FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Origenics Dungeon Guide

Origenics is a level 97 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read on to learn more about the dungeon, guides on how to beat each boss, and how to unlock here!

1st Boss Guide - Herpekaris

Venom Spill + Poison Heart

Herpekaris raises its leg, then slams it down onto the poison puddle, creating multiple circular AOEs covering half of the arena. Pay attention to its leg, and move to the opposite side of the raised leg to avoid the attack.

The second time Venom Spill is done, Poison Heart will also be applied to all players, inflicting everyone with Spread Markers. During this time, have the party spread out to avoid the Poison.

Writhing Riot

Three wide AOE markers will appear in a row, indicating the order of Herpekaris' attack.

To dodge this, stay in an area that was not marked the first and second time, then head to the first marked area before the third attack lands.

2nd Boss Guide - Deceiver

Bionic Thrash

Bionic Thrash

An AOE attack extending in two square areas where the Deceiver hovers its tentacles.

The safe zone during this attack will always be two square sections of the arena diagonal to each other.

Initialize Androids

Initialize Androids

A straight line attack originating from the adds spawned by the arena's edge. Move in front of the blurry Sentries, since their attacks will not go through.

The second time this attack is performed, Bionic Thrash will also be done by the Deceiver.

Initialize Turrets + Surge

Turrets are spawned from the left and right sides of the arena, which will fire straight line projectiles. Make sure to position yourself in front of blurry Turrets, since their attacks are also fake, similar to the blurry Sentries.

After this, Surge will activate, tossing players to the left or right. Make sure you get knocked back into a blurry Turret to avoid hitting the Arena's border.

3rd Boss Guide - Ambrose the Undeparted

Overwhelming Charge

Overwhelming Charge

Position yourself behind Ambrose during this attack to avoid the wide AOE attack.


When the color of the cages on the left and right change, a straight line marker will appear, which will also summon Origenics Eyeborg and Superfluity adds.

Make sure to wait on a safe zone, and have a Tank draw the aggro from the adds after.

Psychokinetic Charge

The first part of the attack pushes players in the direction of the arrow, and then the boss performs an Overwhelming Charge immediately after.

Position yourself in an arrow pointing opposite of where Ambrose is facing, to have Extrasensory Fluid push you to safety before Overwhelming Charge lands.

Origenics Dungeon Information

FFXIV  Dawntrail - Origenics Image
Level 99
Item Level 650
Party Size 1~4
Time Limit 90 min
Requisite Quest The Resilient Son

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