FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Reaper Job Guide

Reaper Job Overview
Reaper is a melee DPS job that you unlock at Level 70 in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker 6.0 (FF14). Read on about how to unlock and use the Reaper job, its skills and gauges, and a general overview here!

New Jobs Available in Endwalker (6.0)
FFXIV - Reaper IconReaper FFXIV - Sage IconSage

Patch 7.05 Changes

Latest Reaper Buffs in Patch 7.05

FFXIV Dawntrail - 7.05 Patch Notes
Reaper received new changes in the latest Dawntrail 7.05 Patch. This includes an increase in Soul Slice's potency from 460 to 520 upon learning Melee Mastery III, and an increase in Perfectio's potency from 1200 to 1300.

All 7.05 Job Changes

How to Unlock Reaper

Accept the Reaper Job Quest: The Killer Instinct, in Ul'dah

Reaper Information
Role Melee DPS (Maiming)
Initial Class None
Unlock Conditions
  • Quest Name: The Killer Instinct
  • Job Requirements: Lv. 70+ Disciple of War/Disciple of Magic
  • NPC: Flustered Attendant
  • Ul'dah: Steps of Nald (X:12.8 Y:8.6)

To become a Reaper, you must complete the quest The Killer Instinct, which can be accepted by reaching level 70 or above in any Disciple of War/Disciple of Magic job.

Reaper Skills and Abilities Guide

Soul Gauge

Soul Gauge

The Soul Gauge displays the amount of Souls. Souls can be consumed to summon an avatar to deliver strong attacks. The Soul Gauge is filled by executing specific weaponskills or by defeating enemies who have been afflicted by Death's Design through Shadow of Death.

Reaper Job Actions that increase the Soul Gauge

Slice Slice Delivers an attack with potency of 420
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Waxing SliceWaxing Slice Delivers an attack with potency of 260.
Combo: Slice
Combo Potency: 500
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Infernal SliceInfernal Slice Delivers an attack with potency of 280
Combo: Waxing Slice
Combo Potency: 600
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Spinning ScytheSpinning Scythe AOE. Delivers an attack with a potency of 160 to all nearby enemies.
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Nightmare ScytheNightmare Scythe AOE. Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Combo: Spinning Scythe
Combo Potency: 200
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Shadow of DeathShadow of Death Delivers an attack with a potency of 300
Grants: Shadow of Death, +10 Soul Gauge per target KO'd
Duration: 30s
HarpeHarpe Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge
Soul SliceSoul Slice Delivers an attack with a potency of 520
Grants: +50 Soul Gauge
Maximum Charges: 2
Soul ScytheSoul Scythe AOE. Delivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all nearby enemies
Grants: +50 Soul Gauge
Maximum Charges: 2
Harvest Moon Harvest Moon AOE. Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies
Can only be activated by Soulsow
Grants: +10 Soul Gauge

Avatar Summons

At 50 Souls, an avatar can be summoned to perform different attacks. Except for Gluttony, these weaponskills grant the buff Soul Reaver. As of Dawntrail Patch 7.05, Gluttony no longer grants Soul Reaver and instead grants Executioner.

Blood StalkBlood Stalk Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 340.
Needs: 50 Soul Gauge
Grants: 1 Soul Reaver
Cannot stack with Executioner and other Soul Reavers
Grim SwatheGrim Swathe Cone AOE. Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Needs: 50 Soul Gauge
Grants: 1 Soul Reaver
Cannot stack with Executioner and other Soul Reavers
Unveiled GibbetUnveiled Gibbet Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 440.
Needs: 50 Soul Gauge, Enhanced Gibbet
Grants: 1 Soul Reaver
Cannot stack with Executioner and other Soul Reavers
Unveiled GallowsUnveilled Gallows Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 440.
Needs: 50 Soul Gauge, Enhanced Gallows
Grants: 1 Soul Reaver
Cannot stack with Executioner and other Soul Reavers
UpdatedGluttonyGluttony Circle AOE. Summons your avatar to deal unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 520 for the first enemy, and 25% less for all remaining enemies.
Needs: 50 Soul Gauge
Grants: 2 Executioner
Cannot be stacked with Soul Reaver

Shroud Gauge

Shroud Gauge.png

The Shroud Gauge is unlocked at Lv. 80 and displays the amount of Shrouds. At 50 Shrouds, the Reaper can use Enshroud to be possessed by an avatar and deliver powerful attacks.

