FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

The Interphos Trial Guide

The Interphos Trial Guide

The Interphos is a Trial in FFXIV Dawntrail (FF14). Learn how to beat Queen Eternal, her mechanics, and strategies to use to win the fight here.

The Interphos (Normal) Item Level and How to Unlock

The Interphos Trial Details

The Interphos Trial Details
Level Sync Level 100
Item Level: 670
Time Limit 60 minutes
Party Size 8 Players
2 Tanks / 2 Healers / 4 DPS
How to Unlock Accept the main scenario quest Dawntrail.

Make sure to have a total of Item Level 680 before attempting this trial!

The Interphos First Phase Mechanics

Move to the Opposite Side During Legitimate Force

Watch which arm glows first and position yourself on the opposite side.

After the first blow, immediately mak eyour way to the opposite side and avoid taking damage.

Move Away From Warped Areas During Aethertithe

Watch where the tiles are warping, then move to the unaffected side of the arena.

This attack will cover left, right, and a conal areas of the arena, so watch the wave's direction and dodge accordingly.

Take the AoE Circles to the Edge of the Arena During Coronation

During Coronation, random players will be chased by a large AoE circle. If you're the one being chased, take it to the fathest side of the arena to avoid hitting teammates.

Don't forget to dodge it before it explodes!

Heal and Mitigate Tankbuster Damage During Prosecution of War

Tankbuster marker will drop on the main tank during Prosecution of War.

Make sure to mitigate, shiled, and heal incoming damage.

Shield and Regen During Virtual Shift

The platform will change during Virtual Shift while dealing raid-wide damage.

Reposition During Coronation - Triangular Cleave

Reposition During Coronation - Triangular Cleave

Coronation will be casted again and this time, two players will have a tether and a triangular cleave will be present on the arena.

Make sure to drag this away from the party and choose a safe spot before the beam goes off!

Use Knockback Immunity or Reposition During Downburst

While Queen Eternal casts Downburst, a knockback marker will be visible.

Use your Knockback Immunity or reposition yourself to avoid getting pushed off the arena.

Stack at the Center To Avoid AoE Donut Damage During Drones

Stack at the Center To Avoid AoE Donut Damage During Drones

Stack at the center of the arena once the Drones are in position!

Use Knockback Immunity or Reposition to the Edge of the Arena During Powerful Gust

It's highly likely that your knockback immunity is on cooldown for this mechanic, so reposition to the edge of the arena to get blown towards the opposite direction instead.

Mitigate and Heal Raid-Wide Damage During Virtual Shift

The platform will change back to normal again along with unavoidable raid-wide damage during Virtual Shift, so make sure to heal and shield before it goes out!

The First Set of Mechanics Will Repeat Until the Next Virtual Shift Cast

After the platform changes, the first set of mechanics will be repeated until the arena changes again after another Virtual Shift cast.

Mind the Platform Change During Virtual Shift - Two Platforms

After this Virtual Shift cast, make your way to one of the floating platforms while levitating.

Reposition to Fit Into Holes During Castellation

Reposition yourself to fit into the holes on the wall during Castellation. Players on the wrong side will get knocked off the arena!

Make Sure To Stay on Top of the Platform During Gravity

Players will stop levitating during Gravity, so make sure that you're positioned on top of the platform to avoid falling off.

Another Castellation cast happens afterwards, so line up on the correct hole to avoid getting knocked off the platform.

Reposition to Dodge Legitimate Force While Levitating

Watch which hand glows first, then reposition yourself to the safe spot before it goes out.

Immediately move to the opposite side after the first attack goes out to avoid the incoming cleave.

Raid-Wide Damage and Platform Reset During Virtual Shift

Another raid-wide damage and platform reset happens during Virtual Shift.

Simply heal and mitigate incoming damage, then reposition to opposite sides during another round of Legitimate Force.

Spread Out and Avoid Flare Markers During Absolute Authority

Flare markers are placed on random players during Absolute Authority.

Players that have the markers should move to the corners of the arena to avoid hitting others.

Stack With Other Players on a Safe Spot

Red Triangles will appear above players' heads after Absolute Authority, so head over to a safe spot and stack together while avoiding large AoE puddles on the arena!

Stop Moving and Look Away to Avoid Blowing Up and Getting Stunned

Cubes and Gaze markers will appear above random players. If you have the timed cube, quickly move to a safe spot and stop moving before the timer hits 0!

Gaze players can continue attacking the boss while looking away from each other.

Use Heavy Mitigations to Survive Another Absolute Authority

At this point, throw all mitigations and long-lasting heals to survive Absolute Authority.

Don't Overlap With Others During Divide and Conquer

Line attacks will fall on all players during Divide and Conquer.

Avoid overlapping with each other by choosing a spot and wait for the others to adjust!

Mechanics Will Now Repeat Until Royal Domain is Cast

At this point, all mechanics will now repeat until a certain percentage of the boss's health is down.

Once Royal Domain is cast, players will enter a cutscene and the final phase begins!

The Interphos Final Phase Mechanics

Stay Near the Boss During Dynastic Diadem

After Wuk Lamat intervenes and joins the fight, the cutscene ends and the boss will cast Dynastic Diadem.

Stay near the boss to avoid getting hit by the donut-shaped, arena-wide attack.

Heal and Avoid Cone-Shaped Attacks During Royal Banishment

Royal Banishment throws weak raid-wide damage alongside conal attacks. Maintain regen and shields to survive this attack and defeat the boss.

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