No More Heroes 3 (NMH3)

New Features Guide: What's New in NMH3?

NMH3 New Features

This is Game8's guide on the new features in No More Heroes 3 for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can learn what is new in Santa Destroy such as the Death Glove and skill tree, new moves for slash reels and wrestling, minigames, and more!

List of New Features


All New Features in NMH3
  • Sprawling Open World Exploration - Unique and interesting new areas to explore at your leisure.
  • Larger World - There will be 5 large areas to explore via motorbike. Fast travel is also available.
  • Time Machine - Allows you to fight bosses you've defeated already.
  • Power Up Machine - Allows you to level stats by spending WESN
  • Death Glove - Able to perform special skills and equip with chips that affect stats.
  • Full-Armored Travis - A powerful mech suit you rewarded for hitting the jackpot on Slash Reels
  • 12 Wrestling Suplex moves
  • DonMai Sushi - Provides various buffs depending on the type of sushi you eat.
  • Mini Games - There is a new Mining minigame that allows you to farm WESN.

Sprawling Open World Exploration!

The open-world map of No More Heroes 3 is sprawling with different environments and landscapes for you to explore. The six different areas of the world provide a rich and interesting backdrop to the story of the game.

Santa Destroy

Santa Destroy.png
A fictional town in California that is a staple in the No More Heroes series

Thunder Dome

Thunder Dome.png
A barren wasteland covered in vast salt flats.

Perfect World

Perfect World.png
A classic American suburb with residental homes and old-timey diners.

Call of Battle

Call of Battle.png
A treacherous battlefield with ravanged structures and remnants of war.

Neo Brazil

Neo Brazil.png
A modern coastal city with contemporary structures and buildings.

Damon Tower

Damon Tower.png
A tall, imposing tower belonging to Damon Riccitiello, where FU awaits the final battle.

All Maps and Areas

An Updated Santa Destroy

NMH3 Santa Destroy
Santa Destroy has expanded and is now home to Damon Riccitiello’s massive tech company, Utopinia. It has been stated that there are five main areas of Santa Destroy that you are free to explore on your iconic Schpeltiger motorbike. Fast travel is also available in NMH3.

The No More Heroes Motel

NMH3 Motel
The No More Heroes Motel is Travis' home, and is where Shinobu and Bad Girl will be staying in NMH3 as well. Dr. Naomi's weapon lab will also be located underground nearby.

Time Machine

NMH3 Time Machine
You can access the Time Machine by entering Travis' motel room and going down to the lowest level via the firepole. Interacting with the Time Machine allows you to face bosses that you have already defeated.

Power Up Machine

NMH3 Power Up Machine
The Power Up Machine is also located in the lowest level of Travis' motel room. By spending World's End Super Nova (WESN) at the Power Up Machine, you can level up your stats.

Death Glove and Chips

NMH3 Death Glove
The Death Glove is a returning mechanic from the spinoff game Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, and allows you to activate combat skills such as a deathblow dropkick. In addition there will be a customizable chips allowing you to experiment with which skills you work best for your playstyle.

To create more Death Glove Chips, visit the super computer in the lowest level of Travis' motel room after collecting Tape Deck and Radio parts from enemies.

New Moves with Slash Reels

NMH3 Slash Reels
The Slash Reels mechanic is a staple of the NMH series, rewarding players for doing well in combat with a chance at the slots. Depending on what you spin, the results vary but rest assured they are all quite deadly. The new jackpot of the slash reels has already been revealed to be Full-Armored Travis.

Full-Armor Travis

Full-Armored Travis

By hitting the jackpot on the slash reels, you can activate Full-Armored Travis, an extraordinarily powerful mech suit.

New Wrestling Moves

NMH3 Suplex
Wrestling moves make a return in NMH3, allowing for devastating suplexes in combat. There will be 12 suplex techniques in the game, so be sure to collect all of them!

DonMai Sushi

NMH3 DonMai Sushi
DonMai Sushi is a local sushi stand in Santa Destroy. Eating sushi before a battle will give Travis some perks, although gameplay details are unavailable at this time.

Money Making Minigames


NMH3 Mining Minigame
There is a new mining minigame that allows you to mine minerals that will help level up your skill tree in addition to earning money.

Lawn Mowing

NMH3 Lawn Mowing
Lawn mowing is a returning minigame from previous NMH games, allowing you to make some fast cash.

Trash Collection

NMH3 Trash Collection
Trash collection is another returning minigame, but this one has a twist. You can apparently end up wrestling alligators, suplexing them into submission. See the tweet below to get a glimpse of what it's like in-game!

Bike Missions

No More Heroes 3 Bike Missions.png
This is a minigame where you raise traffic awareness by going in a high speed chase and destroying the head getaway car. You can also destroy the followers to extend the time limit.

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