Frostpunk 2

Tips and Tricks: A Beginner's Guide to Frostpunk 2

Tips and Tricks: A Beginner

This is a beginner's guide for Frostpunk 2, a city management survival game. Check out Game8's beginner's guide to learn more about the game, including what you should know before playing, and tips and tricks to get you started to survive the whiteout.

Beginner's Guide

Tips and Tricks to Get Started

Utilize the Pause Feature

Utilize the Pause Feature

Utilize the pause feature if you’re unsure which step to take. This allows you to take your time to determine which problems should be prioritized.

You'll always be racing against the clock so time is a valuable resource!

Note: The pause function is disabled in Survivor mode!

Always Keep Frostbreaking

In the early stages of the game, you should always keep Frostbreaking towards a resource node.

Once you have access to all the resource nodes in the map, Frostbreak the surroundings near the Generator so you can build more Districts later on.

Note: Frostbreaking requires 30 Heatstamps and 200 Workforce. Frostbreak only if you have the spare resources!

Build Districts Only As Needed

Build Districts Only As Needed

Try to build just enough Districts to satisfy the demand for resources. Do not overbuild in an attempt to stabilize as it costs too much resources!

List of All Districts

Expand Districts If Possible

If you're still struggling to meet the demands for resources, try to expand Districts first before building a new one. Expanding costs fewer resources and takes up less space.

Expanding a District also unlocks a building slot, letting you place certain buildings you unlock through researching Ideas and passing Laws.

Stabilize Economy Before Expanding

Stabilize Economy Before Expanding

Try to stabilize your economy or satisfy all demands first before building Logistics Districts on Waystation nodes. Logistics Districts let you explore the frostland to look for more resources and expand the City.

Listen to the People

Listen to the People

The citizens regularly offer solutions to existing problems, so you may want to consider their proposals.

Acting on their requests improves your relations with them and could prove beneficial in the future.

Enact Laws and Research Ideas Whenever Available

Frostpunk 2 Pass Laws

Laws have a long cooldown before you can enact another, as the council takes a recess after each meeting. Researching ideas also takes a long time to complete, so it's ideal to always research an idea and propose laws whenever they are available!

Save Before Passing Laws

Chapter 1 Council Hall

Do a manual save before passing laws to see if the hesitant delegates vote for it without the need to negotiate with them. This will avoid making promises to a certain faction that doesn't align with your plans for the city, such as which laws to pass and ideas to research.

List of All Laws

Explore the Frostlands Frequently

Launch Expeditions

Launch expeditions as often as possible to potentially discover resources for your city, so you won't be relying as much on the deposits around your city, which will deplete soon. Expeditions can also yield Steam Cores, which is an important resource that can only be found through exploration.

Take Advantage of Area Effects

Frostpunk 2 Area Effects

Placing districts close to one another can reduce heat demand. However, placing food near other districts, except housing, will increase disease, while placing houses near any district, except food districts, will increase squalor.

Be mindful of where you build your districts to avoid negative effects when constructing other districts near them.

Build Hubs to Gain Proximity Bonuses

Frostpunk 2 Hubs and Proximity Effects

Specific hubs provide effects to neighboring districts such as reducing the workforce requirement, an increase in production efficiency, and lowering heat demand, to name a few! Some hubs need to be researched in the Idea Tree, but the good news is that all factions agree on the concept of hubs!

How to Solve City and Economy Problems

Problems and Solutions

Research Ideas and Pass Laws

Almost all problems encountered by the City can be remedied by researching Ideas or passing Laws. However, these are mostly band-aid solutions and come with consequences and side-effects.

As the Steward, you must prioritize problems, decide what to save, and determine what to sacrifice.

City Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution
Cold ・Improve Generator output by harvesting more Coal, Oil, or Steam.
・Build adequate Shelter.
・Build Districts close to each other to share Heat.
For emergencies, put Generator on Overdrive.
Hunger ・Satisfy Food demand by building Food Districts.
Disease ・Improve working conditions by separating Housing Districts from Industrial and Extraction Districts.
・Satisfy Heat demands.
・Build Hospitals.
Squalor ・Satisfy the demand for Materials.
・Minimize the use of technology that emits toxic fumes and pollution.
Crime ・Satisfy the demand for Goods.
・Mobilize the Enforcers of the Stalwarts.
・Build Watchtowers.

Economy Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution
Shelter ・Expand Housing Districts.
・Build more Housing Districts.
Food ・Expand Food Districts.
・Build more Food Districts.
・Find Harvesting Areas in the frostland.
Materials ・Expand Extraction Districts.
・Build more Extraction Districts.
・Send Frostland Teams to look for Materials in the frostland.
Goods ・Expand Industrial Districts.
・Build more Industrial Districts.
・Switch Industrial Districts to produce Goods instead of Prefabs.
Heatstamps ・Satisfy the demand for Goods.
・Request from Communities.
・Switch Industrial Districts to produce Goods instead of Prefabs.
Prefabs ・Expand Extraction Districts.
・Build more Extraction Districts.
・Switch Industrial Districts to produce Prefabs instead of Goods.
Cores ・Send Frostland Teams on expeditions to the frostland.
Population ・Improve City conditions.
・Look for survivors in the frostland.
Workforce ・Improve City conditions.
・Pull Workforce from established Districts at the cost of lowered efficiency.

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