The Shroud Gauge is filled by using specific weaponskills while under the effect of Soul Reaver or Executioner.

Reaper Job Actions that increase Shroud Gauge

These weaponskills require Soul Reaver or Executioner in order to activate. Be advised that while possessing Soul Reaver or Executioner, using other skills besides the ones listed below will immediately dispel the buffs.

GibbetGibbet Flank Positional. Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 560 when attacked from a target's side.
Needs: Soul Reaver
Grants: Enhanced Gallows, +10 Shroud Gauge
GallowsGallows Rear Positional. Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 560 when attacked from a target's behind.
Needs: Soul Reaver
Grants: Enhanced Gibbet, +10 Shroud Gauge
GuillotineGuillotine Cone AOE. Delivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Needs: Soul Reaver
Grants: +10 Shroud Gauge
NEW ExecutionerExecutioner's Gibbet Flank Positional. Delivers an attack with a potency of 700. 760 when attacked from a target's side.
Needs: Executioner
Grants: Enhanced Gallows, +10 Shroud Gauge
NEW ExecutionerExecutioner's Gallows Rear Positional. Delivers an attack with a potency of 700. 760 when attacked from a target's behind.
Needs: Executioner
Grants: Enhanced Gibbet, +10 Shroud Gauge
NEW ExecutionerExecutioner's Guillotine Cone AOE. Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Needs: Executioner
Grants: +10 Shroud Gauge

Death Gauge

Death Gauge
Consuming 50 Shrouds will allow the Reaper to become Enshroud. Upon activating Enshroud, the Reaper gets 5 stacks of Lemure Shroud which is represented by the blue orbs on the HUD above.

Use Lemure Shrouds to Attack

While Enshroud, Reaper's weaponskills will change into its enshroud forms and will cost 1 stack of Lemure Shroud to use.

No Enshroud Enshroud
changes into
Void Reaping Void Reaping
GallowsGallows Cross ReapingCross Reaping
GuillotineGuillotine Grim ReapingGrim Reaping
Gluttony.png Gluttony NEW Sacrificium Sacrificium

Obtain Void Shrouds from Enshroud Attacks

Void Shroud
Upon using enshroud attacks, the Lemure Shroud will be exchanged for a Void Shroud, which is represented by purple orbs.

When the Reaper obtains 2 Stacks of Void Shrouds, they can be used to unleash lemure weaponskills.

No Enshroud Enshroud
Blood Stalk Blood Stalk
changes into
Lemure Lemure Slice
Grim Swathe Grim Swathe Lemure Lemure Scythe

Save 1 Lemure Shroud for Communio

CommunioCommunio Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,100 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
Needs: 1 Lemure Shroud

Communio is a powerful AOE weaponskill which serves as the Reaper's burst. It is highly recommended to use your Final Lemure Stack on Communio, since using Communio will automatically end Enshroud.

How to Use Perfectio

At Lvl 100, the Reaper will unlock the weaponskill Perfectio. Perfectio is an upgraded form of Communio. However, in order to use Perfectio, a specific sequence of job actions need to be performed ahead of time.

Arcane Circle Arcane Circle
Party Buff
Grants: Immortal Sacrifice
Plentiful Harvest Plentiful Harvest
Line AOE
Needs: Immortal Sacrifice
Grants: Perfectio Occulta
Communio Communio
Powerful Burst AOE
Needs: 1 Shroud
Grants: Perfectio Perata only if Perfectio Oculta is active
Enshroud will immediately end upon using Communio
NEW Perfectio Perfectio
Powerful Burst AOE
Needs: Perfectio Parata

