The Witcher 3

Shaelmaar Location, Weaknesses, and Loot

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This is a guide on how to beat the enemy Shaelmaar in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on to find out what loot Shaelmaar drops, what its weaknesses are, what level you should fight it at, and more.

Shaelmaar - Basic Information

Appearance and Type

Type Relicts
Class Normal Monsters
Appearing in Blood and Wine DLC

The Type of a Monster will determine what Oil it is weak against. For example, Monsters of the Necrophage Type will receive 10% extra damage from Swords coated in Necrophage oil.

Shaelmaar - Loot and Locations

Loot Dropped by Shaelmaar

Loot Item 1 Powdered monster tissue
Loot Item 2 Monster hide
Loot Item 3 Monster carapace
Loot Item 4 Shaelmaar hair
Loot Item 5 Shaelmaar dust
Loot Item 6 Blue mutagen

Shaelmaar - Weaknesses and How to Fight

Weaknesses of Shaelmaar

Weakness 1 Samum
Weakness 2 Aard
Recommended Sword Silver
Recommended Oil Relict Oil

How to Fight Shaelmaars

How to Fight

You can encounter your first Shaelmaar during the Main Quest: The Beast of Toussaint. When fighitng Shaelmaars, the best way to deal with them is to let them charge at you with their rolling attack and dodge it to let them hit the wall behind you leaving them toppled and very vulnerable to multiple attacks.

You can also do this technique by throwing a bomb at the wall to make the Shaelmaar charge where you threw the bomb and they will topple over.

Another good way of dealing with them is to cast the Aard Sign at them or throwing a Samum Bomb to heavily disorient them. They can also be heavily staggered when they burn from the Igni Sign, Dancing Star Bombs, or Dragon's Dream Bombs.

What Preparations to Make?

You should use your Silver Sword and coat it with Relict oil to deal bonus damage to them. Prepare a wide array of bombs like Samum Bombs, Dancing Start Bombs, and Dragon's Dream Bombs to heavily stagger the Shaelmaar or bait it into charging towards a wall.

Special Sign Effects

  • Aard - This can heavily disorient the Shaelmaar and give you a large opening to attack.
  • Igni - If your Sign Intensity is high enough, this can burn them and make them heavily stagger making them more vulnerable.

Related Links

See the List of All Monsters

Types of Monsters
Beasts Cursed Ones Draconids
Elementa Humanoids Hybrids
Insectoids Necrophages Ogroids
Relicts Specters Vampires


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