No More Heroes 3 (NMH3)

List of Outfits and T-Shirts: How to Unlock All Clothes

No More Heroes 3 List of Clothes

This is a complete list of all outfits and t-shirts from the game No More Heroes 3 (NMH3) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on for a guide on how to unlock all t-shirts and outfits, as well as all T-Shirt Alien locations!

List of Clothes

List of All Outfits

Name Description Unlock Conditions
Relaxed Style with Bio LanceRelaxed Style with Bio Lance Relaxed style. "Dennis Wedin" design Available from the start.
Travis (Jacket Off)Travis (Jacket Off) T-shirt with no jacket. Available from the start.
TravisTravis Same ol' Travis. Available from the start.
RIDERS (RK)RIDERS (RK) "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Defeat Gold Joe and finish Episode 2.
Black hoodie with Nobuaki KanekoBlack hoodie with Nobuaki Kaneko "glamb" collaboration costume. Defeat Native Dancer and finish Episode 3.
TSA (Jacket Off)TSA (Jacket Off) Travis Strikes Again (jacket off) style (black pants / black and silver shoes) Finish the game.
TSATSA Travis Strikes Again style (black pants / black and silver shoes) Finish the game.
NMH 2 (Jacket Off)NMH 2 (Jacket Off) No More Heroes 2 (jacket off) style (pants with red belt design / white shoe with red strap design). Finish the game.
NMH 1 (Jacket Off)NMH 1 (Jacket Off) No More Heroes (jacket off) style (distressed pants / white and brown lace-up shoes). Finish the game.
NMH 2NMH 2 No More Heroes 2 style (pants with red belt design / white shoe with red strap design). Finish the game.
NMH 1NMH 1 No More Heroes style (distressed pants / white and brown lace-up shoes). Finish the game.

