Conde Petie (Disc 2)

This is the Story Walkthrough for Conde Petie (Disc 2) from Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section.

Black Mage Village Madain Sari

Conde Petie - Objectives

1 Head to the Weapon Shop to the right most area and talk to the guards.
2 Head to the hallway on the left then talk to the elder.
3 When the commotion ends, head deeper for another scene.
4 Climb the vine and examine the statue to get the red stone.
5 Head deeper until you encounter a scene. Prepare for a boss fight then head forward.
Boss Hilgigars
6 Take the path to the right to exit the mountain path.

The Colored Stones

ff9 moonstone
There are several stones that can be obtained from the statues located in the mountain pass. Collecting these stones and putting them in the statue past the Moogle to the right will net you a Moonstone.

Blue Stone

The Blue Stone is obtained by taking the path forward after climibing the vine from where Quina jumped off.

Red Stone

The Red Stone is obtained near the treasure chest after climbing the vine in the area you saved Eiko.

Yellow Stone

The Yellow Stone is obtained near the statue where you fought Hilgigars.

Green Stone

The Green Stone is obtained near the chest after taking the lower right path on the way to Eiko's village.

Conde Petie - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Diamond x1 Found in the Kirkboat.
Remedy x1 Found near the Blue Stone location to the left.
Tent x1 Found in the upper right next to Quina during the story.
Ether x1 Found by going right from an intersection.
Moonstone x1 Reward for collecting all four stones.


Pick it up on the Kirkboat, where marriages are held.

Conde Petie - Shops

Goldpiler's Weapons Stall


This shop sells no items.


Weapon Name Price
Oak Staff 2400 Gil
Lightning Staff 1200 Gil
Ice Staff 980 Gil
Flame Staff 1100 Gil
Stardust Rod 760 Gil
Multina Racket 750 Gil
Mythril Fork 4700 Gil
Poison Knuckles 5000 Gil


Armor Name Price
Ritual Hat 1000 Gil
Lamia's Tiara 800 Gil
Mythril Armlet 500 Gil
Magician Cloak 1850 Gil
Adaman Vest 1600 Gil

Item Shop


Item Name Price
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Annoyntment 150 Gil
Tent 800 Gil
Echo Screen 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Soft 100 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil


This shop sells no weapons.


This shop sells no armor.

Conde Petie Boss Fights


FF9 Hilgigars
Hilgigars uses earth based attacks that damage the whole party. This boss also has a chance to drop the Fairy Flute for Eiko, however due to the abysmally low steal rate it may be in your best interest to move on without it. For more information about Hilgigars, see the link below.
How to Beat Hilgigars

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

FF9 Banner Template (Final).pngGo back to the Main Story Walkthrough Front Page
Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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