FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Worqor Zormor Dungeon Guide

Worqor Zormor is a level 93 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read to to learn more about the dungeon, guides on how to beat each boss, and how to unlock!

Worqor Zormor 1st Boss Guide - Ryoqor Terteh

Frosting Fracas

Frosting Fracas deals party-wide magical damage and creates a damaging AoE effect that covers the edge of the arena.

Fluffle Up

Ryoqor Terteh summons untargetable adds that cast AoE abilities around the arena. Each use of Fluffle Up summons a different set of adds.

First Fluffle Up

The first Fluffle Up summons four Rorrioh Teh with orange markers indicating where they are facing. These adds will cast an AoE called Ice Scream that hits the area in front of them covering a quadrant of the arena each.

Make use of the timing created by Cold Feet to stand in front of the frozen adds first and dodge all the attacks.

Second Fluffle Up

The second Fluffle Up summons four Qorrioh Teh that will cast a large AoE called Frozen Swirl that hits the area around each of them. Make use of the timing created by Cold Feet to stay around frozen adds first and dodge all the attacks.

Third Fluffle Up

The third Fluffle Up summons both sets of adds together at the same time casting the same abilities and covering the whole arena. Again, make use of the timing created by Cold Feet to find the safe spaces first and dodge accordingly.

Cold Feet

Ryoqor Terteh will cast Cold Feet which tethers and freezes two of the adds from Fluffle Up, this creates an opening for the players to dodge the AoE abilities of the adds. Cold Feet will freeze two of each type of add during the third set of adds from Fluffle Up.


Snowscoop summons multiple Snowballs around the edges of the arena that will launch a set of line AoEs through the arena. Each player will also receive an AoE spread marker that damages an area around them after triggering.

Dodge the line AoEs by staying in the small unmarked pockets of the arena while being careful not to dodge the same way as the others to avoid overlapping circles.

Worqor Zormor 2nd Boss Guide - Kahderyor

Wind Unbound

Wind Unbound deals party-wide magical damage, mitigate with heals, shields, and damage reductions abilities.

Crystalline Crush

Crystalline Crush spawns a pillar with a stack marker. The party should stack together on the marker to reduce incoming damage. When the pillar breaks, it leaves behind a circle of purple crystalline shards.

Earthen Shot

Earthen Shot targets all players with a spread AoE that deals damage around them. The circle of crystalline shards left behind from Crystalline Crush will also be targeted with a large AoE circle attack. Stay out of the large AoE circle by the shards and avoid overlapping with others.

Wind Shot

Wind Shot targets all players and the circle of shards on the ground with a large donut AoE attack. The party should move to stack on the shards to avoid getting hit and hitting each other with the donut.

Crystalline Storm

Crystalline Storm sends out line AoE attacks across the area and leaves out lines of crystalline shards. These shards are similar to the shards from Crystalline Crush and will also be affected by other mechanics.

Earthen Shot (Line Shards)

FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Earthen Shot Line Crystals

Earthen Shot still targets all players with a spread AoE but now the lines of crystalline shards will have wide line AoE attacks on each of them. Players should find safe spots on the platform to stand on without overlapping with each other.

Wind Shot (Line Shards)

FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Wind Shot Line Crystals

Wind Shot still targets players with a large donut AoE attack while also hitting everything on the platform except the lines of crystalline shards. The party can find their own places on the lines without overlapping donuts or just stack on one safe spot to avoid hitting each other.

Seed Crystals

Seed Crystals targets all the party members with a spread AoE marker and encases each player in a breakable crystal, rooting them and slowing actions. Each party member should break their own crystal before helping other members to break out. Players that take too long to get out of the crystals will die.

Sharpened Sights

Sharpened Sights is a telegraphed gaze attack with a circle slowly reaching the boss in the center. As the circle reaches the boss, players will need to look away from the boss to avoid getting damaged by the gaze attack.

Stalagmite Circle + Cyclonic Ring

As the gaze attacks continue, the boss will alternate between casting Stalagmite Circle and Cyclonic Ring which are attacks that target the area around the boss and a donut AoE, respectively. Players will need to move in and out while avoiding the gaze attacks.

Worqor Zormor 3rd Boss Guide - Gurfurlur

Heaving Haymaker

Heaving Haymaker deals party-wide magical damage and also spawns a damaging AoE at the edges of the arena, mitigate with heals/shields.


FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Stonework

Gurfurlur will cast Stonework throughout the fight to spawn stone tablets that will form an image resembling its element which will have different effects on the arena.

Stonework Tablets

Stone Tablet Effect
FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Fire TabletFire Tablet Square AoE attacks extend from the tablet to surrounding tiles in a sequence. Move out of the first set of tiles and then move in after they explode. Also targets all players with a spread AoE marker after.
FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Water TabletWater Tablet Magical damage and knockback from one side of the arena that hits the whole area. Stay as close as you can to the side where the knockback comes from to avoid getting pushed to the edge.
FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Wind TabletWind Tablet Wind Tablets will now spawn after the the boss casts Enduring Glory. Knockback from the center of the arena along with magical damage, this will also spawn tornadoes that move across the arena.


Sledgehammer targets a random player with a line AoE stack marker dealing damage over three hits. The party should stack on the targeted player and use heals and shields to mitigate incoming damage.

Arcane Stomp

FFXIV Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Arcane Stomp

Arcane Stomp spawns orbs at the edges of the arena that start to move towards the boss in the center. Players will need to prevent the orbs from reaching the boss by catching it themselves. Orbs that reach the boss will increase boss damage while orbs obtained by a player will increase the player's damage.

Enduring Glory

Enduring Glory will be cast right after which will deal massive party-wide magical damage increased by the number of orbs that got to the boss during Arcane Stomp. This attack can wipe the party if the boss has too many stacks, mitigate through and heal.

Overlapping Stonework Tablets

After the boss casts Enduring Glory, multiple Stonework tablets may now overlap along with a new wind tablet added to the mix.

Worqor Zormor Dungeon Information

Worqor Zormor
FFXIV  Dawntrail - Worqor Zormor Image
Level 93
Item Level 635
Party Size 1~4
Time Limit 90 min
Requisite Quest The High Luminary

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