Frostpunk 2

List of All Laws

Frostpunk 2 List of Laws and How to Unlock
Laws are a system of rules you can implement in your city in Frostpunk 2. Read on to learn more about our list of Laws, how to unlock, how to pass Laws, and what they are here!

List of Laws

Work In ProgressAttention! This section is a work in progress and is currently being updated. Check back soon!


List of Laws
Survival City
Society Rule
Law Category Base Law Effects
Chemical Additives Resources Food Additives
  • Food Production Efficiency is increased
  • Disease is marginally increased
  • Foraged Additives Resources Food Additives
  • Citizens will provide some Food
  • Mass-Produced Goods Resources Goods
  • Goods Production Efficiency is increased
  • Durable Goods Resources Goods
  • Goods Demand per capita is slightly decreased
  • Heat Overclocking Resources Waste Heat Conversion
  • Production Efficiency is increased
  • Heat Recycling Resources Waste Heat Conversion
  • Heat Demand in Housing Districts is decreased
  • Weather-Adjusted Shifts Efficiency Worker Shifts
  • Heat Demand in Districts other than Housing is decreased
  • Production Efficiency is slightly decreased
  • Disease is slightly decreased
  • Machine Centric Shifts Efficiency Worker Shifts
  • Workforce Requirement is decreased
  • Squalor is Marginally increased
  • City

    List of Laws
    Survival City
    Society Rule
    Law Category Base Law Effects
    Paid Essentials Welfare Basic Necessities
  • Production Efficiency is slightly increased
  • Heatstamps Income per capita is slightly increased
  • Free Essentials Welfare Basic Necessities
  • Trust rises
  • City Development Support Citizenship Community Service
  • Main District produces a small amount of Prefabs
  • Expedition Support Citizenship Community Service
  • Exploration Time is slightly decreased
  • Heatpipe Watch Citizenship Community Service
  • Heat Demand is decreased
  • Service Exemptions Citizenship Community Service
  • Heatstamps Income per capita is slightly increased
  • Infectious Badge Welfare Contagion Prevention
  • Tension is slightly increased
  • Disease is decreased
  • Supported Quarantine Welfare Contagion Prevention
  • Disease is significantly decreased
  • Shelter Demand per capita is slightly increased
  • Mandatory Unions Labour Labour Organisation
  • Production Efficiency is slightly decreased
  • Trust rises slightly
  • Labour Oversight Labour Labour Organisation
  • Production Efficiency is increased
  • Trust rises slightly
  • Unproductive Do Maintenance Citizenship Maintenance Duty
  • Materials Demand is sligthly decreased
  • Production Efficiency is slightly increased
  • All Do Maintenance Citizenship Maintenance Duty
  • Materials Demand is significantly decreased
  • Allow Productive Outsiders Citizenship Outsiders
  • Percentage of Active Workers will slightly increase over time
  • Population Growth is marginally increased
  • Heatstamps income per capita is marginally increased
  • Admit No Outsiders Citizenship Outsiders
  • Population Growth is greatly decreased
  • Accept All Outsiders Citizenship Outsiders
  • Population Growth is increased
  • Experimental Treatment Ethics Treatment
  • Research Speed is marginally increased
  • Disease is marginally decreased
  • Unlocks 'Conduct Medical Trial' Ability in Districts with Hopsitals, which reduces Disease at the cost of potential casualties.
  • Conservative Treatment Ethics Treatment
  • Disease is decreased
  • Efficiency Bonuses Labour Work Compensation
  • Production Efficiency is slightly increased
  • Equal Pay Labour Work Compensation
  • Trust rises slightly
  • Heatstamps Income per capita is slightly decreased
  • Society

    List of Laws
    Survival City
    Society Rule
    Law Category Base Law Effects
    Mandatory School Family Childhood
  • Research Speed is slightly increased
  • Heatstamps Upkeep per capita is slightly decreased
  • Family Apprenticeship Family Childhood
  • Precentage of Active Workers is increased
  • Frostland Deportation Crime Criminal Reparations
  • Outpost Upkeep is slightly decreased
  • Crime is significantly decreased
  • Ceremonial Funerals Ethics Funerals
  • Trust loss resulting from deaths is decreased
  • Harvesting Funerals Ethics Funerals
  • Research Speed is slightly increased
  • Disease is slightly decreased
  • Mandatory Marriage Family Relationships
  • Population Growth is increased
  • Relationship Rotation Family Relationships
  • Population Growth significantly increased
  • Disease is slightly increased
  • Liberated Youth Family Youth
  • Trust rises slightly
  • Unlocks the 'Youth Employment Programme' City Ability, which bolsters the City's Workforce but decreases Heatstamps Income
  • Dutiful Youth Family Youth
  • Unlocks the 'Youth Volunteer Duty' ability, which bolsters the City's Workforce but decreases trust
  • The percentage of active workers is increased
  • Crime is slightly decreased
  • Rule

    List of Laws
    Survival City
    Society Rule
    Law Category Base Law Effects
    Guard Enforcers - -
  • Unlocks the 'Quell Protest' District Ability, which ends Protests using Guard Squads
  • Unlocks the 'Mobilise Watchtower Squads' District Ability, which orders Watchtowers to field specialised Guard Squads instead of fighting petty Crime
  • Guided Voting - -
  • Unlocks the 'Guided Voting' procedure, which greatly inceases the odds of passing a Law in the Council
  • Steward's Militia - -
  • Unlocks the 'Enlist to Steward's Militia' Community Action, which provides additional Guard Squads
  • Guard Squads are more effective at fighting Crime
  • How to Unlock Laws

    Build the Council Hall

    Build the Council Hall

    In order to unlock Laws, you first have to build a Council Hall in your city. Once the construction is finished, it will immediately start your first Council Session which is your only way of passing down Laws that will benefit your city.

    How to Pass Laws

    Laws are Passed by Majority Rules

    Laws are Passed by Majority Rules

    In order for a Law to be passed, you need votes from majority of the Delegates to support them. This means that if you have 100 people in the council, you need at least 51 delegates to pass the Law you proposed.

    Negotiate for More Votes

    Negotiate for More Votes

    In Frostpunk 2, you can negotiate with certain Factions to acquire their votes in exchange for terms you can fulfill for them. These terms consists of passing a certain law they want, researching their idea in the Idea Tree, or constructing a specific building.

    What are Laws?

    Rule System for Managing Politics

    Laws are a Rule System for Managing Politics

    Laws are the rule system you can pass down in your city to manage your people's happiness, survivability, and livelyhood.

    These Laws are divided into 4 categories: Survival, City, Society, and Rule. Each of them have their own set of policies that have different effects towards the city and your citizen's political situation.

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