FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Red Mage Job Guide

Red Mage Job Overview
Red Mage is a Magical Ranged DPS job that you unlock at Level 50 in Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood 4.0 (FF14). Read on about how to unlock and use the Red Mage job, its skills and gauges, and a general overview here!

New Jobs available in Stormblood (4.0)
FFXIV - Red Mage IconRed Mage FFXIV - Samurai IconSamurai

Patch 7.05 Changes

Latest Red Mage Buffs in Patch 7.05

FFXIV Dawntrail - 7.05 Patch Notes
In Dawntrail Patch 7.05, Red Mage has received a potency increase for Contre Sixte, Enchanged Reprise, Verthunder III, and Veraero III.

The effect duration of Magicked Sword has also increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
All 7.05 Job Changes

How to Unlock Red Mage

Accept the Red Mage Job Quest: Taking the Red, in Ul'dah

Red Mage Job Quest Map Location
Role Magical Ranged DPS (Casting)
Initial Class None
Unlock Conditions
  • Quest Name: Taking the Red
  • Job Requirements: Lv. 50+ Disciple of War/Disciple of Magic
  • NPC: Distraught Lass
  • Ul'dah: Steps of Thal (X:14.1 Y:11.7)

To become a Red Mage, you must complete the quest Taking the Red, which can be accepted by reaching level 50 or above in any Disciple of War/Disciple of Magic job.

Red Mage Skills and Abilities Guide

Use Red Mage's Dualcast to Your Advantage

DualcastDualcast Upon casting any spell, your next spell can be immediately used with no casting time.
Using any other non-ability action will cancel this effect

Dualcast is a trait exclusive to Red Mage that acts similarly to Swiftcast. Dualcast allows Red Mage to cast two consecutive spells in a row, maximizing damage output in little time.

Dualcast can be used for Healing and Resurrection

VercureVercure Restores target's HP. Paired with Dualcast, you can recover a decent amount of HP during emergencies.
VerraiseVerraise Resurrects target to a weakened state. Dualcast will cut the long casting time on Verraise. Keep in mind, constantly using Verraise will deplete a lot of MP.

Red Mage has the ability to cast healing spells such as Vercure and Verraise even as a DPS. This allows them to act as reserve healers in critical situations.

However, healing is not the priority for Red Mage. Red Mages do not have strong cure potency bonuses, and healing drains a lot of MP which could have been better used for attack spells. Red Mage's healing should be for emergencies only.

Balancing White & Black Mana

Balancing Manas

Red Mage can wield both White Mana (White) and Black Mana(Blue) which is shown on the Balance Gauge above.

Using spells will increase either Black or White Mana. However, if the gap between the Black and White Mana gets too big (a difference of 31 or more), it will be harder to increase the smaller amount of mana. This is why it is highly recommended to alternate between different spells to increase the balance gauge.

Red Mage Single Target Spells

Since it has a short casting time, start your single target combo with Jolt. Jolt can also be weaved in between spells for consecutive spell casting.

Spell Mana Increase Effects
JoltJolt +2 White Mana
+2 Black Mana
Unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
VeraeroVeraero +6 White Mana Wind damage with a potency of 360.
50% chance to proc Verstone Ready.
Verstone Verstone +5 White Mana Earth damage with a potency of 380.
Requires Verstone Ready
VerthunderVerthunder +6 Black Mana Lightning damage with a potency of 360.
50% chance to proc Verfire Ready.
Verfire Verfire +5 Black Mana Fire damage with a potency of 380.
Requires Verfire Ready

Red Mage AOE Spells

Since they have shorter casting time, start your AOE combo with Veraero II or Verthunder II.

Spell Mana Increase Effects
Scatter Scatter +3 White Mana
+3 Black Mana
AOE unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all nearby enemies.
Veraero II Veraero II +7 White Mana AOE wind damage with a potency of 140 to target and all nearby enemies.
Verthunder II Verthunder II +7 Black Mana AOE lightning damage with a potency of 140 to target and all nearby enemies.

Red Mage Spell Procs

Verstone and Verfire are spells that have a 50% probability of activating when casting Veraero or Verthunder respectively.

