FFXIV Dawntrail (FF14)

FFXIV Jobs Guide

Final Fantasy XIV - List of FFXIV Jobs

This is a complete guide and list of all jobs including the new 7.05 additions in Final Fantasy XIV (FF14). Read on for the newest jobs added in Dawntrail Patch 7.0, a list of jobs and combat classes, how to unlock and the best jobs for beginners, as well as jobs added in each expansion.

Dawntrail Patch 7.0 Jobs

Viper and Pictomancer Added

Melee DPS Magical Ranged DPS
Viper. size:35x35Viper Pictomancer. size:35x35Pictomancer

Patch 7.0, Dawntrail, adds the dual-wielding Viper as the game's new Melee DPS, as well as the Magical Ranged DPS Pictomancer!

List of All FFXIV Jobs

All FFXIV Jobs
Tanks Healers Melee DPS
Phys. Ranged DPS Magical Ranged DPS Limited Jobs


Tanks are frontline defenders, boasting high HP and Defense, and utilize skills that attract enemies, mitigate attacks, and keep the rest of the party safe.

TankList of Tanks
PaladinPaladin WarriorWarrior
Dark KnightDark Knight GunbreakerGunbreaker


Healers are responsible for recovering the party's HP, while simultaneously providing buffs and debuffing enemies and bosses.

HealerList of Healers
White MageWhite Mage ScholarScholar
AstrologianAstrologian SageSage

Melee DPS

Melee DPS are close-range attackers that can deal massive damage with their skill combos. These DPS often have busier skill rotations and require careful positioning to maximize damage and avoid enemy attacks.

Melee DPSList of Melee DPS
DragoonDragoon MonkMonk NinjaNinja
SamuraiSamurai ReaperReaper ViperViper NEW

Physical Ranged DPS

Physical Ranged DPS can attack from a distance, and can also attack while moving. These classes have relatively simpler skill rotations, and some can provide party-wide buffs to the team!

Physical Ranged DPSList of Physical Ranged DPS
BardBard MachinistMachinist DancerDancer

Magical Ranged DPS

Magical Ranged DPS attack from range with magical attacks and skills that have a casting time. These jobs often need to stay stationary while casting as moving while mid-cast will cancel their skills.

Magical Ranged DPSList of Magical Ranged DPS
Black MageBlack Mage SummonerSummoner
Red MageRed Mage PictomancerPictomancer NEW

Limited Jobs

Limited Jobs have a lower maximum level cap, can't use the Duty Finder, and can't progress the game's Main Story Quest.

To compensate, these jobs are highly customizable, and can fill DPS, Tank, and Healer roles based on how you customize their skills!

List of Limited Jobs
Blue MageBlue Mage

List of Combat Classes in FFXIV

Starting Combat Classes

Players start out as a Class that you will choose at the beginning of your journey and will define what role you play in instanced content such as dungeons and trials, as well as your starting city.

These combat classes eventually expand into a job that boasts higher stats and more complex and powerful skills.

Tank Classes

Starting Class Job Starting City
GladiatorGladiator PaladinPaladin Ul'dah
MarauderMarauder WarriorWarrior Limsa Lominsa

Players looking to start their journey as a tank can either choose the mitigation-focused Gladiator or the Maurader for more self-healing.

Healer Class

Starting Class Job Starting City
ConjurerConjurer White MageWhite Mage Gridania

Players looking to start as a Healer class can only pick the Conjurer, which is a healer focused on burst healing and healing over time skills.

Melee DPS Classes

Starting Class Job Starting City
LancerLancer DragoonDragoon Gridania
PugilistPugulist MonkMonk Ul'dah
RogueRogue NinjaNinja Limsa Lominsa

Players looking to play as a melee class can pick between the Lancer or the Pugulist. Lancers have a simpler rotation while Pugulists require careful positioning to maximize their damage.

Note: It's not possible to start out as a Rogue as it requires leveling a Disicple of War or Magic to at least Level 10 to unlock.

Physical Ranged Class

Starting Class Job Starting City
ArcherArcher BardBard Gridania

There is only one physical ranged class to choose from, the Archer, and is a great starting class for beginners due to their less complex rotations and lack of casting time on skills.

Magical Ranged Class

Starting Class Job Starting City
ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Black MageBlack Mage Ul'dah
ArcanistArcanist SummonerSummoner
Limsa Lominsa

Players can choose between the Thaumaturge or Arcanist as their starting magical ranged classes. Players who level Arcanist will eventually unlock the Scholar, a healer class that levels alongside its Summoner DPS counterpart.

How to Unlock Jobs

Steps to Unlock Jobs

1 Complete the Main Quest Sylph-management
2 Reach Level 30
3 Complete the Level 30 Class Quest

Sylph-management is Required to Unlock Jobs

If your character has reached Level 30 or above but has not completed the A Realm Reborn main quest Sylph-management, you still can't upgrade your class into a job and the Level 30 Class Quests will not appear on your quest log.

