Nintendo Switch Sports

List of All Titles and How to Get Them

Nintendo Switch Sports is available worldwide as of April 29, 2022!
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Switch Sports List of All Titles
Titles are words used to customize your name in Nintendo Switch Sports. Read on to see a list of all titles available in-game and find out how to get them!

Switch Sports News Heads up! The Game8 Team is currently looking into all available titles in Switch Sports. Check back constantly to see every title in the game and how to get them!

All Titles and How to Get

Title Sport How To Get
[None] None Available by default. Leaves the title slot blank.
1-Up None Obtain from Simple Collection
100 Bits None Obtain from Cute Collection
100% None Obtain from Cute Collection
Abrupt None CPU only title
Alias None Unlocked by default
Ancestor None Unlocked by default
And None Unlocked by default
Appear None Obtain from Simple Collection
Artisan None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Awaited None CPU only title
Away None Obtain from Cute Collection
Awesome None CPU only title
Baby None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Birthday None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Blended None CPU only title
Boss None CPU only title
Boy None Unlocked by default
Breakfast None Obtain from Cute Collection
Cat None Unlocked by default
Chef None CPU only title
Child None Unlocked by default
Chilly None CPU only title
Chosen None CPU only title
Completist None Coming Soon
Constant None CPU only title
Crowd None Obtain from Simple Collection
Dad None Unlocked by default
Daily None Obtain from Cute Collection
Dash None Obtain from Simple Collection
Day None CPU only title
Defended None CPU only title
Designer None CPU only title
Detective None CPU only title
Developer None CPU only title
Diamond None Obtain from Simple Collection
Dinner None Obtain from Cute Collection
Display None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Distant None CPU only title
Dog None Unlocked by default
Eager None CPU only title
Easygoing None CPU only title
Eternal None CPU only title
Excited None Obtain from Simple Collection
Executive None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Expert None CPU only title
Extreme None Unlocked by default
Family None Obtain from Cute Collection
Fan of None Unlocked by default
Father None Unlocked by default
Favorite None CPU only title
Fiery None CPU only title
Fighter None CPU only title
Final None Obtain from Cute Collection
Finally None CPU only title
Flashy None Obtain from Simple Collection
Forever None Unlocked by default
Former None Unlocked by default
Free None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Fresh None Obtain from Simple Collection
Gathering None Obtain from Cute Collection
Gift None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Girl None Unlocked by default
Glorious None Obtain from Simple Collection
Goal None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Good None CPU only title
Gram None Unlocked by default
Gramps None Unlocked by default
Grandma None Unlocked by default
Grandpa None Unlocked by default
Greetings None CPU only title
Guardian None Unlocked by default
Handmade None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Happy None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Hardy None Obtain from Simple Collection
Hello None Unlocked by default
Hero None Obtain from Cute Collection
Hide None Obtain from Simple Collection
Holiday None Obtain from Cute Collection
Home None Obtain from Cute Collection
Hungry None CPU only title
Ideal None CPU only title
Impossible None CPU only title
Impressed None CPU only title
Indeed None CPU only title
Infinite None Obtain from Simple Collection
Innovative None CPU only title
Intense None Unlocked by default
Judgment None Obtain from Cute Collection
Jump None Obtain from Simple Collection
King None CPU only title
Leader None CPU only title
Legend Badminton
Reach Rank A in the pro league of every sport
Lioness None CPU only title
Looming None CPU only title
Magician None CPU only title
Maximum None CPU only title
Meaningful None CPU only title
Modest None CPU only title
Mom None Unlocked by default
Monster None CPU only title
Mother None Unlocked by default
Muddy None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Myself None Unlocked by default
Mysterious None Obtain from Cute Collection
Newborn None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Nice None Obtain from Cute Collection
Night None CPU only title
Nimble None Obtain from Simple Collection
Ninja None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Noticed None CPU only title
Of None Unlocked by default
OK None Obtain from Simple Collection
Online None Unlocked by default
Original None Obtain from Cute Collection
Parent None Unlocked by default
Party None Unlocked by default
Pass None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Physician None CPU only title
Picky None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Positive None Obtain from Cute Collection
Power None Obtain from Simple Collection
Produce None Obtain from Simple Collection
Pure None CPU only title
Queen None CPU only title
Quiz None CPU only title
Rainy None CPU only title
Ramen None Obtain from Cute Collection
Rare None Obtain from Cute Collection
Ravenous None CPU only title
Real None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Reality None CPU only title
Red-Hot None CPU only title
Relaxed None CPU only title
Request None CPU only title
Rice None Obtain from Cute Collection
Rookie None Unlocked by default
Samurai None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Sauce None Obtain from Simple Collection
Senior None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Serious None CPU only title
Share None Obtain from Cute Collection
Shocking None Obtain from Cute Collection
Shot None Obtain from Soccer Collection
So-Called None Unlocked by default
Soccer None Obtain from Soccer Collection
Sorry None CPU only title
Sparkling None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Staffer Tennis
Unlocked by scoring at least 50 hits in the tennis mini-game from the Staff Credits screen
Stamina None Obtain from Simple Collection
Star None CPU only title
Steadily None CPU only title
Stealthy None Obtain from Simple Collection
Stellar None CPU only title
Stone None Obtain from Simple Collection
Sudden None Obtain from Simple Collection
Summit None CPU only title
Teacher None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Teammate None Obtain from Cute Collection
Thanks None Unlocked by default
The None Unlocked by default
Thinking None Obtain from Cute Collection
Thrill None CPU only title
Tigress None CPU only title
Trivial None Obtain from Simple Collection
Unique None CPU only title
Unrivaled None CPU only title
Virtual None Obtain from Relaxation Collection
Whatever None Obtain from Simple Collection
Work None Obtain from Soccer Collection

Best Combinations & Title Generator

Switch Sports Title System

Words Attached Before Your Name

Nintendo Switch Sports - Words Attached Before Your Name
Titles are words or phrases that you can attach in front of your name to express your personality or characteristics. You can attach up to two titles before your in-game name. They are one of the many ways you can customize your avatar.

Character Creation Guide

Titles appear in the language you use

Nintendo Switch Sports - Titles Appear in the Language You Use
The title you choose will appear based on the system language you use. For example, if you are playing the game in Japanese, the title will appear in that language for other players.

Unlocked By Playing the Game

Nintendo Switch Sports - Unlocked By Playing the Game
While certain titles are available as soon as you open the game, most of them are locked behind specific activities across Spocco Square. These activities range anywhere from performing specific actions in sports games to climbing the ranks of Online Multiplayer.

Online Pro League: Ranks and How to Enter

Some Titles are Only Available for CPU Sportsmates

There are a few titles in the game that are currently not available to players. However, you can see them used by some CPU Sportsmates. These titles will likely be made available to players in future collections or through other means.

CPU Sportsmates: Does The Game Have NPCs?

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4 Anonymousover 2 years

I think it’s from the robot collection, the tittles it gives are King/Queen, Prince/Princess, Magician, and Prank I got this all from

3 Anonymousover 2 years

There’s no way king and queen are cpu only


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