FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Tender Valley Dungeon Guide

Tender Valley is a level 100 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read to to learn more about the dungeon, guides on how to beat each boss, and how to unlock!

1st Boss Guide: Barreltender

Heavyweight Needles

The attack creates several conal AoEs with gaps in between. Some gaps are larger than others. Just before the attack completes, the conal AoEs expand to cover the smaller gaps, so players should position themselves in the largest gaps. Additionally, spines appear at the arena's edges, causing Bleeding to anyone who steps on them.

Tender Drop + Barrel Breaker

Thorny Cactus Spineless Cactus
FFXIV - Thorned Cactus FFXIV - Thornless Cactus

Drops multiple cacti onto the arena, most with spines and a flower, and two bare. A radial knockback from the center will occur, so position yourself to be knocked towards a bare cactus. Each cactus will then perform a point-blank AoE, with spiked cacti having larger AoEs. Alternatively, position yourself near a bare cactus and use knockback resistance.

Prickly Left/Prickly Right

Prickly Left or Prickly Right is an attack that begins with a half-room cleave telegraphed in the cast's direction, expanding into a wide sweep that hits most of the arena. The only safe zone is a narrow cone directly opposite the cast's name.

2nd Boss Guide: Anthracite


Summons three black circle symbols and arrows, marking the spots where bombs will drop and explode as large, delayed circle AoEs.

Pattern 1

If the bomb's trajectory arrow is grey, a circular AoE will occur at the point of impact. Avoid moving away from the point of impact.

Pattern 2

If the bomb's trajectory arrow is yellow, the bomb will enter a round or square hole at the arrow's tip, triggering a linear AoE from a matching hole on the outer perimeter. Since the AoE will come from a hole of the same shape, be sure to check the shape of the hole at the tip of the yellow arrow.

Pattern 1 & 2

From the middle of the battle onwards, Anthracite will combine Pattern 1 and Pattern 2. With both circular and linear area attacks, safe spots will be narrower. Position yourself to avoid being hit by both types of attacks.


Similar to the third use of Anthrabomb (with both grey and yellow arrows), but this sequence happens three times in a row. The next set of arrow telegraphs will appear just before the previous AoEs resolve, requiring players to consider the order of mechanics and dodge accordingly. Before the third set of AoEs resolve, each player will also receive a spread AoE marker (Anthrabomb).

3rd Boss Guide: The Greatest Serpent of Tural

Bouncy Council

Linear AoE Circular AoE
FFXIV - Bouncy Council Linear FFXIV - Bouncy Council Circular

Summons four untargetable clones, each telegraphing a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line AoE based on the blue arrows above them.

Circle AoE

After a while, it will start telegraphing a point-blank AoE, based on the spinning blue arrows around them.


Now summons four clones in the four corners of the room. Two adjacent clones will use point-blank AoEs, while the other two will use line AoEs.

Greatest Labyrinth

Each player gets the debuff, The Greatest Curse, that lasts 15 seconds and can only be removed by stepping on a glowing floor, while moving floors appear on the field. If you don't reach the outer glowing floor in time, you'll die instantly. Find a moving floor connected to the glowing one and go there. It's best to follow the moving floor from the correct glowing spot to find it quickly, rather than searching from the inside.

Moist Summoning

Summons an untargetable Great Serpent of Tural, which targets a random player with three sequential stack AoEs, dealing physical damage and creating puddles. Players who stay in a puddle too long will get a 15s damage-over-time debuff called Sludge.

Great Torrent

Summons numerous sequential wave AoEs across the arena. It’s a knockback attack from the edge of the field. Avoid stepping into that range when knocked back.

Tender Valley Dungeon Information

Tender Valley
FFXIV  Dawntrail - Tender Valley Image
Level 100
Item Level 670
Party Size 1~4
Time Limit 90 min
Requisite Quest It Belongs in a Museum

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