Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

List of All Disguises

List of Disguises Banner.png
You can equip disguises in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to infiltrate restricted areas and avoid suspicion while exploring. Check out our list of all disguises you can find in the game, all disguise locations, how to equip them, and when to use disguises.

List of All Disguises and Disguise Locations

Indy's Outfit

Indys Outfit
This is Indiana's default outfit throughout the game. You will have it on at the start of a level and you can re-equip it any time.

The disguise weapon for this outfit is his reliable Revolver. You can use it as a gun or a melee weapon.

Clerical Suit

Clerical Suit
You will receive this outfit from Father Antonio, upon entering the Vatican area. This will help you stay undetected while exploring the Vatican.

You have access to a simple cane as a weapon.

Blackshirt Uniform

Grab the Blackshirt Uniform.png
The Blackshirt Uniform is an upgrade to the Clerical Suit. Along with its other advantages, you will also be able to access military tents and the boxing ring.

You can get it right after you meet Gina. Its weapon is the baton.
How to Get the Blackshirt Uniform

Digsite Outfit

Digsite Outfit
You will recieve this disguise from Nawal in Gizeh after delivering 4 Stelae to her. You can also obtain it in the Great Sphinx during the Sanctuary of the Guardians fieldwork. Its weapon is a shovel.

Wehrmacht Uniform

Wehrmacht Uniform
You can enter restricted areas and the boxing ring in Gizah with the Wehrmacht Uniform. You can get it in the watchtower near the Gizeh Market, where you will naturally end up in during the story. You can get it after you receive the Digsite Outfit.

Royal Army Uniform

Royal Army Uniform
In Sukhothai, you can get the Royal Army Uniform in the Voss' Gold Stash quest area. Its weapon is a handgun with 7 bullets.

How to Equip a Disguise

Open the Inventory

Open the Inventory
Equip a disguise by opening the Inventory and selecting the disguise you want to equip. After a short animation, Indy will equip the new outfit.

You can equip a disguise as long as you were not noticed or seen by an enemy.

When to Use Disguises

Infiltrate Enemy Bases

Infiltrate Enemy Bases
When you put on a disguise, enemies will not notice you, aside from their captain. They will not try to attack you nor approach you.

You need to equip a military outfit to access restricted areas. These are location like the military bases in the Vatican and the excavation sites in Gizah.

Use Disguise Weapons

If You Need a Weapon
If you need a weapon in a pinch, you can always equip your disguise weapon. You do this by pressing Left on the keyboard or D-pad. You can also change your disguise to change the available weapon.

If it is out of durability, you can restore with a Repair Kit or switch to another disguise.

How to Repair Weapons

Join the Boxing Ring

Join the Boxing Ring
With the Blackshirt Uniform, Wehrmacht Uniform, and the Royal Army Uniform, you can enter the boxing ring in their respective location.

You will get a cash reward for beating the fighter and get access to a bandage box for an unlimited supply of healing items.

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