Ice Caverns (Disc 1)

This is the Story Walkthrough for Ice Caverns (Disc 1) from Final Fantasy IX (FF IX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section.

Evil Forest Village of Dali

Ice Caverns - Objectives

Note Beware of the Mist blowing in the area. Coming in contact with it will initiate a random enemy encounter.
1 Head deeper into the Caverns. The path may have some splits but is generally pretty linear.
Note There are various areas you can check to reveal new paths using Vivi's magic. These locations will be listed below.
2 Keep heading forward until you see an area that splits into two where one path leads to a frosty area.
3 Take the left path from here.
4 Check the frozen moogle. Save your game and prepare for a boss fight
5 Boss Fight Black Waltz 1 and Sea Lion
6 Once the fight is over, head upwards to exit the Ice Caverns.

The Ice Cavern's Mist

ff9 ice cavern
These Mist vents are all over the Ice Caverns and might not be obvious the first time. They can be avoided with the right timing, but walking into one will trigger an enemy encounter.

Ice Cavern's Hidden Paths

Make sure to take the chest above first in this area before knocking the icicle over.

Using Vivi's Magic allows you to reach hidden areas that are normally unaccessible. Look out for these location to obtain some items.

Ice Cavern - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Potion & Eye Drops Random Enter the north gate for these items before heading into the cavern.
Tent x1 Acquired by hopping up the stairs.
Ether x1 Located behind the first wall.
Potion x1 Find it by going around to the back, instead of going up the stairs to your left.
Elixir x1 Located at the left side of the intersection.
Potion x1 A treasure chest item available for pick up by crossing the pillar, in the lower part of the room.
Mage Masher x1 Acquire it by going through a path where you melted the ice previously.
Phoenix Down x1 Head right as soon as the path splits.
Leather Wrist x1 Located at the left where an ice wall blocks the path.

Mage Masher

Mage Masher.jpg

Ask for Vivi's assistance to melt the ice to your right, which causes a sloop of ice to fall making a path to the tresure chest below.

Leather Wrist

Leather Wrist 3.jpg

From the Phoenix Down item location, go left. Have Vivi melt the ice to reveal another path. Take the path to acquire a Leather Wrist.

Ice Cavern - Shops

There are no shops in this area.

Ice Caverns Boss Fights

Black Waltz 1 and Sea Lion

ff9 Black Waltz and Sealion
A duo boss fight that you need to fight alone. The battle gets harder the more damage you deal so be cautious about your actions. For more information about Black Waltz 1 and Sea Lion, see the link below.
How to Beat Black Waltz 1 and Sealion

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

FF9 Banner Template (Final).pngGo back to the Main Story Walkthrough Front Page
Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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