Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Gizeh Guide

Gizeh Walkthrough Banner
This is a complete walkthrough and area guide for Gizeh in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Read on for a detailed guide for Gizeh, all puzzles and solutions, all Adventure Books, and all chest codes in this chapter!

Gizeh Guide

Gizeh, Egypt, Africa

Chapter 3: Gizeh
Gizeh Egypt Africa
Locations Gizeh, Egypt, Africa

Gizeh Walkthrough

1 Once you gain control of Indiana, walk up the hill to see where the Blue Tent is. The first part of Gizeh you will visit is the Gizeh Worker Area.

When you enter the Blue Tent, you will be introduced to Nawal, Gina's contact.
2 Nawal will ask you to collect four Stone Stelae found around Gizeh.

She also suggests you go to the Village Market. You need to buy a Lighter here to explore the ruins. It costs 75 Pounds.
3 After you deliver the four Stone Stelae to Nawal,.you will receive work passes and the Digsite Outfit Disguise. Then, you will be transported to the Great Pyramid Excavation Site.

Walk on the wooden scaffolding until you find a ruins entrance with two big horizontal lines. Equip a nearby sledgehammer to destroy the wall.
4 Go through the Tunnels with your lighter. Equip a torch when you can. Eventually, you will be trapped in a room with scorpions while trying to get a Canopic Jar.

To make it across the room, scare the scorpions away with your torch and move with the jar. Once you hand it to Gina, the door will open and you will enter the Nazi Compound.
5 Go toward the Nazi flag. After you take it down, move deeper into the Nazi Compound to find Vass' Office. It will be on the floor above the war room.

Here, you will get the Detention Center Key and Dr. Laura Lombardi's Journal.
6 Indy and Gina decide to follow Voss. After ziplining from a warehouse, you will use the Detention Center Key to spy on Voss.

After the cutscene, you will escape the compound through a tunnel with Nawal, but be separated from Gina. Eventually, you will find yourself in the Temple Excavation Site.
7 You will go to the Sphinx to locate the Dream Stele. Find clues in it by zooming in with the Camera.

It will show you a location on the westside of the map, near the Khafe Excavation Site.
8 After reaching the pyramid, find a low spot within the highlighted area of your Journal. You should see the Giant's symbol on it. Take one of the nearby sledgehammers to break the wall next to it.

Explore the temple until you reach the Chamber of Resonance.
▶ Chamber of Resonance Puzzle Solution
9 After solving the puzzle, you will fall to the Ancient Caves.Continue to the path until you reach a mirror that's directing light away from a shining. Move the mirror to open the door.

This is an introduction to a puzzle you will see after the door opens: the Three Eyed Gate.
▶ Three Eyed Gate Puzzle Solution
10 The gate will open a path to the Cave of Darkness, where you will have to fight a Giant.

After you defeat him, you will use the Guardian Pendant to open a path to the Idol of Ra. When you get it, the game will transition to the next location.

