FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Everkeep (Extreme) Trial Guide

Everkeep Extreme Trial Guide

Everkeep (Extreme) is a High-End Trial in FFXIV Dawntrail (FF14). Learn how to beat Everkeep (Extreme), its mechanics, and strategies to use to win the fight here.

Everkeep (Extreme) Trial Information

Everkeep (Extreme) Details
Level Sync Level 100
Item Level: 690
Time Limit 60 minutes
Party Size 8 Players
2 Tanks / 2 Healers / 4 DPS
How to Unlock Complete the required quest How the West Was Sung.

Make sure to have a total of Item Level 690, fully-meld gearsets, lvl 100 raid food and pots before attempting this trial!

Everkeep (Extreme) Trial Preparations

Most Recommended Raid Food

These are all of the most recommended raid food for all roles in patch 7.05 of FFXIV Dawntrail (FF14)!

Tank Raid Food

Food Effect
HQ Roast Chicken Direct Hit Rate +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Determination +8% (Max 63)
HQ Churrasco Critical Hit +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Skill Speed +8% (Max 63)
HQ Moqueca Determination +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Critical Hit +8% (Max 63)

All DPS Raid Food

Food Effect
HQ Moqueca Determination +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Critical Hit +8% (Max 63)
HQ Roast Chicken Direct Hit Rate +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Determination +8% (Max 63)
HQ Churrasco Critical Hit +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Skill Speed +8% (Max 63)
HQ Pine Orange Jelly Critical Hit +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Spell Speed +8% (Max 63)

All Healer Raid Food

Food Effect
HQ Pine Orange Jelly Critical Hit +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Spell Speed +8% (Max 63)
HQ Moqueca Determination +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Critical Hit +8% (Max 63)
HQ Roast Chicken Direct Hit Rate +8% (Max 105)
Vitality +8% (Max 162)
Determination +8% (Max 63)

Partners, Waymarks, and Light Parties Stack Setup

Make sure to assign partners, put waymarks, and light party stack setups before starting the fight.

Tanks are usually partnered with Melee DPS and Healers are paired with all Ranged DPS.

Discuss the pairings with the group and take notes to avoid confusion later on.

Everkeep (Extreme) 1st Phase Mechanics


Zoraal Ja will cast Actualize to mark the beginning of the first phase.

Shield and heal the party to full after getting hit by raid-wide damage.

Multidirectional Divide

During Multidirectional Divide, a cross-shaped line AoE will appear on the arena and players will need to reposition to a safe side first.

Forward Half or Backward Half

Forward Half or Backward Half Positions
Position 1 Position 2
Position 3 Position 4

Forward Half or Backward Half will be casted, so watch what Zoraal Ja casts before repositioning.

If it's Forward Half, refer to the waymarks for repositioning, and stand in front of the glowing sword's side.

If it's Backward Half, refer to the waymarks again, and stand on the opposite side of the glowing sword's side.

Regicidal Rage

Regicidal Rage Positions
Position 1 Position 2

Zoraal Ja will now cast another Multidirectional Divide and plant another cross-shaped AoE, followed by Regicidal Rage which spawns a tankbuster tether for both Tanks.

Tanks need to move to the left and right sides of the field and use cooldowns to withstand the damage while the rest of the party repositions to a safe spot.

Everkeep (Extreme) 2nd Phase Mechanics

Dawn of An Age

While the boss is casting Dawn of An Age, shield up and heal the party to full and get ready for Vollok and Sync mechanics.

Vollok and Sync

Vollok and Sync Positions
Position 1 Position 2

Four platforms with swords buried on specific tiles will spawn outside the arena during Vollok, and will be copied over to the center platform during Sync.

To avoid getting damaged, observe the glowing tiles that will be copied over, then stand on an empty tile to avoid damage.

Half Full and Sync

While Sync is ongoing, the boss will cast Half Full which goes out almost at the same time as Sync.

Determine the safe spot by staying at a corner of an empty tile, and reposition again for the next mechanic.

Greater Gateway

During Greater Gateway, there will be blue, red, and green tethers connected to the platforms.

Two outer platforms will gain blue tethers, with the rest having red and green tethers.

