FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Vanguard Dungeon Guide

Vanguard is a level 97 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read to to learn more about the dungeon, guides on how to beat each boss, and how to unlock!

1st Boss Guide - Vanguard Commander R8

Enhanced Mobility

Depending on the position of the blade, the attack performed will either be in a circle or a donut.

The best way to dodge this attack is by staying close to the center, and moving accordingly after the first wide slash.

First Dispatch

Vanguard Commander summons four untargetavle Vanguard Sentries to the edge of the field. They will attack in a straight line from where they appear, so it can be avoided by staying in the gaps between each Sentry.

Second Dispatch

Unlike the first time, the four Vanguard Sentries will appear from the arena's corners. They will then launch attacks in a circular area, leaving a safe zone either at the center, or towards the edges of the arena.

Third Dispatch + Electrosurge

Summons two sets of four Sentries on adjacent walls of the arena, who will perform attacks similar to the First Dispatch, resulting in a checkerboard pattern.

Additionally, all players will be marked with a circular AOE from the Electrosurge, so it is best to spread out the party during this attack, to avoid overlapping the Electrosurges.

Fourth Dispatch

Vanguard Commander calls forth eight Vanguard Sentries to perform attacks similar to the Second Dispatch.

The attack will be done one after another, so it can easily be dodged by running towards the edge safe zone, then immediately towards the center after, or vice versa, depending on the order of the attack.

2nd Boss Guide - Protector

Search and Destroy

Protector spawns untargetable Turrets that fire attacks in a straight line for the Lasers, and in circular AOEs for the Explosive Turrets.

Have the party spread out during this attack, since the focus during this time should be dodging, and having the Explosive circular AOEs overlap will make it harder to dodge.

Fulminous Fence + Battery Circuit

Protector sets up six electric barriers, while attacking in a fan-shaped area from opposite sides of the boss. Players must avoid the fan shaped attack, while also avoiding contact with the barriers.

Touching the Electric Barriers will cause the player to receive damage, and be paralyzed for 10 seconds.

Motion Sensor + Heavy Blast Cannon

Each player will receive an Acceleration Bomb debuff for 12 seconds, while Protector attacks with multiple straight line lasers.

Try to dodge the lasers as much as possible, but keep in mind that you must not move when the counter reaches 0 for the Acceleration Bomb, since it can deal significant damage otherwise.

Search and Destroy (Second Time)

Similar to the first Search and Destroy, but this time with an additional electric barrier.

Dodge the lasers and circular attacks, while also being mindful to not come into contact with the electric barrier to avoid being paralyzed.

3rd Boss Guide - Zander the Snakeskinner

Soulbane Saber

A line AOE that causes half of the arena to glow and detonate after a short delay.

Avoid the line attack first, then move to the opposite side to avoid the delayed explosion.


Zander moves from the arena's edge, following an orange squiggle through the arena. At certain points in the squiggle, Zander will perform fan-shaped attacks four times, so make sure to always stay on the opposite side of each marker.

Slitherbane Foreguard / Siltherbane Rearguard

This attack is an improved version of Soulbane Saber, with Zander performing the same line attack with delayed explosion, with the addition of a tail-swipe behind him.

To dodge this attack, stand beside the line attack first, then quickly move to the opposite side once the sword lands, to avoid all three attacks successfully.

Vanguard Dungeon Information

FFXIV  Dawntrail - Vanguard Image
Level 97
Item Level 645
Party Size 1~4
Time Limit 90 min
Requisite Quest All Aboard

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