Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Sacred Wounds Puzzle and How to Solve

Sacred Wounds is a puzzle in Tower of Nicholas V in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Read on for a complete guide on how to solve the Sacred Wounds puzzle.

Sacred Wounds Puzzle Location

World Location

Unlock a Secret Door in the Tower of Nicholas V

Entrance to Underworld.png
After locating the next clue to identify the cat mummy thief, Indiana Jones heads to the Tower of Nicholas V. Once you come across an altar and a mural of St. Micheal and a demon, you will see the main mechanic of this section of the game. When you pour wine into a golden basin, something will activate.

For this part, a section of the mural will pop out. Approach the mural to rotate it in such a way that St. Micheal is above the demon. This will unlock the Underworld, an area beneath the Tower of Nicholas V.


After entering the new passageway, you should unlock a map of the Underworld. Eventually, you will enter a dark room that suddenly comes to light with a mural of Jesus Christ.

Sacred Wounds Puzzle Solution

Sacred Wounds Solution Summary

The mural will have the Roman numerals I-IV next to the five wounds Christ received during his crucifixion. When you pour wine into the gold basin, levers will pop out below the Roman numerals.

1. Pour wine on the golden basins, wait until the wine leaves a residue.
2. Take note of the residue, as well as the marked body part of Christ on the mural.
3. Match the numbers found on the basin with levers on the depicted image of the crucified Christ.

Sacred Wounds Step-by-Step Solution

Sacred Wounds Step by Step Guide
Facing the puzzle, go to the mural on the right. Press X then A to pour wine into the golden basin in front of it.

The basin will reveal III for the right foot of Christ or the lower left lever.
Next to that mural, there is a room blocked by a cage. Indy can squeeze through the crack to the right of the door.

Once inside, you can pour wine into this basin, revealing IV for Christ's left foot or the lower left lever. You can exit this room by pulling the chain next to the door or by exiting through the crack.
To the left of the puzzle, there is a mural that has a stone bust on its sink. You have to remove it before you pour wine in the basin.

It will reveal II for the left hand of Christ which is the upper right lever.
When you enter the room in the leftmost side of the puzzle, a cage will close behind you. Before going deeper into the room, pour wine into the basin in front of you to reveal II for the right hand of Christ, the upper right lever.
Move to the next room to pour wine into the statue's sink. The tip of the spear will reveal III for the body of Christ.

Exit the room by equipping a nearby candlestand then destroying the wall with it.
Set the levers to their corresponding numbers.

Both hands of Christ are II. The body of Christ is III. From left to right, the feet of Christ are III and IV.

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