Blade Warp and Fire Portal

During Blade Warp and Fire Portal, swords are placed on the blue tether platform, then on the adjacent red and green platforms.

How to Dodge Red, Blue, and Green Line AoEs

Red and Green Line AoE Positions
Red Line AoE Green Line AoE

During this mechanic, there will always be two safe tiles to stand on. To know where to stand, look at the blue tethers first . Determine where the blue tether line AoEs will go out and take note of it.

For red tether AoEs, always know that there will be three line AoEs placed on the arena. Trace which portal the sword will exit to and piece it together where the blue tether line AoEs will land to know the safe spots.

For green tether AoEs, players will be marked with knockback markers. Simply use Arm's Length or Surecast to have knockback immunity.

Chasm of Vollok

Immdeiately after the tethers, Chasm of Vollok will be casted and players will have a yellow triangle marker. All players must stand on their own tile, and healers should be ready to heal the party to full.

Everkeep (Extreme) 3rd Phase Mechanics


To start the third phase, the boss will cast Actualize again, deal raid-wide damage, and change the arena back to normal.

Projection of Triumph

Projection of Triumph Positions
Position 1 Position 2
Position 3 Position 4
Position 5 Position 6

Zoraal Ja will cast Projection of Triumph and place a 4x4 grid of swords on the arena, along with two opposing tethers outside the arena. One tether is a telegraphing point-blank circle AoE and the other is a telegraphing donut AoE.

On the second activation of projection of Triumph, the tethered AoEs will start moving forward.

Stand in between two sword tiles to avoid the point blank AoE, then reposition to stand on a sword tile to dodge the donut AoE.

Projection of Triumph and Forward or Backward Half

Forward Half and Backward Half Positions
Forward Half Position Backward Half Position
Position 7 Position 8

Zoraal Ja will now mix a Forward Half or Backward Half mechanic while the tethers are crossing over.

Avoid the tether mechanics first, then quickly reposition to either the front or the opposite side of Zoraal Ja's glowing sword to dodge Forward Half or Backward Half damage and survive.

Actualize and Projection of Turmoil

Zoraal Ja will cast another Actualize, so heal and mitigate damage as the platform changes. Immediately after, the boss will cast Projection of Turmoil which places a Projection debuff on all players.

To easily deal with this mechanic, make waymarkers with Tanks on the top corners and a diagonal formation for the rest and discuss role placements from there.

It's easier to have tanks cooldown their solo stacks first, then have the tanks reposition and stack with DPS next. Keep stacking and repositioning to the next player that is yet to get hit, and make sure to keep heals and shields up while this mechanic is still ongoing.

After all players have stacked, get ready to use huge mitigations for Bitter Whirlwind.

Bitter Whirlwind

Bitter Whirlwind is an AoE Tankbuster that inflicts 4-second vulns and hits three times within 7 seconds.

The Main Tank can simply use their invuln and healers can focus their heals on the MT to withstand on all three hits.

Everkeep (Extreme) 4th Phase Mechanics

Dawn of An Age

To start the 4th phase of the fight, Zoraal Ja will cast Dawn of An Age and change the arena. Mitigate and heal the party to survive raid-wide damage.

Drum of Vollok

Enumerations will be placed on each role, so reposition to the edge of the arena near the empty platform as pairs, with ranged outside and melee inside.

During Drum of Vollok, the targeted roles with enumeration will fly over to the empty platform.


The boss will now cast Vollok and place a gigantic sword on both platforms that take up two lines and eight tiles overall.

Reposition to the safe spot beside it.

Sync and Chasm of Vollok

Sync and Chasm of Vollok Positions

Sync and Chasm of Vollok markers will be placed on all players. Stand on your own tile or reposition to another if someone's already standing on the tile.

Aero III

Aero III Positions
Position 1 Position 2

Immediately after, Aero III goes out and places a tornado on the arena.

Players can use the Tornado to cross over to the next platform, however, this places a Wind Resistance Down debuff on players that interact with it.

Aero III and Forward Half or Backward Half

Forward Half and Backward Half Positions
Forward Half Position Backward Half Position

After a while, Zoraal Ja will mix either Forward Half or Backward Half mechanics again. Use the tornado when necessary and cross over to get to the safe spot.

