How to Beat Lich

This is a walkthrough for the boss fight Lich from the game Final Fantasy IX (FF9, FF IX). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Lich, including Lich's stats and other useful information.

Lich Stats and Weaknesses


Lich ImageLich
71 58554
Exp AP Gil
0 10 8436
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 150% -100%
Holy Shadow Healing
150% Half% -100%
Death Cutter, Earthquake, Earth Shake, Stop, Venom Powder, LV5 Death

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Other Information

Other Information
Locations Memoria
Enemy Type Demon, Heavy
Card This enemy does not drop a card.
Eat This enemy cannot be eaten.

Items Dropped By Lich


Item Dropped Drop Rate
Phoenix Pinion 100%
Phoenix Down 37.5%
Ether 12.5%
Elixir 0.39%


Item Stolen Steal Rate
Genji Gloves 100%
Siren's Flute 25%
Black Robe 6.25%

Lich Boss Battle Guide


FF 9 Lich
Avoid having characters with levels divisible by 5 to survive Lich's Lvl 5 Death ability. Lich follows the elemental trend of the Chaos Guardians and specializes in Earth elemental attacks.


Lich possesses several deadly magic abilities such as Stop, Death, and Doom. Lich can also use Earth Shake and Earthquake which, as the names suggest, are Earth elemental attacks.

Lich will use Death Cutter, a high damaging physical attack that may inflict Doom on its target, as well. Having Antibody equipped is a good choice to protect against Venom Powder.


FF 9 Lich
Equip the Auto-Float ability or Earth resistant armor. Having high defense is also recommended to survive Lich's Death Cutter. Equipping Anti-body and Locomotion is also helpful to avoid Lich's Stop and Venom Powder abilities. Auto-Reflect also works as long as your White Mage has the Reflect-Null ability equipped.

Use Fire and Holy attacks to deal the most damage to Lich. Vivi's Fire magic, Steiner's Sword Magic, and Garnet's Ifrit will obliterate Lich. Your White Mage can also use Holy whenever your party doesn't need healing.

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