50% probability of activating
VeraeroVeraero VerstoneVerstone

Using Acceleration will give a 100% guarantee of casting Verstone or Verfire.

Accelaration Acceleration Ensures the next Verthunder, Veraero, or Impact can be cast immediately.
Guarantees Verstone or Verfire

Using Red Mage's Riposte

Red Mage is equipped with a set of melee weaponskills which become enchanted by consuming Black and White Mana.

Weaponskill Mana Cost Effects
Enchanted RiposteEnchanted Riposte 20 White Mana
20 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300.
Enchanted ZwerchhauEnchanted Zwerchhau 15 White Mana
15 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
Enchanted RedoublementEnchanted Redoublement 15 White Mana
15 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
Enchanted MoulinetEnchanted Moulinet 20 White Mana
20 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you.
NEWEnchanted Moulinet DeuxEnchanted Moulinet Deux 15 White Mana
15 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.
NEWEnchanted Moulinet TroisEnchanted Moulinet Trois 15 White Mana
15 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Enchanted RepriseEnchanted Reprise 5 White Mana
5 Black Mana
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 420.

Use Red Mage Weaponskill Combos to gain Mana Stacks

Mana Stacks
Starting Lv. 68, using enchanted weaponskills will grant 1 Mana Stack to the Mana Stack Gauge. Consuming 3 Mana Stacks will allow you to execute Verflare or Verholy which deal powerful AOE damage. At Lv. 80, you can continue the combo with Scorch then finish with Resolution at Lv. 90.

Single Target Combo AOE Combo
Enchanted Riposte Enchanted Riposte Enchanted MoulinetEnchanted Moulinet
Enchanted ZwerchhauEnchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted Moulinet DeuxEnchanted Moulinet Deux
Enchanted RedoublementEnchanted Redoublement Enchanted Moulinet TroisEnchanted Moulinet Trois