List of All T-Shirts

Name Description Unlock Conditions
Memorial (TSA)Memorial (TSA) Travis Strikes Again design. Have Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes save data on your console. / Complete the Doppelganger Mission.
Memorial (NMH2)Memorial (NMH2) No More Heroes 2 design. Have No More Heroes 2 save data on your console. / Defeat Kimmy Love with SS Rank.
Memorial (NMH1)Memorial (NMH1) No More Heroes design. Have No More Heroes save data on your console. / Obtain Memorial (NMH2) and Memorial (TSA) shirt.
DEATHKUNDEATHKUN Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay T-Shirt Alien 1000 UC.
OTAKU FREAK NO. 1OTAKU FREAK NO. 1 "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "JUNINAGAWA" design. Get C Rank or higher in 1 Defense Missions.
Musical Score TMusical Score T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 25 times.
Karl CSKarl CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of 5000 WESN.
CRYSTAL DEATHCRYSTAL DEATH Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay T-Shirt Alien 500 UC
Gold JoeGold Joe Ranker T-shirt. Available from the start.
DEATH GEISHA (Vector RAINBOW)DEATH GEISHA (Vector RAINBOW) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Available from the start.
KILL!!KILL!!KILL!! Vector RedKILL!!KILL!!KILL!! Vector Red Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Available from the start.
DEATHMAN LOGO RAINBOWDEATHMAN LOGO RAINBOW Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Available from the start.
DEATHMAN LOGO BOLDDEATHMAN LOGO BOLD Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Available from the start.
Bio LanceBio Lance "Dennis Wedin" design Available from the start.
Mr. BlackholeMr. Blackhole Ranker T-shirt. Available from the start.
Noodle FREAKNoodle FREAK "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Devolver RamenDevolver Ramen "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Devolver Old Skool (alt)Devolver Old Skool (alt) "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Devolver Old SkoolDevolver Old Skool "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
B.S.G.C. CSB.S.G.C. CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Star CSStar CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Gallery CSGallery CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
Palm Tree CSPalm Tree CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES GKNOWN PLEASURES G Raddest T-Shirt (Green) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES PKNOWN PLEASURES P Raddest T-Shirt (Pink) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES IBKNOWN PLEASURES IB Raddest T-Shirt (Indigo Blue) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES MBKNOWN PLEASURES MB Raddest T-Shirt (Marine Blue) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES RKNOWN PLEASURES R Raddest T-Shirt (Red) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES YKNOWN PLEASURES Y Raddest T-Shirt (Yellow) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES W/RKNOWN PLEASURES W/R Raddest T-Shirt (White & Red) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES SKNOWN PLEASURES S Raddest T-Shirt (Silver) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES B/YKNOWN PLEASURES B/Y Raddest T-Shirt (Black & Yellow) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES W/BKNOWN PLEASURES W/B Raddest T-Shirt (White & Black) Available from the start.
KNOWN PLEASURES B/WKNOWN PLEASURES B/W Raddest T-Shirt (Black & White) Available from the start.
Devolver BurgerDevolver Burger "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Activate perfect dodge a total of 25 times.
Pistol YakuzaPistol Yakuza Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay 2000 Uc.
OTAKU FREAKOTAKU FREAK "FREAK" collaboration T-Shirt. "JUNINAGAWA" design. Get C Rank or higher in 16 Defense Missions.
Fake layered CSFake layered CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of 10000 WESN.
Rabbit doll TRabbit doll T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 50 times.
Flame TFlame T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Give Bishop Deathman Card 1 time.
DEATH PLANTSDEATH PLANTS Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay 1500 Uc.
Black Night DirectionBlack Night Direction Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Native Dancer and finish Episode 3.
Death Drive mini GirlDeath Drive mini Girl Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 25 times.
Child & GunChild & Gun Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay 3000 Uc.
HeroesHeroes Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Pay 2500 Uc.
Devolverland ExpoDevolverland Expo "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 5 types of figurines.
DEATH MOUNTAINDEATH MOUNTAIN Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 1000 UtopiCoins.
Midori MidorikawaMidori Midorikawa Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Midori Midorikawa and finish Episode 6.
Vanishing PointVanishing Point Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Kimmy Love and finish Episode 4.
Tokyo TTokyo T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of over 25000 WESN.
Headache THeadache T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of over 20000 WESN.
Vermeer TVermeer T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 75 times.
Happy CSHappy CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of over 15000 WESN.
Vinyl ClubCSVinyl ClubCS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Give Bishop DeathMan Card 5 times.
Uniform of DonMai SushiUniform of DonMai Sushi Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 50 enemies.
JEAN BAPTISTE VIJEAN BAPTISTE VI Ranker T-shirt. Defeat FU and finish Episode 10.
GO BACK TO HOMEGO BACK TO HOME Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 20000 UtopiCoins.
Score branch TScore branch T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Give Bishop DeathMan Card 15 times.
Velvet Chair GirlVelvet Chair Girl Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Velvet Chair Girl and Ohma and finish Episode 5.
Heart CSHeart CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Give Bishop DeathMan Card 10 times.
Suplex (Burger Suplex)Suplex (Burger Suplex) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 150 enemies.
Fur (FU)Fur (FU) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 50 times.
Devolver DiscoDevolver Disco "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Activate perfect dodge a total of 50 times.
Burger (Burger Suplex)Burger (Burger Suplex) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 100 enemies.
FOOK OTAKUFOOK OTAKU "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "JUNINAGAWA" design. Get C Rank or higher in 37 Defense Missions.
DESUMANDESUMAN Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 30000 UtopiCoins
Death PoemDeath Poem Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 40000 UtopiCoins
Schole KillSchole Kill "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "JUNINAGAWA" design. Give the Extraterrestrial Person 15 Alien Shells.
GAME FREAKGAME FREAK "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "KABIKINOKO" design. Give the Extraterrestrial Person 1 Alien Shells.
生足 FREAK生足 FREAK "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "KABIKINOKO" design. Give the Extraterrestrial Person 5 Alien Shells.
MANGA FREAKMANGA FREAK "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "KABIKINOKO" design. Give the Extraterrestrial Person 10 Alien Shells.
ANMAN CHANANMAN CHAN "FREAK" collaboration T-shirt. "KABIKINOKO" design. Complete the volunteer mission, An Extraterrestrial Message.
DEAD FOOD (DEAD FOOD MARKET)DEAD FOOD (DEAD FOOD MARKET) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 200 enemies.
Serious MoonlightSerious Moonlight Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 250 enemies.
Kill (Killer MARATHON)Kill (Killer MARATHON) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Defeat a total of 300 enemies.
Sonic JuiceSonic Juice Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Sonic Juice and finish Episode 8.
Paradox BanditParadox Bandit Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Sonic Juice and finish Episode 8.
Sniping LeeSniping Lee Ranker T-shirt. Defeat Destroyman True Face and finish Episode 7.
GLAMUTILATION TGLAMUTILATION T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Complete the volunteer missiosn, DeathMan Card
Devolver WasherDevolver Washer "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 30 types of figurines.
Devolver TrollDevolver Troll "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 25 types of figurines.
Devolver Smoking Frog (alt)Devolver Smoking Frog (alt) "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 20 types of figurines.
Devolver Smoking FrogDevolver Smoking Frog "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 15 types of figurines.
Devolverland Expo (alt)Devolverland Expo (alt) "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Collect 10 types of figurines.
Pixel JeanePixel Jeane Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Complete the volunteer mission, Find Jeane's Kids.
Cross big CSCross big CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Give Bugjiro 12 Scorpions.
Never Quit CSNever Quit CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Complete the volunteer mission, Scorpion Death Ramen.
DEATH POWER (BROWN PRINT)DEATH POWER (BROWN PRINT) Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 60000 UtopiCoins
DEATH POWER (WHITE PRINT)DEATH POWER (WHITE PRINT) Deathman T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Acquire a total of over 50000 UtopiCoins
AUTOBAHNAUTOBAHN Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 150 times.
DEADDEAD Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 125 times.
GidaGida Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 100 times.
Pistol & Koi (PISTOL YAKUZA)Pistol & Koi (PISTOL YAKUZA) Original T-shirt. "Tyuyoshi Hirooka" design. Activate pro wrestling moves a total of 75 times.
CHANCE IS ONCE TCHANCE IS ONCE T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 150 times.
Natalie CSNatalie CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 125 times.
Peace Sign CSPeace Sign CS "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Use Death Skills a total of 100 times.
Devolver Island (alt)Devolver Island (alt) "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Activate perfect dodge a total of 125 times.
Devolver IslandDevolver Island "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Activate perfect dodge a total of 100 times.
Devolver Fork San AntonioDevolver Fork San Antonio "devolver digital" collaboration T-shirt Activate perfect dodge a total of 75 times.
Cross mark TCross mark T "glamb" collaboration T-shirt Acquire a total of over 30000 WESN.

