Frostpunk 2

How to Get More Food

Frostpunk 2 How to Get More Food
Food is one of the most valuable resources needed to survive in Frostpunk 2. Read on to learn more about how to get more Food and where to store it here!

How to Get More Food

List of Food Tips

Construct Food Districts on Fertile Soil

In order to get and output more Food, you have to look for Fertile Soil nodes (leaf icon) around your area and establish a Food District. Try to cover multiple nodes to maximize your productivity and allow the district to last longer.

Keep in mind that having Housing Districts near Food Districts will provide +20 Heat so try to place them next to each other.

Send Out Scouts for Other Food Sources

Send Out Scouts for Other Food Sources

Once you have a Logistics District set up, you can send these scouts to look for Harvesting Areas in the open world. These areas provide tons of food and is the perfect alternative once your Food Districts have been exhausted.

Pass Laws and Research Ideas Related to Food

Pass Laws and Research Ideas Related to Food

Food Additives is the best Law for increasing your Food efficiency, where as the Hothouses idea will increase the Food output of your districts.

On the other hand, the Harvester Hangers idea will boost effciency of all the Harvesting Areas your scouts are working on by 20%, so keep this in mind if ever your Food Districts are running out.

Build Hothouses in Expanded Food Districts

Build Hothouses in Expanded Food Districts

When you have expanded your Food Districts, this opens up an empty building slot where you can build either a Biowaste Hothouse or Chemical Hothouse. This increases your Food output at the cost of more Heat Demand and increased Disease or Squalor.

Where to Store Food

Construct Food Stockpile Hubs

Construct Food Stockpile Hubs

Once your Food stockpile has turned full, you can construct Food Stockpile Hubs to increase your max capacity. Keep in mind to build these next to the Food Districts as they will decrease their Workforce Demand.

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