How to Beat Kraken

This is a walkthrough for the boss fight Kraken from the game Final Fantasy IX (FF9, FF IX). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Kraken, including its stats and other useful information.

Kraken Stats and Weaknesses


Boss Battle

Kraken ImageKraken
72 59496
Exp AP Gil
0 10 8628
Fire Ice Thunder
100% Half% 150%
Water Wind Earth
-100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Leg, Waterga, Ink, Water-gun, Freeze, Esuna

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Left Tentacle

Kraken Left Tentacle ImageKraken Left Tentacle
71 18169
Exp AP Gil
0 - 4386
Fire Ice Thunder
100% Half% 150%
Water Wind Earth
-100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
This enemy has no abilities.

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Right Tentacle

Kraken Right Tentacle ImageKraken Right Tentacle
71 18168
Exp AP Gil
0 - 4362
Fire Ice Thunder
100% Half% 150%
Water Wind Earth
-100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
This enemy has no abilities.

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Crystal World

Kraken (Crystal) ImageKraken (Crystal)
72 23354
Exp AP Gil
0 7 4338
Fire Ice Thunder
100% Half% 150%
Water Wind Earth
-100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Trouble Counter, Waterga, Ink, Water-gun, Freeze, Esuna

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Other Information

Boss Battle

Other Information
Locations Memoria
Enemy Type Demon, Heavy
Card This enemy does not drop a card.
Eat This enemy cannot be eaten.

Crystal World

Other Information
Locations Crystal World
Enemy Type Demon
Card Veteran
Eat Frost

Items Dropped From Kraken


Boss Battle

Item Dropped Drop Rate
Phoenix Pinion 100%
Phoenix Down 37.5%
Ether 12.5%
Elixir 0.39%

Left Tentacle

This enemy does not drop any items.

Right Tentacle

This enemy does not drop any items.

Crystal World

Item Dropped Drop Rate


Boss Battle

Item Stolen Steal Rate
Genji Helmet 100%
Wizard Rod 25%
Glutton's Robe 0.39%

Left Tentacle

Item Stolen Steal Rate

Right Tentacle

Item Stolen Steal Rate
Wing Edge

Crystal World

Item Stolen Steal Rate
Eye Drops

Kraken Boss Battle Guide


FINAL FANTASY IX_20200214161958.jpg
Kraken continues the trends of the chaos guardians and specializes in its own element, which is water. Having water resistant equippment, as well as the Body Temp ability, will prevent you from dying or freezing.


Kraken's main physical attack is Leg. Kraken can also use Freeze to freeze a character (brrr!). Ink can inflict damage and darkness to a single character. Water-Gun is a water elemental attack that damages a single target. At critical HP, Kraken will also use Waterga on the whole party.


FF9 Kraken
This is a battle where having Auto-Reflect for everyone can backfire. Water elemental attacks will heal Kraken, so bouncing Waterga back to Kraken will heal it instead. Using Thunder-based attacks like Ramuh, Steiner's Sword Magic, and Vivi's Thundaga can lay waste to Kraken in no time.

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