T-Shirt Alien Locations

Santa Destroy

Map Image
T-Shirt Alien #1 T-Shirt Alien #2
No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 1 Santa Destroy.jpg No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 2 Santa Destroy.jpg


T-Shirt Alien No.
DEATHKUNDEATHKUN T-Shirt Alien 1 (2nd Shirt)
DEATH PLANTSDEATH PLANTS T-Shirt Alien 1 (3rd Shirt)
Pistol YakuzaPistol Yakuza T-Shirt Alien 1 (4th Shirt)
HeroesHeroes T-Shirt Alien 1 (5th Shirt)
Child & GunChild & Gun T-Shirt Alien 1 (6th Shirt)
OTAKU FREAK NO. 1OTAKU FREAK NO. 1 T-Shirt Alien 2 (1st Shirt)
OTAKU FREAKOTAKU FREAK T-Shirt Alien 2 (2nd Shirt)
FOOK OTAKUFOOK OTAKU T-Shirt Alien 2 (3rd Shirt)

Santa Destroy Guide and Map

Perfect World

Map Image
T-Shirt Alien #1 T-Shirt Alien #2
No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 1 Perfect World.jpg No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 2 Perfect World.jpg


T-Shirt Alien No.
Karl CSKarl CS T-Shirt Alien 1 (1st Shirt)
Fake layered CSFake layered CS T-Shirt Alien 1 (2nd Shirt)
Happy CSHappy CS T-Shirt Alien 1 (3rd Shirt)
Headache THeadache T T-Shirt Alien 1 (4th Shirt)
Tokyo TTokyo T T-Shirt Alien 1 (5th Shirt)
Cross mark TCross mark T T-Shirt Alien 1 (6th Shirt)
Musical Score TMusical Score T T-Shirt Alien 2 (1st Shirt)
Rabbit doll TRabbit doll T T-Shirt Alien 2 (2nd Shirt)
Vermeer TVermeer T T-Shirt Alien 2 (3rd Shirt)
Peace Sign CSPeace Sign CS T-Shirt Alien 2 (4th Shirt)
Natalie CSNatalie CS T-Shirt Alien 2 (5th Shirt)
CHANCE IS ONCE TCHANCE IS ONCE T T-Shirt Alien 2 (6th Shirt)

