Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Deep Sleep Ability Attacks, Evolutions, and Available Stages

The Deep Sleep is a Copy Ability in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Read on to learn about its attacks and evolutions, as well as to find out its blueprint location and available stages.

Deep Sleep Overview

Deep Sleep Basic Information

Copy Ability Stats and Effects
Kirby and the Forgotten Land Deep Sleep
Recover health and gain power-ups by sleeping for a short time.
Enemies Copied
Noddy Image Noddy
Power Rapid-Fire

How to Use Deep Sleep

Press B to Sleep and Recover Health

Kirby Deep Sleep

Unlike its base form, you can manually activate the Deep Sleep ability by pressing the B button at any time. However, like its base form, you are still vulnerable to attacks while sleeping and it is also only one-time use.

Kirby will remain asleep for around 10 seconds and can fully recover all of his health. When Kirby wakes up, he gains either an attack, speed, or double HP boost for 200 seconds.

Deep Sleep Evolutions

Copy Ability Evolution Requirement
1 SleepSleep
Base Form
2 Deep SleepDeep Sleep ・ Deep Sleep Blueprint
・ 1200 Star Coins
・ 3 Rare Stones

Evolved Abilities: How to Evolve Copy Abilities

Deep Sleep Blueprint Location

Through a Hidden Path in Burning, Churning Power Plant

Kirby Deep Sleep Blueprint Location

The Deep Sleep Blueprint can be found through a hidden path inside one of the giant crushing machines found in the Burning, Churning Power Plant stage.

How to Access the Hidden Path
1 Kirby Deep Sleep Blueprint Light Up the Lamp
Light the Lamp with a Fire Ability.
2 Follow the trail of coins under and on top of the crushing machine to the right.
3 Kirby Deep Sleep Blueprint Hidden Path
Float to the crushing machine to the left and enter the hidden path to collect the Blueprint.

Blueprint Locations: How to Obtain All Blueprints

Deep Sleep Available Stages

List of Stages
Abandoned BeachAbandoned Beach Metro on IceMetro on Ice Searching the OasisSearching the Oasis
Alivel Mall (Staff Side)Alivel Mall (Staff Side) Moonlight CanyonMoonlight Canyon Burning, Churning Power PlantBurning, Churning Power Plant
Forgo PlainsForgo Plains

List of Stages and Full Walkthrough

Use Copy Ability Mix

Kirby Copy Ability Mix

If there are no enemies in your current stage that give this ability, you can still obtain it through Mix. When you inhale 2 or more enemies that give different copy abilities, Kirby will cycle through all his current abilities and select one at random.

How to Use Copy Ability Mix

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Related Guides

Copy Abilities

List of Copy Abilities

Copy Ability Guides
Evolved Abilities

List of Base Form Copy Abilities

BombBomb CrashCrash CutterCutter
DrillDrill FireFire HammerHammer
IceIce NeedleNeedle RangerRanger
SleepSleep SwordSword TornadoTornado

List of Second Stage Copy Abilities

Chain BombChain Bomb Chakram CutterChakram Cutter Clutter NeedleClutter Needle
Deep SleepDeep Sleep Fleur TornadoFleur Tornado Frosty IceFrosty Ice
Gigant SwordGigant Sword Noble RangerNoble Ranger Pencil DrillPencil Drill
Time CrashTime Crash Toy HammerToy Hammer Volcano FireVolcano Fire

List of Third Stage Copy Abilities

Blizzard IceBlizzard Ice Buzz-Saw CutterBuzz-Saw Cutter Crystal NeedleCrystal Needle
Dragon FireDragon Fire Homing BombHoming Bomb Meta Knight SwordMeta Knight Sword
Space RangerSpace Ranger Storm TornadoStorm Tornado Twin DrillTwin Drill
Wild HammerWild Hammer

List of Fourth Stage Copy Abilities

Masked HammerMasked Hammer Morpho Knight SwordMorpho Knight Sword


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