Take note that players who try to use the tornado for the second time will get knocked out due to the Wind Resistance Debuff.

Duty's Edge

During Duty's Edge, a 4-hit stack marker that inflicts a stacking Magic Vuln shows up so all players need to stack, mitigate, and heal through the mechanic to survive.

Burning Chains

Burning Chains Positions
Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

Immediately after, Burning Chains will be casted and tethers all DPS to each Healer. To break the chains, those who are chained need to be on one platform, and run to the farthest part of the arena.

The chains need to be broken before the cast finishes or those who are chained will instantly die. Once Zoraal Ja casts Actualize, get ready to mitigate, shield and heal the party to get ready for the next phase.

Everkeep (Extreme) 5th Phase Mechanics

Projection of Turmoil and Half Circuit

Projection of Turmoil Positions
Position 1 Position 2
Position 3 Position 4
Position 5 -

After Actualize, the boss will cast Projection of Turmoil and mix it with his Half Circuit mechanic.

As usual, do the Projection of Turmoil tether mechanics first, then watch Zoraal Ja's glowing swords to determine where you need to stand. if the swords are within the boss's hitbox, move away. If the swords are pointing outwards, find a spot near the boss to stand on.

Regicidal Rage

Regicidal Rage will be casted immediately after the first Projection of Turmoil is done, so try to stay still as much as possible to let the Tanks grab tethers, cooldown and soak incoming damage.

Projection of Turmoil and Half Full

The second Projection of Turmoil now begins and will be mixed with Half Full mechanics. As everyone moves and repositions to stack with the next player, Zoraal Ja will start casting Half Full so determine which side he will h it and stand on the opposite one while avoiding the tether's mechanics!

Finally, Tanks will need to cooldown and soak the damage from Bitter Whirlwind and everybody needs to mitigate damage, shield, and heal up once the boss casts Dawn of An Age.

Everkeep (Extreme) Final Phase Mechanics

Dawn of An Age

For the start of the final phase, the boss casts Dawn of An Age that deals raid-wide damage and transforms the arena to the one with four platforms.

He will place swords on the outer platforms once he casts Vollok, and copy over the sword tiles to the center during Sync. Simply reposition to dodge this mechanic.

Chasm of Vollok and Duty's Edge

Chasm of Vollok Duty's Edge

Right after Sync, another Chasm of Vollok markers will be placed on all players, so stand on a tile alone and soak damage. Quickly heal the party to full and shields to mitigate incoming damage from the 4-hit stack marker of Duty's Edge.

Greater Gateway will be repeated along with Blade Warp and Fire Portal so repeat the steps to know the safe spots!

Actualize and Multidirectional Divide - Enrage

Forward Half or Backward Half Positions
Position 1 Position 2
Position 3 Position 4

For the final and enrage phase, Zoraal Ja will cast his final Actualize, deal raid-wide damage, and change the arena back to normal so shield and heal up.

Multidirectional Divide will be repeated, and Zoraal ja will finally enter enrage mode.

Focus on dealing damage and dps until the boss gets defeated or wipe if his enrage cast finishes.

Everkeep (Extreme) Rewards

These are all of the rewards that can be obtained from Everkeep (Extreme) trial in FFXIV Dawntrail (FF14)!

Take note that there are no Armor or Weapon rewards for clearing this fight.

All Everkeep (Extreme) Accessories

Note: We will go back and update this section once we have all of the necessary information!

Wings of Resolve Preview

Wings of Resolve is a rare mount drop from Everkeep (Extreme) and can only be obtained by rolling high on the reward.

Other Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme) Rewards

Players obtain the Everkept achievement, 15 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics, and one Resilient Totem per successful run.

These totems can be exchanged at Solution Nine by talking to Uah'shepya who is found at (X:8.7 Y:13.5).

Other drops like Zoraal Ja Card, Skyruin Weapon Coffer (IL 710), Faded Copy of The Skyruin, and Ruinous Prime all depend on RNG when dropping.

FFXIV Dawntrail Related Guides

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List of Dawntrail Trials

All Dawntrail Trials
Worqor Lar Dor (Normal) Everkeep (Normal)
The Interphos Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)
Everkeep (Extreme)


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