Perfect World Guide and Map


Map Image
T-Shirt Alien #1 T-Shirt Alien #2
No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 1 Thunderdome.jpg No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 2 Thunderdome.jpg


T-Shirt Alien No.
Devolver BurgerDevolver Burger T-Shirt Alien 1 (1st Shirt)
Devolver DiscoDevolver Disco T-Shirt Alien 1 (2nd Shirt)
Devolver Fork San AntonioDevolver Fork San Antonio T-Shirt Alien 1 (3rd Shirt)
Devolver IslandDevolver Island T-Shirt Alien 1 (4th Shirt)
Devolver Island (alt)Devolver Island (alt) T-Shirt Alien 1 (5th Shirt)
Death Drive mini GirlDeath Drive mini Girl T-Shirt Alien 2 (1st Shirt)
Fur (FU)Fur (FU) T-Shirt Alien 2 (2nd Shirt)
Pistol & Koi (PISTOL YAKUZA)Pistol & Koi (PISTOL YAKUZA) T-Shirt Alien 2 (3rd Shirt)
GidaGida T-Shirt Alien 2 (4th Shirt)
DEADDEAD T-Shirt Alien 2 (5th Shirt)
AUTOBAHNAUTOBAHN T-Shirt Alien 2 (6th Shirt)

Thunderdome Guide and Map

Call of Battle

Map Image
T-Shirt Alien #1 T-Shirt Alien #2
No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 1 Call of Battle.jpg No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 2 Call of Battle.jpg


T-Shirt Alien No.
Devolverland ExpoDevolverland Expo T-Shirt Alien 1 (1st Shirt)
Devolverland Expo (alt)Devolverland Expo (alt) T-Shirt Alien 1 (2nd Shirt)
Devolver Smoking FrogDevolver Smoking Frog T-Shirt Alien 1 (3rd Shirt)
Devolver Smoking Frog (alt)Devolver Smoking Frog (alt) T-Shirt Alien 1 (4th Shirt)
Devolver TrollDevolver Troll T-Shirt Alien 1 (5th Shirt)
Devolver WasherDevolver Washer T-Shirt Alien 1 (6th Shirt)
GO BACK TO HOMEGO BACK TO HOME T-Shirt Alien 2 (2nd Shirt)
DESUMANDESUMAN T-Shirt Alien 2 (3rd Shirt)
Death PoemDeath Poem T-Shirt Alien 2 (4th Shirt)

Call of Battle Guide and Map

Neo Brazil

Map Image
T-Shirt Alien
No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 1 Perfect World.jpg


T-Shirt Alien No.
Uniform of DonMai SushiUniform of DonMai Sushi T-Shirt Alien (1st Shirt)
Burger (Burger Suplex)Burger (Burger Suplex) T-Shirt Alien (2nd Shirt)
Suplex (Burger Suplex)Suplex (Burger Suplex) T-Shirt Alien (3rd Shirt)
Serious MoonlightSerious Moonlight T-Shirt Alien (5th Shirt)
Kill (Killer MARATHON)Kill (Killer MARATHON) T-Shirt Alien (6th Shirt)

Neo Brazil Guide and Map

What are T-Shirt Aliens?

No More Heroes 3 - T-Shirt Alien 2 Santa Destroy.jpg

T-Shirt Aliens are shirt vendors that require you to complete a challenge before claiming a shirt. T-Shirt Aliens sell multiple T-shirts, so make sure to revisit the T-Shirt Alien after refreshing the area.

To refresh the T-Shirt Alien, the player can do the following:

No More Heroes 3 Related Guides

No More Heroes 3 Items Partial Banner 3.png

Items Front Page

Item Types
No More Heroes 3 All Clothes Partial Banner.pngClothes No More Heroes 3 Food Partial Banner.pngDonMai Sushi
No More Heroes 3 All Beam Katanas Partial BannerBeam Katanas -
List of All Kittens List of All Scorpions
List of All Trees List of All Alien Heads
List of All DeathMan Cards All Death Glove Chips
All Capsule Toys Doppelganger Locations


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