Iifa Tree (Disc 2)

This is the Story Walkthrough for Iifa Tree (Disc 2) from Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section.

Madain Sari Madain Sari 2 (Disc 2)

Iifa Tree - Objectives

1 When prompted, choose “Ask Eiko”
2 Keep heading forward, when prompted with another choice, choose “Stand on it”.
3 Keep heading forward, you will ride another platform where enemies will come after you.
4 Head deeper into the lifa tree until another scene occurs. Prepare for a boss fight.
5 Soulcage
6 Exit the area then return to Madain Sari.

Iifa Tree - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Ruby x1 Obtained automatically by progressing the story.
Phoenix Down x1 Obtained by pushing the first button at the second fork.
Hi-Potion x1 Found at the lower left side of the screen.
Healing Rod x1 Obtained by pushing the second button at the third fork.
Ether x1 Found in a hole on the right side of the screen.
Lamia's Flute x1 Gotten from a chest on the bottom left path.
Remedy x1 Obtained from a chest near the Lamia's Flute.
Elixir x1 Pick it up from the floor after descending the stairs.
Brigandine x1 Found behind Eiko and Vivi.


Automatically recieved by progressing the story.

Healing Rod

Head to the third fork and push the button to your right. Then, go back to the second fork. Open the new chest that dropped.

Lamia's Flute

Healing Rod.jpg
Go to the bottom of the fork. Open the chest on the bottom left of the screen.


After getting off the leaf, look behind Eiko and Vivi to find a Brigandine.

Iifa Tree - Shops

There are no shops available in this area.

Iifa Tree Boss Fights


FF9 Soulcage
Soulcage is your first undead boss in this series. If you're a fan of Final Fantasy games, you'll know what to do. For more information about Soulcage, see the link below.
How to Beat Soulcage

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

FF9 Banner Template (Final).pngGo back to the Main Story Walkthrough Front Page
Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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