Kirby and the Forgotten Land

List of All Trailers

Kirby and the Forgotten Land - List of Trailers

This page contains all trailers and pre-release gameplay videos for Kirby and the Forgotten Land! Check out all the gameplay features and content released for Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

List of All Trailers

Overview Trailer

The Overview Trailer highlights all the different aspects of what makes Kirby and the Forgotten Land a must-play. This trailer shows gameplay mechanics, new features, and the vastness of this new world called the Forgotten Land.

Take It All In

Take Take It All In TV spot promotes Kirby and the Forgotten Land by showing all its different mechanics and some of the gameplay.

Cute and Powerful

This trailer highlights the charm and appeal of Kirby as a character! It showcases Kirby's cuteness on top of how powerful our pink little fluffball is.

Copy Abilities and Co-op Trailer

The Copy Abilities and Co-op Trailer featured Copy Abilities, one of the core mechanics of the Kirby Series, and Co-op mode.

Multiplayer Guide

Mouthful Mode Reveal Trailer

The Mouthful Mode Reveal trailer showcased one of the new mechanics introduced. Mouthful Mode allows Kirby to inhale real-life objects and gain abilities different from the staple Copy Abilities.

List of Mouthful Mode Transformations

Announcement Trailer

The Announcement Trailer for Kirby and the Forgotten Land dropped on the 24th of September, 2021. Here we saw snippets of this strange new world as well as gameplay!

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Related Guides

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