locations at the northern wall, eastern wall, and northeastern corner. Afterwards, talk to Triss.
20 Kill the 3 witch hunters and leave the warehouse.

Pyres of Novigrad Tips and Strategies

Farther Witcher Sense Range Above Water

Witcher sense above water
If you use your Witcher Sense with your head out of the water, you will be able to detect items underwater from a farther distance.

The Witcher 3 Related Links


All Act 1 Quests

No. Quest Title Location Sugg. Level
6 The Nilfgaardian Connection Velen 5
7 Bloody Baron Crow's Perch 6
8 Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves Lindenvale 5
9 Family Matters Crow's Perch 6
10 A Princess in Distress Blackbough 5
11 Ciri's Story: The Race Velen 5
12 Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows Abandoned Tower 5
13 Hunting a Witch Midcopse 5
14 Wandering in the Dark Byways 6
15 Ladies of the Wood Crookback Bog 6
16 The Whispering Hillock Ancient Oak 5
17 Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog Crookback Bog 5
18 Pyres of Novigrad Novigrad 10
19 Novigrad Dreaming Novigrad 7
20 Broken Flowers Novigrad 11
21 Get Junior Novigrad 12
22 Ciri's Story: Visiting Junior Novigrad 9
23 Count Reuven's Treasure Novigrad 12
24 A Favor for Radovid Oxenfurt Harbor 9
25 The Play's the Thing Novigrad 11
26 A Poet Under Pressure Novigrad 13
27 Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed Novigrad 11
28 Destination: Skellige Novigrad 16
29 The King is Dead – Long Live the King Kaer Trolde 16
30 Echoes of the Past Ard Skellig 17
31 Missing Persons Lofoten 15
32 Nameless Freya's Garden 14
33 Ciri's Story: The Calm Before the Storm Lofoten 14

See The List of All Quests


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