Kirby and the Forgotten Land Walkthrough Comments

Best Copy Abilities: Ability Tier ListComment

Showing 1-17 of 21 entries


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    21 Anonymous5 monthsReport


    20 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Crystal needle is OP if you keep spamming the attack to shoot out crystals. I even used that to kill phatom clawroline instead of meta knight sword

    19 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    but Crystal needle is also good and storm tornado storm tornado sucks things and crystal needle gave you enormous speed

    18 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Cmon! We all know that morpha knight is where it’s at with the copy abilities. Once you try it, you will never wanna try anything else!

    17 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    I think so too I also like morpho knight it’s super powerful

    16 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Twin drill because it’s fast and powerful, and it also can be long range and short range so I like it

    15 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    blizzard ice

    12 dece870717almost 2 yearsReport

    Just 98% the game recently, for a 100% I just need all those figurines which is definitely tedious. But I must say despite how much I like the Morpho Knight Sword maxed out, the Toy Hammer maxed is truly the highest one hit damage ability, I did significantly better with that than the Morpho Knight Sword when playing the Ultimate Z Cup. Freakin wish I maxed it out the first chance I got and started doing rare stone farming, would have saved me a ton of time!

    9 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    dragon fire is the best however I am a fan of both gigant and morho

    8 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I also like blizzard ice

    7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I like meta knight sword and morpho knight sword

    6 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I prefer blizzard ice and twin drill due to having powerful attacks

    5 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    morpho knight sword is the best, even though I prefer dragon fire because, it can melt down boss health bars quite fast. And, I kind of like meta knight sword, too.

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    morpho knight sword is the best

    3 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Why isn’t dragon flame an A? It has an A and an S as the ranking, same as the other A tiers. Also, I think that the burn effect that it brings to attacked enemies and the constant damage of the flamethrower gives its attack an S. This may be a little biased as this is also my favorite copy ability.

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Also while I don't think Storm Tornado or Crystal Needle should have their rankings changed, it's worth noting that they both can pick up and launch star projectiles at bosses for heavy damage, as well as spam B for solid consistent damage.

    1 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Personally, I'd put Buzzsaw Cutter's ease of use at B because once you learn how to time the charge, it's really not that hard to use afterward, while I'd argue Blizzard Ice's ease of use should be C because freezing bosses can be extremely inconsistent, and the lobbed projectile is harder to hit common enemies with than the continuous breath. Homing Bomb ease of use should be C or D, because lining up a chain while bombs move is near impossible and the damage is awful without a chain.

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