Ipsen's Castle (Disc 3)

This is the Story Walkthrough for Ipsen's Castle (Disc 3) from Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section.

Esto Gaza / Mount Gulug Terra / Bran Bal

Ipsen's Castle - Objectives

Note Ipsen Castle's Curse.
1 Head to Ipsen's Castle. You can use the Airship's autopilot to head there without getting lost.
2 Head forward. Use the pole on the lower part of the screen to head lower.
3 Head to the ladder and use it to climb up.
4 Follow the path until you reach another area.
5 Upon reaching the stairwell, head down then go to the next ladder to the opposite side of the area.
6 Climb the topmost area to reach the castle lift. Use the lift then prepare for a boss fight.
Boss Taharka
7 Return all the way to Ipsen's Castle's entrance. You can use the rotating wall near the lift to have an easier time getting there.
8 Head to the area with the chandelier. Head to the lower left area to find Amarant.
9 Return to Ipsen Castle's entrance again.
10 Find the four shrines.
11 After each pair has been dropped off to each shrine, prepare for a boss battle.
Boss Earth Guardian.

Ipsen Castle's Curse

FF9 Ipsen
It is fine if the gear of your characters are not up to date in this area. Weapons (but not armor) have their stats reversed, which means it's recommended to bring the weakest weapons you can to deal more damage.

The Door By The Lift

FF9 Ipsen
There is an obviously hidden door by the wall near the lift in Ipsen's Castle. You can interact with it several times. Exhaust all the options until the option to rest appears. Resting by the door will cause it to open.

The Four Shrines

The four shrines' locations are hinted at by the mirror. Their location are as follows:


FF9 Water Shrine
The Water Shrine is the easiest to find. Look for a whirlpool south of Ipsen's Castle.


FF9 Fire Shrine
The Fire Shrine is found near Mount Gulug.


FF9 Wind Shrine
The Wind Shrine is found inbetween the valley southeast of Oeilvert.


FF9 Earth Shrine
The Earth Shrine is the triangle shaped rock formation south of the Desert Palace.

Ipsen's Castle - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Dagger x1 Located between the pillars in the lobby at the left side.
Aquarius x1 Located between the pillars in the lobby at the right side.
Cat's Claws x1 Found at the room where Kumool is located.
Broadsword x1 Obtained by jumping right when '?' appears.
Javelin x1 Obtain by jumping left when '?' appears.
Rod x1 Acquired by following the path after climbing another ladder and jumping when '?' appears.
Barette x1 Located at the right side of the balcony.
Air Racket x1 Located at the left corner way passed the elevator going to the Ancient Aroma's location.
Golem's Flute x1 Open the chest in the same location as Ancient Aroma.
Ancient Aroma x1 Get it from the pot to the right.
Mage Staff & Fork x2 Acquired by climbing up the pole.
Maiden Prayer x1 Obtained by standing on the trap square.


You can find this in the entrance by opening the chest to your left.


You can find this in the entrance by opening the chest to your right.

Cat's Claws

From the entrance, head past the reception area. Enter the door to the right. Keep going straight and open the chest in the upper right corner of your screen.


Use the rope to climb down from the save room. Ascend the ladder to your right and keep following the path, entering the tunnel-like opening. Climb up the ladder then jump to the right.


Use the rope to climb down from the save room. Then ascend the ladder to your right. Keep following the path and enter the tunnel-like opening. Climb up the ladder then jump left.


From the Javelin's location go back to the ladder. Climb down to the lowest level and take a right. Follow the path and climb another ladder. Jump to your right.


From the Rod's location, return near the ladder. Instead of climbing it, go down through the opening. Open the secret door here by selecting every option and retrying until 'rest' appears. Choose to rest by the door and the door will open, leading to a treasure chest.

Air Racket

Air Racket.jpg
From the entrance, head past the reception area. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path then circle around to your left to find a treasure chest.

Golem's Flute

From the entrance, head past the reception area. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path then ride the lift to bring you to an area where the chest is located.

Ancient Aroma

Ancient Aroma.jpg
In the same room where you found the Golem's Flute, move the pots counter-clockwise twice. You'll find the Ancient Aroma in the pot to your right.

Maiden Prayer

Maiden Prayer.jpg
Return to the Moogle or the Dagger treasure chest's location. After talking to your friends a hole in the floor will appear. Move around and step on the trap door. Open the treasure chest on the top of a chandelier-like structure.

Ipsen's Castle - Shops

Kumool's Mogshop


Item Name Price
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Annoyntment 150 Gil
Hi-Potion 200 Gil
Tent 800 Gil
Remedy 300 Gil
Magic Tag 100 Gil
Vaccine 100 Gil
Echo Screen 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Soft 100 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil
Rising Sun 500 Gil


Weapon Name Price
Mage Masher 500 Gil
Oak Staff 2400 Gil
Iron Sword 600 Gil
Mythril Rod 560 Gil
Multina Racket 750 Gil
Needle Fork 3100 Gil
Mythril Spear 1100 Gil
Lamia's Flute 3800 Gil
Poison Knuckles 5000 Gil


Armor Name Price
Red Hat 3000 Gil
Golden Hairpin 3700 Gil
Diamond Helm 3000 Gil
Cross Helm 2200 Gil
N-Kai Armlet 3000 Gil
Jade Armlet 3400 Gil
Venetia Shield 2800 Gil
Shield Armor 4300 Gil
Demon's Mail 5900 Gil
Power Vest 7200 Gil
Gaia Gear 8700 Gil

Ipsen's Castle Boss Fights


FF9 Taharka
Taharka is the guardian of the mirrors. Taharka uses Ice elemental magic accompanied by hard hitting physical attacks. For more information about Taharka, see the link below.How to Beat Taharka

Earth Guardian

FF9 Earth Guarrdian
Earth Guardian focuses on using magic abilities and earth based attacks. Earth Guardian is also the only boss that can be eaten by Quina. For more information about Earth Guardian, see the link below.
How to Beat Earth Guardian

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

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Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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