Frostpunk 2

Advanced Guide

Frostpunk 2 Tips and Tricks - Advanced Guide

This is an advanced guide for Frostpunk 2, a city management survival game. Check out Game8's guide to learn some advanced tips and tricks, and what you should do to help you survive the whiteout.

Frostpunk 2 Tips and Tricks
Beginner's Guide Advanced Guide

Advanced Tips and Tricks to Survive

Advanced General Guide for Surviving

Plan Ahead of Time

Plan Ahead of Time

Pause the game for a bit and take your time on how to want to manage your city. Make sure you do this often so you do not get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of problems that you will face later on.

Check each of your resources to calculate how long your supply will last and when you should start looking for other sources. Since Frostpunk 2 is a survival game, it is best to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

How to Survive Whiteouts

Build Districts Only As Needed

Build Districts Only As Needed

Try to build just enough Districts to satisfy the demand for resources. Do not overbuild in an attempt to stabilize as it costs too much resources!

List of All Districts

Stabilize Economy Before Expanding

Stabilize Economy Before Expanding

Try to stabilize your economy or satisfy all demands first before building Logistics Districts on Waystation nodes. Logistics Districts let you explore the frostland to look for more resources and expand the City.

Expand Districts If Possible

If you're still struggling to meet the demands for resources, try to expand Districts first before building a new one. Expanding costs fewer resources and takes up less space.

Expanding a District also unlocks a building slot, letting you place certain buildings you unlock through researching Ideas and passing Laws.

Take Advantage of Area Effects

Frostpunk 2 Area Effects

Placing districts close to one another can reduce heat demand. However, placing food near other districts, except housing, will increase disease, while placing houses near any district, except food districts, will increase squalor.

Be mindful of where you build your districts to avoid negative effects when constructing other districts near them.

Build Hubs to Gain Proximity Bonuses

Frostpunk 2 Hubs and Proximity Effects

Specific hubs provide effects to neighboring districts such as reducing the workforce requirement, an increase in production efficiency, and lowering heat demand, to name a few. Some hubs need to be researched in the Idea Tree, but the good news is that all factions agree on the concept of hubs!

Establish Colonies on Available Areas

Establish Colonies on Available Areas

Further in the game you will find other territories where you can establish a new colony through launching expeditions with your Frostland Teams. Make sure you transfer a steady amount of your population and resources as they are completely separate from New London.

Advanced City and Political Solutions

Advanced General Guide for Surviving

Maintain Good Relations with Factions

Action Effect
Fund Projects ・Pay Heatstamps
・Relations improve with a certain Faction
Make Promise ・Fulfill one of three tasks
・Relations improve with a certain Faction
Grant Agenda ・Let them choose the next Law to propose
・Relations significantly improve with a certain Faction
Promote ・Faction will gain new members and secure seats in the Council
・Relations greatly improve with a certain Faction
・Faction Fervour is decreased

You can do multiple actions with each Faction such as Fund Projects, Make Promise, Grant Agenda, and Promote. Each of these have their own unique effect but is generally used for building trust and improving relations to keep them from causing Tension.

List of All Factions

Good Relations will Provide Faction Perks

Good Relations will Provide Faction Perks

When you have good relations with a certain Faction, bonus perks will activate that can help you manage your city and keep it from falling. Make sure to maintain your relations as they are important when it comes to the lategame.

Use Faction Community Actions Often

Use Faction Community Actions Often

Each Faction has a certain Community Action they can use that will boost your production and efficiency depending on which Faction. These actions can only be used when the Faction has Favourable relations or higher so try to use them as often as possible since they are practically free boosts to your economy.

Research Radical Ideas for Maximum Benefits

Research Radical Ideas for Maximum Benefits

Late in the game you will eventually unlock Radical Ideas which give huge benefits to both the city, economy, and the affiliated Faction. Keep in mind that other Factions will lose trust and relations if you research certain ideas that they are against.

Reduce Tension with Fighting Hubs

Reduce Tension with Fighting Hubs

Later in the game, Tension becomes important as one of your Factions will start turning hostile and gain Fervour. Make sure you have Fighting Hubs set up near your Housing and Food Districts as there is a high chance for them to start fightning.

How to Decrease Tension

Prepare Guard Squads and Prisons to Stop the Fighting

Prepare Guard Squads and Prisons to Stop the Fighting

When you Districts start wearing down due to the fighting, you have an option whether to Quell Fighting, which violently stops the fighting at the cost of increased Fervour with the opposing faction, or Enforce Peace, which makes use of the Prison buildings without any loss of relations.

We recommend building Prisons and Enforcing Peace with your Guard Squads since at this point in the game, you can not afford to worsen your relations.

How to Build Prisons

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All Tips and Tricks

Choices Guide
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General Tips and Tricks
How to Transfer Oil How to Find a New Source of Fuel
Best Laws to Pass Best Buildings to Build First
Difficulty Settings and Survivor Mode Explained How to Survive Whiteouts
Advanced Guide
Economy and Buildings
How to Build Research Institute How to Get More Food
How to Produce Goods How to Get Shelter
How to Build Prisons How to Get More Oil
How to Get More Workforce -
City Problems Guide
How to Reduce Squalor How to Reduce Disease
How to Decrease Tension -


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