Memoria (Disc 4) Walkthrough

This is a Story Walkthrough for Memoria (Disc 4) from Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section.

Pandemonium -

Memoria Walkthrough

Note This is another good time to update your gear and abilities so try to do everything you need to before advancing the story.
1 Head to the Iifa Tree and prepare for a boss battle.
Boss Nova Dragon
2 Follow the linear path until you reach a bridge. Prepare for a boss fight before going further.
Boss Maliris
Note At the illusion of Alexandria, there is a hidden save point on the right side of the castle.
3 Head forward and follow the path until you reach an area with a heavy rain.
4 The path to the right will attempt to push you back. Head through it to proceed.
5 Before climbing the stairs, prepare for a boss fight.
Boss Tiamat
6 Head further until you reach an area seemingly submerged in water.
Optional Boss Before heading deeper into Memoria, you can take examine the area to the right behind the rocks. “Something” will tell you to leave, not doing so will initiate a boss with Hades.
7 After rising out of the water, prepare for a boss fight then climb the stairs.
Boss Kraken
8 Keep following the path until you reach a ladder. Prepare for a boss fight.
Note At the area with a broken clock there is a hidden save point on the far right side corner of the screen.
Boss Lich
9 After the boss fight, keep heading forward while floating.
10 Upon reaching a white fog, prepare for a boss fight.
Boss Deathguise
12 Your last opportunity to do other things. Once everything is settled, prepare for the final bosses.
Boss Trace Kuja
Boss Necron

Memoria - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Kain's Lance x1 Pick it up in the middle of the stairs around the Memoria entrance.
The Tower x1 Found at the bottom-right corner of the balcony.
Angel Flute x1 Found on a platform in the area called The Past.
Rune Claws x1 Located at the bottom left of the stairs in the Time Interval.
Mace of Zeus x1 Acquire by entering a room and climbing a ladder in the Time Warp area.

Kain's Lance

From the bubble-like save point, go right. This item cannot be seen easily so you have to inspect the middle right corner of your screen, just behind the structure.

The Tower

The Tower.jpg
Keep following the path from the entrance circle around the spiral staircaise. Once you have reached the area with stairs proceeding from left to right, check the balcony for The Tower.

Angel Flute

Angel Flute.jpg
From The Tower's location, follow the path until you reach an area with a run down castle-like structure. Inspect the middle left side of the screen.

Rune Claws

Rune Claws.jpg
From the Angel Flute location, head straight and follow the path until you encounter a short scene with Dagger. As you proceed through the Time Interval, check the left side of your screen.

Mace of Zeus

Mace of Zeus.jpg
Climb the ladder in the Time Warp area. Before climbing another ladder, pick up the equipment at the upper left side corner of the ladder.

Memoria - Shops

Hades' Synthesis Shop


Item Name Synthesis Price Synthesis Item 1 Synthesis Item 2
Phoenix Pinion 300 Gil Phoenix Down Gysahl Greens
Lapis Lazuli 400 Gil Ore Dead Pepper
Topaz 100 Gil Ore Eye Drops
Opal 100 Gil Ore Potion
Sapphire 200 Gil Ore Antidote
Peridot 100 Gil Ore Soft
Amethyst 200 Gil Ore Annoyntment
Garnet 350 Gil Ore Remedy


Weapon Name Synthesis Price Synthesis Item 1 Synthesis Item 2
Save the Queen 50000 Gil Javelin Silver Gloves


Armor Name Synthesis Price Synthesis Item 1 Synthesis Item 2
Tin Armor 50000 Gil Hammer Ore
Robe of Lords 30000 Gil White Robe Black Robe
Pumice Piece 25000 Gil Hammer Pumice
Pumice 50000 Gil Pumice Piece Pumice Piece
Protect Ring 40000 Gil Dark Matter Rebirth Ring

Memoria Boss Fights

Nova Dragon

FF9 Nova Dragon
Nova Dragon uses several water based and wind based elemental attacks against the party. Make sure to equip gear that are resistant to those elements. For more information about Nova Dragon, see the link below.
How to Beat Nova Dragon


FF9 Maliris
The first Chaos Guardian. Beware of Marilis' Raining Sword. She will use it after dying so keep your HP up. For more information about Maliris, see the link below.
How to Beat Maliris


FF9 Tiamat
Tiamat can inflict the annoying Heat status to your whole party. Make sure to have the Body Temp ability equipped before proceeding to the fight. For more information about Tiamat, see the link below.
How to Beat Tiamat


FF9 Kraken
Following the previous Guardian's trend, Kraken is a boss that relies on Water elemental attacks. For more information about Kraken, see the link below.
How to Beat Kraken


FF9 Lich
Lich is the last Guardian and is the wielder of the Earth element. Lich also has access to the Level 5 Death ability so make sure that your party doesn't have any character whose level are divisible by 5. For more information about Lich, see the link below.
How to Beat Lich


Better hope that your level still isn't divisible by 5 as Deathguise possesses the Level 5 Death ability as well. A boss fight where the player is encouraged to level up first before attempting. For more information about Deathguise, see the link below.
How to Beat Deathguise

Trance Kuja

FF9 Kuja Trance
Trance Kuja will keep unleashing the deadliest Black Magic against your team. Make sure that nobody equips the Auto-Reflect ability or the battle will get tougher than it should be. For more information about Trance Kuja, see the link below.
How to Beat Trance Kuja


FF9 Necron
The Final Boss of the game. Hopefully you've learned abilities that protect you from status ailments, and even if you have, the battle will still be tough. For more information about Necron, see the link below.
How to Beat Necron

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

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Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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