List of Reaper Job Actions and Traits

Reaper Job Actions

Action Effect
Slice Icon Slice
Lv. 1
Delivers an attack with a potency of 420.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Waxing Slice Icon Waxing Slice
Lv. 5
Delivers an attack with a potency of 260.
Combo Action: Slice
Combo Potency: 500
Combo Bonus: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Shadow of Death Icon Shadow of Death
Lv. 10
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death's Design, increasing damage you deal target by 10%
Duration: 30s
Extends duration of Death's Design by 30s to a maximum of 60s.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10 if target is KO'd before effect expires
Harpe Icon Harpe
Lv. 15
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Hell Hell's Ingress
Lv. 20
Quickly dash 15 yalms forward.
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Harpe
Enhanced Harpe Effect: Next Harpe can be cast immediately and will reduce recast timer of Hell's Ingress by 5s upon execution
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Leaves behind a Hellsgate at point of origin, and grants Threshold to self
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Shares a recast timer with Hell's Egress.
Hell Hell's Egress
Lv. 20
Quickly dash 15 yalms backwards.
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Harpe
Enhanced Harpe Effect: Next Harpe can be cast immediately and will reduce recast timer of Hell's Egress by 5s upon execution
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Leaves behind a Hellsgate at point of origin, and grants Threshold to self
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Shares a recast timer with Hell's Ingress.
Spinning Scythe Icon Spinning Scythe
Lv. 25
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Infernal Slice Icon Infernal Slice
Lv. 30
Delivers an attack with a potency of 280.
Combo Action: Waxing Slice
Combo Potency: 600
Combo Bonus: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Whorl of Death Icon Whorl of Death
Lv. 35
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death's Design, increasing damage you deal target by 10%
Duration: 30s
Extends duration of Death's Design by 30s to a maximum of 60s.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10 if target is KO'd before effect expires
Arcane Crest Icon Arcane Crest
Lv. 40
Grants Crest of Time Borrowed to self, creating a barrier that nullifies damage totaling up to 10% of maximum HP.
Duration: 5s
Grants Crest of Time Returned to self and nearby party members within a radius of 15 yalms when barrier is completely absorbed.
Crest of Time Returned Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Nightmare Scythe Icon Nightmare Scythe
Lv. 45
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Combo Action: Spinning Scythe
Combo Potency: 200
Combo Bonus: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Blood Stalk Icon Blood Stalk
Lv. 50
Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 340.
Additional Effect: Grants Soul Reaver
Duration: 30s
Stack count will be reduced to 1 when already under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Effect cannot be stacked with Executioner.
Soul Gauge Cost: 50
Shares a recast timer with all avatar attacks except Gluttony.
Grim Swathe Icon Grim Swathe
Lv. 55
Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Grants Soul Reaver
Duration: 30s
Stack count will be reduced to 1 when already under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Effect cannot be stacked with Executioner.
Soul Gauge Cost: 50
Shares a recast timer with all avatar attacks except Gluttony.
Soul Slice Icon Soul Slice
Lv. 60
Delivers an attack with a potency of 520.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 50
Maximum Charges: 2
Shares a recast timer with Soul Scythe.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
Soul Scythe Icon Soul Scythe
Lv. 65
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 50
Maximum Charges: 2
Shares a recast timer with Soul Slice.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
Gibbet Icon Gibbet
Lv. 70
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 560 when executed from a target's flank.
Enhanced Gibbet Potency: 560
Flank Enhanced Potency: 620
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Gallows
Duration: 60s
The action Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gallows while under the effect of Enhanced Gallows.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Gallows Icon Gallows
Lv. 70
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 560 when executed from a target's rear.
Enhanced Gallows Potency: 560
Rear Enhanced Potency: 620
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Gibbet
Duration: 60s
The action Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gibbet while under the effect of Enhanced Gibbet.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Guillotine Icon Guillotine
Lv. 70
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Unveiled Gibbet Icon Unveiled Gibbet
Lv. 70
Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 440.
Additional Effect: Grants Soul Reaver
Duration: 30s
Stack count will be reduced to 1 when already under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Effect cannot be stacked with Executioner.
Soul Gauge Cost: 50
Can only be executed while under the effect of Enhanced Gibbet.
Shares a recast timer with all avatar attacks except Gluttony.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gibbet when under the effect of Enhanced Gibbet.
Unveiled Gallows Icon Unveiled Gallows
Lv. 70
Summons your avatar to deliver an attack with a potency of 440.
Additional Effect: Grants Soul Reaver
Duration: 30s
Stack count will be reduced to 1 when already under the effect of Soul Reaver.
Effect cannot be stacked with Executioner.
Soul Gauge Cost: 50
Can only be executed while under the effect of Enhanced Gallows.
Shares a recast timer with all avatar attacks except Gluttony.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gallows while under the effect of Enhanced Gallows.
Arcane Circle Icon Arcane Circle
Lv. 72
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 3%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Circle of Sacrifice to self and nearby party members
Duration: 5s
Additional Effect: Grants Bloodsown Circle to self
Duration: 6s