Fate Icon Attention! Jobs added in expansions from Heavensward to Dawntrail do not require classes, and you can obtain them as long as you meet the required levels!

Use the Soul Crystal to Switch to Jobs

Once you finish your Level 30 Job Quest, you will receive a Soul Crystal that you'll need to equip to change into your new job.

There are now drawbacks to equipping the Soul Crystal, so equip it as soon as you can to start playing as your new Job!

Class vs Jobs

Jobs are essentially upgraded versions of the game's starting classes which you unlock once you receive their respecitve Soul Crystals.

The Warrior Job, for example, can still use all the skills of its Marauder starting class, and will also receive stronger skills exclusive to it!

Best Jobs for Beginners

Best Tank Jobs for Beginners

Job Explanation
WarriorWarrior Ranking: ★★★★★
・Easiest Tank Job to learn due to its many recovery skills
・Has a relatively simple skill rotation
・Has a lot of self-buffs that increase its damage
・Great for all content, from low-level roulettes to Savage Raids

Although all Tanks are viable in all content in FFXIV, the Warrior takes the spot as the best for beginners due to its simpler rotation and many self-buffs.

It also has very strong healing skills that can make it self-sufficient and ease the burden from the party's healer in particularly difficult boss encounters.

Best Healer Jobs for Beginners

Best Burst Healer for Beginners

Job Explanation
White Mage White Mage Ranking: ★★★★★
・Easiest Healer Job to learn thanks to its simple rotation
・Available at the start of the game from Conjurer
・Has the highest raw healing out of all Healer jobs
・Great for all content, including PVP

Of the two burst or regen healers, White Mage is the easiest to learn and is available at the start of the game if you chose the Conjurer class. Outside of PVE content such as dungeons, trials, and raids, White Mages also shine in PVP where it is surprisingly mobile and has a powerful Limit Break.

Best Barrier Healer for Beginners

Job Explanation
SageSage Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has a simpler rotation compared to Scholar and is less busy
・Boasts strong mitigation skills and AOE Heals
・A DPS-focused healer with powerful burst skills
・Great for all content, from low-level roulettes to Savage Raids

Sage has a simpler rotation than Scholar and boasts equally strong mitigation and healing skills. Unlike Scholar, Sage is a more DPS-focused healer that can output higher healing through its magical attacks.

This is achieved by casting Kardia on a tank, which will then receive healing after the Sage deals damage with its attacks.

Best Melee DPS for Beginners

Job Explanation
ReaperReaper Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has a simpler and more fluid skill rotation that is easy to understand
・Has great raid utility due to Arcane Crest granting both party-wide mitigation and regen
・Boasts great movement thanks to Hell's Egress and Hell's Ingress
・Great for all content, from low-level roulettes to Savage Raids

Reaper, despite being introduced relatively late in Endwalker is one of the best beginner-friendly melee DPS in the game thanks to its easy-to-learn skill rotation, with the only downside that it requires you to have one combat job at Level 70 to unlock.

On top of great burst damage and movement, Reapers are valued for thier party-wide utility Arcane Crest which grants mitigation and a strong Regen when the shield breaks.

Best Physical Ranged DPS for Beginners

Job Explanation
Bard Bard Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has a simple skill rotation that incorporates damage-over-time skills
・Can potentially deal the most damage out of all physical ranged classes thanks to its raid buffs
Nature's Minne boosts the healing done by the party
・Available at the start of the game from Archer

Bard's easy skill rotation and lack of busy combos make it the best Ranged Job for beginners. It also excels in endgame content, with its raid-wide buffs being highly valued in Savage progression and other PVE instances.

Best Magical Ranged DPS for Beginners

Job Explanation
SummonerSummoner Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has the easiest skill rotation out of all DPS classes
・Has a powerful raid buff and can also raise fallen allies with Ressurection
・Leveling Summoner also levels Scholar
・Available at the start of the game from Arcanist

Summoner has the simplest skill rotation out of all casters, making it the easiest DPS class to leran in the game. Despite this, it's also one of the strongest thanks to its strong, straightforward skills and raid buffs such as Searing Light.

Summoner is also great if you're planning to play as a healer later on since leveling Summoner also increases the levels of your Scholar class.

List of Jobs Added in Each Expansion

Jobs Added in Heavensward

All Heavensward Jobs
Dark Knight Dark Knight Astrologian Astrologian Machinist Machinist

Jobs Added in Stormblood

All Stormblood Jobs
Samurai Samurai Red Mage Red Mage

Jobs Added in Shadowbringers

All Shadowbringers Jobs
Gunbreaker Gunbreaker Dancer Dancer

Jobs Added in Endwalker

All Endwalker Jobs
Reaper Reaper Sage Sage

Jobs Added in Dawntrail

All Dawntrail Jobs
Viper Viper Pictomancer Pictomancer

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