List of Red Mage Job Actions and Traits

Red Mage Job Actions

Action Effect
Riposte Icon Riposte
Lv. 1
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Action upgraded to Enchanted Riposte if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 20 or more.
Jolt Icon Jolt
Lv. 2
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Verthunder Icon Verthunder
Lv. 4
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 360.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 6
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verfire Ready
Duration: 30s
Corps-a-corps Icon Corps-a-corps
Lv. 6
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Maximum Charges: 2
Cannot be executed while bound.
Veraero Icon Veraero
Lv. 10
Deals wind damage with a potency of 360.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 6
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verstone Ready
Duration: 30s
Scatter Icon Scatter
Lv. 15
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Acceleration Potency: 170
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Verthunder II Icon Verthunder II
Lv. 18
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 7
Veraero II Icon Veraero II
Lv. 22
Deals wind damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 7
Verfire Icon Verfire
Lv. 26
Deals fire damage with a potency of 380.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 5
Can only be executed while Verfire Ready is active.
Verstone Icon Verstone
Lv. 30
Deals earth damage with a potency of 380.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 5
Can only be executed while Verstone Ready is active.
Zwerchhau Icon Zwerchhau
Lv. 35
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted Riposte
Combo Potency: 150
Action upgraded to Enchanted Zwerchhau if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 15 or more.
Displacement Icon Displacement
Lv. 40
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: 15-yalm backstep
Maximum Charges: 2
Cannot be executed while bound.
Shares a recast timer with Engagement.
Engagement Icon Engagement
Lv. 40
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180.
Maximum Charges: 2
Shares a recast timer with Displacement.
Fleche Icon Fleche
Lv. 45
Delivers an attack with a potency of 480.
Redoublement Icon Redoublement
Lv. 50
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Zwerchhau or Enchanted Zwerchhau
Combo Potency: 230
Action upgraded to Enchanted Redoublement if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 15 or more.
Acceleration Icon Acceleration
Lv. 50
Ensures the next Verthunder III, Veraero III, or Impact can be cast immediately.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Increases the potency of Impact by 50
Additional Effect: Ensures Verthunder III and Veraero III trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready respectively
Additional Effect: Grants Grand Impact Ready
Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2
Moulinet Icon Moulinet
Lv. 52
Delivers an attack with a potency of 60 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Action upgraded to Enchanted Moulinet if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 20 or more.
Vercure Icon Vercure
Lv. 54
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 350
Contre Sixte Icon Contre Sixte
Lv. 56
Delivers an attack with a potency of 420 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Embolden Icon Embolden
Lv. 58
Increases own magic damage dealt by 5% and damage dealt by nearby party members by 5%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Thorned Flourish
Duration: 30s
Manafication Icon Manafication
Lv. 60
Grants 3 stacks of Magicked Swordplay, each stack allowing the use of Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois without cost.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants 6 stacks of Manafication
Manafication Effect: Increases magic damage dealt by 5%
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming 6 stacks of Manafication
Duration: 30s
All combos are canceled upon execution of Manafication.
Can only be executed while in combat.
Jolt II Icon Jolt II
Lv. 62
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 280.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Verraise Icon Verraise
Lv. 64
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Impact Icon Impact
Lv. 66
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 210 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Acceleration Potency: 260
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Verflare Icon Verflare
Lv. 68
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 620 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 11
Additional Effect: 20% chance of becoming Verfire Ready
Duration: 30s
Chance to become Verfire Ready increases to 100% if White Mana is higher than Black Mana at time of execution.
Mana Stack Cost: 3
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Verthunder III and Verthunder II change to Verflare when requirements for execution are met.
Verholy Icon Verholy
Lv. 70
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 620 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 11
Additional Effect: 20% chance of becoming Verstone Ready
Duration: 30s
Chance to become Verstone Ready increases to 100% if Black Mana is higher than White Mana at time of execution.
Mana Stack Cost: 3
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Veraero III and Veraero II change to Verholy when requirements for execution are met.
Reprise Icon Reprise
Lv. 76
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Action upgraded to Enchanted Reprise if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 5 or more.
Scorch Icon Scorch
Lv. 80
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Combo Action: Verflare or Verholy
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 4
Can only be executed after successfully landing Verflare or Verholy as a combo action.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Jolt III and Impact change to Scorch when requirements for execution are met.
Verthunder III Icon Verthunder III
Lv. 82
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 440.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 6
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verfire Ready
Duration: 30s
Veraero III Icon Veraero III
Lv. 82
Deals wind damage with a potency of 440.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 6
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verstone Ready
Duration: 30s
Jolt III Icon Jolt III
Lv. 84
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 360.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Magick Barrier Icon Magick Barrier
Lv. 86
Reduces magic damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%, while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 5%.
Duration: 10s
Resolution Icon Resolution
Lv. 90
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Combo Action: Scorch
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 4
Can only be executed after successfully landing Scorch as a combo action.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Scorch changes to Resolution when requirements for execution are met.
Vice of Thorns Icon Vice of Thorns
Lv. 92
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Thorned Flourish.
Grand Impact Icon Grand Impact
Lv. 96
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Can only be executed while under the effect of Grand Impact Ready.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Jolt III and Impact change to Grand Impact when requirements for execution are met.
Prefulgence Icon Prefulgence
Lv. 100
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 900 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Prefulgence Ready.
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Manafication changes to Prefulgence when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Riposte Icon Enchanted Riposte
Lv. 1
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 20 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 20 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Riposte changes to Enchanted Riposte when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Zwerchhau Icon Enchanted Zwerchhau
Lv. 35
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted Riposte
Combo Potency: 360
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Zwerchhau changes to Enchanted Zwerchhau when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Redoublement Icon Enchanted Redoublement
Lv. 50
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.
Combo Action: Enchanted Zwerchhau
Combo Potency: 540
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Redoublement changes to Enchanted Redoublement when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Moulinet Icon Enchanted Moulinet
Lv. 52
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 20 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 20 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Moulinet changes to Enchanted Moulinet when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Moulinet Deux Icon Enchanted Moulinet Deux
Lv. 52
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Combo Action: Enchanted Moulinet
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Enchanted Moulinet changes to Enchanted Moulinet Deux when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Moulinet Trois Icon Enchanted Moulinet Trois
Lv. 52
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Combo Action: Enchanted Moulinet Deux
Additional Effect: Grants a Mana Stack
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Enchanted Moulinet Deux changes to Enchanted Moulinet Trois when requirements for execution are met.
Enchanted Reprise Icon Enchanted Reprise
Lv. 76
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 420.
Balance Gauge Cost: 5 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 5 White Mana
This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Reprise changes to Enchanted Reprise when requirements for execution are met.

