FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

The Skydeep Cenote Dungeon Guide

The Skydeep Cenote is a level 95 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read on to learn more about the dungeon, guides on how to beat each boss, and how to unlock here!

The Skydeep Cenote 1st Boss Guide - Feather Ray

Troublesome Tail + Worrisome Wave

Feather Ray will start casting Troublesome Tail, which gives all players a Nuisance debuff that causes you to mimic the boss's moves. A timer will also start and when it reaches 0, cone-shaped AoEs will appear on each player so try to angle them away from your teammates.

Hydro Ring + Bubble Blower

The arena will get smaller and spawn water by the edges so try to stay in the center as much as you can. Multiple bubbles will then start firing from Feather Ray which can be easily avoided by dodging to the side.

Bubble Bomb + Rolling Current

Feather Ray will then cast Bubble Bomb which spawns stationary bubbles floating above. After a few seconds, the boss will cast Rolling Current that creates a wave from the east, pushes the floating bubbles, and causes them to explode in a circular AoE. Try to find spaces between the bubbles or stay at the edge to help avoid them.

Trouble Bubbles

Hydro Ring and Troublesome Tail will be cast first on all players giving the Nuisance debuff again. After that, each player will start firing two bubbles towards two allies. Luckily each bubble moves slowly so avoid them by repositioning while dealing damage to the boss at the same time.

The Skydeep Cenote 1st Boss Guide - Firearms

Mirror Maneuver

Firearms will summon a mirror and yellow orbs around the edge of the arena. It will then reposition adjacent to the yellow orbs and start charging a laser beam towards the mirror. When the beam fires, the mirror will reflect it towards the yellow orb and cause it to explode in a large circular AoE. Try to stay near the boss when this happens and move away from the yellow orb that will explode.

Ancient Artillery

Two to three tiles will start glowing and will spread out in a cross-shaped pattern. Stay within a non-glowing tile to keep yourself safe.

The Skydeep Cenote 1st Boss Guide - Maulskull


Maulskull will start charging its fists and do a two-part cleave attack that hits half of the arena so try to stay in the middle and reposition to the side to avoid this.


A blue AoE will spawn in front of the boss that has a knockback attack and then markers that follow will appear on each player and will deal damage after a while. Try to position yourself diagonally from the knockback attack as you can fall off the map and also spread out to avoid stacking the markers on each other.


The boss will move back and a large cube will appear in front of it and start punching it three times. Each punch will spawn multiple cubes around the arena that deal damage in a circular AoE so keep moving around to avoid them.

Ringing Blows

This is a move that mixes the Skullcrush knockback attack and Stonecarver so try to position yourself diagonally to avoid falling off the map and move to the side to avoid the Stonecarver punches.

Colossal Impact

Similar to Skullcrush, a blue AoE will spawn near the edge of the arena and will do a knockback attack. Two things can happen from here, either markers will spawn on each player in which case spread out to avoid stacking them, or a targeting marker that quickly explodes where the entire party has to tank it to keep everyone alive.

The Skydeep Cenote Basic Information

The Skydeep Cenote
FFXIV  Dawntrail - The Skydeep Cenote Image
Level 95
Item Level 640
Party Size 1~4
Time Limit 90 min
Requisite Quest Road to the Golden City

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