Circle of Sacrifice Effect: When you or party members under this effect successfully land a weaponskill or cast a spell, the reaper who applied it may be granted a stack of Immortal Sacrifice, up to a maximum of 8
Duration: 30s
Bloodsown Circle Effect: Allows you to accumulate stacks of Immortal Sacrifice from party members under the effect of your Circle of Sacrifice
Regress Icon Regress
Lv. 74
Move instantly to the Hellsgate left behind by you.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Threshold.
Cannot be executed while bound.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Hell's Ingress or Hell's Egress will change to Regress when requirements for execution are met.
Gluttony Icon Gluttony
Lv. 76
Summons your avatar to deal unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 520 for the first enemy, and 25% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Executioner
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Soul Reaver.
Soul Gauge Cost: 50
Enshroud Icon Enshroud
Lv. 80
Offers your flesh as a vessel to your avatar, gaining maximum stacks of Lemure Shroud.
Duration: 30s
Certain actions cannot be executed while playing host to your avatar.
Additional Effect: Grants Oblatio
Duration: 30s
Shroud Gauge Cost: 50
Void Reaping Icon Void Reaping
Lv. 80
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500.
Enhanced Void Reaping Potency: 560
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Cross Reaping
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Void Shroud
Can only be executed while under the effect of Enshrouded.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
Lemure Shroud Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Gibbet changes to Void Reaping when requirements for execution are met.
Cross Reaping Icon Cross Reaping
Lv. 80
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500.
Enhanced Cross Reaping Potency: 560
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Void Reaping
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Void Shroud
Can only be executed while under the effect of Lemure Shroud.
Lemure Shroud Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Gallows changes to Cross Reaping when requirements for execution are met.
Grim Reaping Icon Grim Reaping
Lv. 80
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Grants Void Shroud
Can only be executed while under the effect of Enshrouded.
Lemure Shroud Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Guillotine changes to Grim Reaping when requirements for execution are met.
Soulsow Icon Soulsow
Lv. 82
Grants Soulsow to self, changing the action to Harvest Moon.
Cast time is instant when used outside of battle.
Harvest Moon Icon Harvest Moon
Lv. 82
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Soul Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Soulsow.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Soulsow changes to Harvest Moon when requirements for execution are met.
Lemure Lemure's Slice
Lv. 86
Delivers an attack with a potency of 280.
Void Shroud Cost: 2
Shares a recast timer with Lemure's Scythe.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Blood Stalk changes to Lemure's Slice while under the effect of Enshrouded.
Lemure Lemure's Scythe
Lv. 86
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Void Shroud Cost: 2
Shares a recast timer with Lemure's Slice.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Grim Swathe changes to Lemure's Scythe while under the effect of Enshrouded.
Plentiful Harvest Icon Plentiful Harvest
Lv. 88
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 720 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Immortal Sacrifice Cost: 1 stack
Potency increases up to 1,000 as stacks of Immortal Sacrifice exceed minimum cost.
Additional Effect: Grants Ideal Host
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Perfectio Occulta
Perfectio Occulta Effect: Grants Perfectio Parata upon executing Communio
Duration: 30s
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Bloodsown Circle.
Consumes all stacks of Immortal Sacrifice upon execution.
Communio Icon Communio
Lv. 90
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,100 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Perfectio Parata when executed while Perfectio Occulta is active
Duration: 30s
Enshrouded effect expires upon execution.
Requires at least one stack of Lemure Shroud to execute.
Sacrificium Icon Sacrificium
Lv. 92
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 530 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Enshrouded and Oblatio.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Gluttony changes to Sacrificium when requirements for execution are met.
Executioner Executioner's Gibbet
Lv. 96
Delivers an attack with a potency of 700.
760 when executed from a target's flank.
Enhanced Gibbet Potency: 760
Flank Enhanced Potency: 820
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Gallows
Duration: 60s
The action Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gallows while under the effect of Enhanced Gallows.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Executioner.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Gibbet changes to Executioner's Gibbet when requirements for execution are met.
Executioner Executioner's Gallows
Lv. 96
Delivers an attack with a potency of 700.
760 when executed from a target's rear.
Enhanced Gallows Potency: 760
Rear Enhanced Potency: 820
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Gibbet
Duration: 60s
The action Blood Stalk changes to Unveiled Gibbet while under the effect of Enhanced Gibbet.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Executioner.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Gallows changes to Executioner's Gallows when requirements for execution are met.
Executioner Executioner's Guillotine
Lv. 96
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Increases Shroud Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Executioner.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Guillotine changes to Executioner's Guillotine when requirements for execution are met.
Perfectio Icon Perfectio
Lv. 100
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,300 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Perfectio Parata.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Communio changes to Perfectio when requirements for execution are met.