Red Mage Job Traits

Action Effect
Dualcast Icon Dualcast
Lv. 1
Grants the effect of Dualcast upon casting any spell with a cast time. While under the effect of Dualcast, your next spell will require no time to cast. Effect is canceled upon execution of any action other than an ability. Auto-attacks do not cancel effect.
Duration: 15s
Maim and Mend (RDM) Icon Maim and Mend (RDM)
Lv. 20
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Maim and Mend II (RDM) Icon Maim and Mend II (RDM)
Lv. 40
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Enhanced Jolt Icon Enhanced Jolt
Lv. 62
Upgrades Jolt to Jolt II. Also increases the potency of Verthunder and Veraero to 360, and the potency of Verfire and Verstone to 300.
Scatter Mastery Icon Scatter Mastery
Lv. 66
Upgrades Scatter to Impact.
Mana Stack Icon Mana Stack
Lv. 68
Adds a Mana Stack to your Balance Gauge upon landing Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois, up to a maximum of 3.
Upon gaining 3 Mana Stacks, Verthunder and Verthunder II are upgraded to Verflare.
Upon learning Verholy, gaining 3 Mana Stacks also upgrades Veraero and Veraero II to Verholy.
Enhanced Displacement Icon Enhanced Displacement
Lv. 72
Increases Displacement and Engagement potency to 180.
Red Magic Mastery Icon Red Magic Mastery
Lv. 74
Reduces Contre Sixte recast timer to 35 seconds and increases the potency of both Verthunder II and Veraero II to 120.
Enhanced Manafication Icon Enhanced Manafication
Lv. 78
Reduces Manafication recast timer to 110 seconds and adds an additional effect that increases magic damage dealt by 5%.
Red Magic Mastery II Icon Red Magic Mastery II
Lv. 82
Upgrades Verthunder to Verthunder III and Veraero to Veraero III.
Upon gaining 3 Mana Stacks, Verthunder III is upgraded to Verflare and Veraero III is upgraded to Verholy.
Red Magic Mastery III Icon Red Magic Mastery III
Lv. 84
Upgrades Jolt II to Jolt III. Also increases the potency of Enchanted Riposte to 280, Verthunder II to 140, Veraero II to 140, Verfire to 340, Verstone to 340, Enchanted Zwerchhau to 150, Enchanted Redoublement to 130, Impact to 210, and Enchanted Reprise to 340.
Enhanced Acceleration Icon Enhanced Acceleration
Lv. 88
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Acceleration.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enhanced Manafication II Icon Enhanced Manafication II
Lv. 90
Increases maximum stacks of Manafication to 6.
Enhanced Embolden Icon Enhanced Embolden
Lv. 92
Grants Thorned Flourish upon executing Embolden.
Duration: 30s
Enchanted Blade Mastery Icon Enchanted Blade Mastery
Lv. 94
Increases the potency of Enchanted Riposte to 300, Verfire to 380, Verstone to 380, Enchanted Zwerchhau to 170, Fleche to 480, Enchanted Redoublement to 170, Contre Sixte to 420, Verflare to 620, Verholy to 620, Enchanted Reprise to 420, Scorch to 700, Veraero III to 440, Verthunder III to 440, and Resolution to 800.
Enhanced Acceleration II Icon Enhanced Acceleration II
Lv. 96
Grants Grand Impact Ready upon executing Acceleration.
Duration: 30s
Jolt III and Impact change to Grand Impact while under the effect of Grand Impact Ready.
Enhanced Manafication III Icon Enhanced Manafication III
Lv. 100
Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming all stacks of Manafication.
Duration: 30s
Manafication changes to Prefulgence while under the effect of Prefulgence Ready.

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