Frostpunk 2

Utopia Builder Guide

Tips and Tricks for Utopia Builder Ambitions

Utopia Builder is a sandbox mode that consists of 7 starting maps with 3 choices of Ambitions in Frostpunk 2. Read on to learn more about the best maps for each ambition, as well as tips for each ambition in this guide!

Best Maps for Each Ambition

Best Maps for Colonise the Frostland

Best Colonise the Frostland Maps
Broken ShoreBroken Shore Windswept Peaks Windswept Peaks
・Plenty of resources in a cluster.
・Two Old Waystations for frostland exploration.
・Deep deposits help with resources and demands.

Best Maps for Develop a Metropolis

Best Develop a Metropolis Maps
HorizonHorizon Crater Crater
・Massive starting area for Housing Districts.
・Has multiple deep deposits.
・Horizon has Coal, Oil, and Steam deposits.
・Crater is rich in resources.

Best Maps for Build a Prosperous Future

Best Build a Prosperous Future Maps
Crater Crater Broken ShoreBroken Shore
・Two Old Waystations for frostland exploration.
・Crater can spawn multiple deep deposits.
・Broken Shore has the most Material deposits.

Colonise the Frostland Ambition Tips

List of Ambition Tips and Tricks

Stabilize Your Resources and Demands

Stabilize Your Resources and Demands

At the start of the game, frostbreak towards Fuel nodes to power your Generator immediately and solve the Cold problem. Construct Housing, Food, and Extraction Districts to solve most of the problems in the city and establish a steady upkeep of resources.

List of All Resources

Construct a Logistics District Early

Construct a Logistics District Early

For the Colonise the Frostlands ambition, we recommend constructing a Logistics District at an Old Waypoint once your resources and problems are solved. Frostbreak your way towards the Old Waypoint nodes while also making a path towards other resource nodes to maximize the heatstamps you spend.

Constantly Launch Expeditions for Colonies

Once you have your Logistics District set up, immediately start Launching Expeditions on nearby territories and look for other areas to set up a Colony.

Keep in mind that you can launch multiple expeditions as long as you have the Frostland Teams for it so try to establish multiple Logistic Districts before then.

Research Ideas for Frostland Teams and Expeditions

Research Ideas for Frostland Teams and Expeditions

They best way to upgrade your Frostland Teams and Expeditions is to research ideas on the Frostland tab. Keep in mind that they cost a good amount of Heatstamps so try to save up as much as you can.

We recommend the Vanguard Logistics Bay since this increases your Frostland Team output, and also the Survivalists' Headquarters so you can reach farther territories with faster exploration times.

How to Get More Frostland Teams

Develop a Metropolis Ambition Tips

List of Ambition Tips and Tricks

Increase Population Growth

Increase Population Growth

In order to increase your Population Growth, you have to maintain a favourable situation in your city without any problems. Do not let any of the city's problems (Hunger, Cold, Disease, Squalor, and Crime) reach an Overwhelming status as this will cause your Population Growth to go stagnant and reduce its progress to 0%.

Another way of increasing your Population Growth is to enact Laws and research Ideas related to them. The best Laws for population growth would be the Relationship Rotation, Mandatory Procreation, and the Birthing Programme law as these significantly increase your population growth so make sure to enact them when you have the chance.

How to Get More Population

Maintain Low Tension and Good Relations

Maintain Low Tension and Good Relations

Late in the game once your population has reached a large size, Crime will be at an all time high due to the sheer amount of people in the city. Establish Watchtowers and Prisons to keep your city in check and prevent them from rallying and causing a civil war.

How to Decrease Tension

Launch Expeditions Once Deposits are Empty

Launch Expeditions Once Deposits are Empty

Eventually, your resource deposits will run out and cause problems within the city. Construct a Logistics District at any Old Waypoint node start looking for other resources in other territories that you can use to maintain the upkeep of your city.

Build a Prosperous Future Ambition Tips

List of Ambition Tips and Tricks

Construct Stockpile Hubs

Construct Stockpile Hubs

This Ambition requires you to secure 100,000 stockpiles of Fuel, Food, Materials, and Goods each. In order to do that, you need to construct a Stockpile Hub for each resource.

Make sure to build them next to their districts as they have a proximity bonus that will decrease the workforce demand.

Build More Than What the City Needs

Build More Than What the City Needs

Once your resources are stabilized and have good upkeep, start building more to fill your stockpile as fast as you can. Do not forget that launching expeditions can also provide resources so try to send out your Frostland Teams frequently.

Make sure to keep track of your population since your city's demand increases the more people are living in it.

Research Ideas for Resource Output

Research Ideas for Resource Output

Below is a list of various ideas you can research to increase resource output:

Resources Ideas
Blasting Coal Mine
Dust Coal Mine
Advanced Pumpjack
Pumping Geothermal Plant
Unfiltered Geothermal Plant
Deep Geothermal Plant
Biowaste Hothouse
Chemical Hothouse
Mechanized Sawmill
Untreated Sawmill
Advanced Foundry
Blast Foundry
Advanced Blast Foundry
Silica Foundry
Mechanical Factory
Salvaging Factory
Calibrated Goods Factory
Refurbishing Goods Factory

You don't need to research each of these, but they will immensely increase your resource output so make sure to save up some Heatstamp to research them.

All Ideas and How to Unlock

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Choices Guide
Remove the Bodies or Respect the Dead? Tighten Belts or Order Emergency Shifts?
Slaughter the Seals or Let Our Elders Go? Defeat the Frost or Embrace the Frost?
Deliver them Oil or Turn them Down? Banish, Reconciliation, or Enforce Order?
General Tips and Tricks
How to Transfer Oil How to Find a New Source of Fuel
Best Laws to Pass Best Buildings to Build First
Difficulty Settings and Survivor Mode Explained How to Survive Whiteouts
What to Research First: Best Research Order Beginner's Guide
Utopia Builder Guide -
Economy and Buildings
How to Build Research Institute How to Build Prisons
City Problems Guide
How to Reduce Squalor How to Reduce Disease
How to Decrease Tension How to Reduce Crime


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