Reaper Job Traits

Action Effect
Soul Gauge Icon Soul Gauge
Lv. 50
Allows for Soul Gauge accumulation upon the landing of certain weaponskills and magic actions, or defeating enemies under the effect of Death's Design.
Melee Mastery (RPR) Icon Melee Mastery (RPR)
Lv. 60
Increases the potency of Slice to 300, Waxing Slice to 140, Shadow of Death to 300, Harpe to 300, Spinning Scythe to 140, Infernal Slice to 140, Whorl of Death to 100, and Nightmare Scythe to 120.
Enhanced Avatar Icon Enhanced Avatar
Lv. 70
Grants the effect of Soul Reaver upon successfully landing Blood Stalk or Grim Swathe.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon execution of any weaponskill or magic attack.
Hellsgate Icon Hellsgate
Lv. 74
Upon executing Hell's Ingress or Hell's Egress, leave behind a Hellsgate and grant Threshold to self.
Duration: 10s
Hell's Ingress changes to Regress after executing Hell's Egress, and vice versa.
Tempered Soul Icon Tempered Soul
Lv. 78
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Soul Slice and Soul Scythe.
Maximum Charges: 2
Shroud Gauge Icon Shroud Gauge
Lv. 80
Allows for Shroud Gauge accumulation upon the landing of Gibbet, Gallows, or Guillotine.
Enhanced Arcane Crest Icon Enhanced Arcane Crest
Lv. 84
Grants Crest of Time Returned to self and nearby party members, gradually restoring HP over time. This effect is only granted when the Crest of Time Borrowed barrier is completely absorbed.
Cure Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Melee Mastery II (RPR) Icon Melee Mastery II (RPR)
Lv. 84
Increases the potency of Slice to 320, Waxing Slice to 160, and Infernal Slice to 180.
Void Soul Icon Void Soul
Lv. 86
Grants Void Shroud upon landing Void Reaping, Cross Reaping, or Grim Reaping.
Enhanced Arcane Circle Icon Enhanced Arcane Circle
Lv. 88
Grants Circle of Sacrifice to you and nearby party members upon executing Arcane Circle.
Duration: 5s
When you or party members under this effect successfully land a weaponskill or cast a spell, you may gain a stack of Immortal Sacrifice, up to a maximum of 8.
Duration: 30s
Also grants Bloodsown Circle to self, allowing you to receive stacks of Immortal Sacrifice from party members under the effect of your Circle of Sacrifice.
Duration: 6s
Enhanced Enshroud Icon Enhanced Enshroud
Lv. 92
Grants Oblatio upon executing Enshroud.
Duration: 30s
Melee Mastery III (RPR) Icon Melee Mastery III (RPR)
Lv. 94
Increases the potency of Slice to 420, Waxing Slice to 260, Spinning Scythe to 160, Infernal Slice to 280, Nightmare Scythe to 140, Soul Slice to 520, Gibbet to 500, Gallows to 500, Unveiled Gibbet to 440, Unveiled Gallows to 440, Void Reaping to 500, Cross Reaping to 500, Harvest Moon to 800, and Lemure's Slice to 280.
Enhanced Gluttony Icon Enhanced Gluttony
Lv. 96
Grants 2 stacks of Executioner upon executing Gluttony.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Soul Reaver.
Effect ends upon execution of any weaponskill or magic attack.
Gibbet changes to Executioner's Gibbet, Gallows changes to Executioner's Gallows, and Guillotine changes to Executioner's Guillotine while under the effect of Executioner.
Enhanced Plentiful Harvest Icon Enhanced Plentiful Harvest
Lv. 100
Grants Perfectio Occulta upon executing Plentiful Harvest.
Duration: 30s
Perfectio Occulta changes to Perfectio Parata upon executing Communio.
Effect of Perfectio Parata ends upon gaining the effect of Lemure Shroud.

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