Gizeh Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Cloud Atlas Cloud Atlas Location: Found inside a weather station in northwest of the Gizeh Workers' Area.
 1. Find the two notes in the station.
 2. Match the cloud data logbook with the numerical classifaction of clouds in the status page.
 3. Open the chest with the code from the two notes.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Seat of Eternity Seat of Eternity Location: Found in a small tomb northwest of the Great Sphinx.
 1. Locate the four canopic jars.
 2. Place them in the right order to open the sarcophagus.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest Location: Inside the Nazi Vehicle Garage
 1. Find the note inside the garage.
 2. Open the chest with the code from the note.
 3. Take the Harvest Stele.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Nazi Compound Safe Nazi Compound Safe Location: Inside the Nazi Compound, located in the building where Hoss' office is located.
 1. The safe can be found in the back part of the main floor.
 2. The note containing the code can be found on the second floor near the telephone.
 3. Input the code 40926 to open the safe. Claim the gun, money, and Ancient Relic inside.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Chamber of Resonance Chamber of Resonance Location: Found underneath the great pyramid west of the Nazi compound.
 1. Examine the tablets on the wall.
 2. Find the missing piece of one of the tablets.
 3. Recite the words on the tablet in the correct order.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Three Eyed Gate Three Eyed Gate Location: Found in the underground cave system beneath the pyramid.
 1. Find a way to get more light rays into the chamber.
 2. Make the light hit the panels on the side of the door to match the three locks.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Fortune Fortune's Reach Location: Found near Nawal's tent in the Worker's Area.
 1. Pick up the Wanted Poster from the bulletin board.
 2. Take a picture of the spilled red paint and footsteps south from Nawal’s tent.
 3. Follow the footsteps to an underground opening south of the Worker’s Area.
 4 Pick up the note inside.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Bright Future Bright Future Location: The letter that starts this mystery is found in the Nazi Vehicle Garage. The chest you need to open is located along the main road between the Great Sphinx and the Tomb of Khentkawes.
 1. Get Pohl's Letter and the Nazi Note from the Nazi Vehicle Garage restricted area.
 2. Find the locked crate at the midpoint of the Sphinx and Khentkawes, and enter the code.
 3. Run away before the dynamites inside detonate.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Secret of the Queen Mother Mural Secret of the Queen Mother Mural Location: Found in sublevel 1 of the excavation site for the Tomb of Khentkawes.
 1. The mural glyphs should be in this order: bird at the top, snake in the middle, and fish at the bottom.
 2. Once the pieces are all in place, follow the light to a breakable wall.
 3. Break the wall, grab the Light Stele, then make your escape.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Gold Mask Mirror Puzzle Gold Mask Mirror Puzzle Location: Found inside the Great Sphinx during the Sanctuary of the Guardians fieldwork. This is the first of two mirror puzzles in this area.
 1. Move the mirrors near the large stone structure so that they hit the mirrors near the door diagonally.
 2. Move the mirrors near the door so that they hit the gold circles at the base of the platform diagonally.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Statue of Light Statue of Light Location: Found inside the Great Sphinx during the Sanctuary of the Guardians fieldwork. This is the second of two mirror puzzles in this area.
 1. Move the mirror to shine light on the gold disc above the left door to open it.
 2. Help Gina up into the hole above the right door, then place the mirror she slides to you into the slot in the left room.
 3. Shine the light onto the mirror Gina is holding.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Locked House Locked House Location: Found southwest of Gizeh Village.
 1. Climb onto the roof of the locked house using the boxes and broken wall on the side.
 2. Get the Discarded Key from the bird’s nest on the roof.
 3. Unlock the door using the Discarded Key.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Wehrmacht Chest Wehrmacht Chest Location: Found in a shed requiring the Wehrmacht Key in the elevated area between the Nazi Vehicle Garage and the Great Pyramid Excavation Site.
 1. Pick up the note inside the shed for a clue to the code.
 2. Check the cards on the table for the code. Use your camera to zoom in if you’re having trouble seeing the card numbers.
 3. Enter the code into the chest in this room.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Egyptian Numeral Chest Egyptian Numeral Chest Location: Found in a small room inside the wooden house near the Tomb of Khentkawes that’s accessible through a window
 1. Get the Numeral Basics note from the shelf.
 2. Pick up the clipboard with the Egyptian Numeral Code, and use the other note to decipher the number combination.
 3. Enter the code into the chest in this room.

Gizeh Adventure Books

Book Location Area Adventure Points How to Find Effect
Block Head
Gizeh Nazi Recreational Zone 400 Located at the center, Inside the big tent. It is inside a chest. TBA
Brawler III
Gizeh Kafre Excavation Site 700 Found inside the Kafre Excavation Site, near the entrance on the left side TBA
Bread Basket
Gizeh Gizeh Workers Area 400 Located near the big blue tent. It will be inside a open tent on the left side. Carry twice the amount of bread
Button Man I
Gizeh Khentkawes Excavation 500 Inside the Tomb of Khentkawes, It will be inside the chest on the left side of the entrance One-handed firearms deal more damage
Climbing Ace II
Gizeh Khentkawes Excavation 150 Located on the side at the very top of the excavation, it is on a table. Drain less stamina and enables faster movement by using the Climb button while whip-climbing.
Gizeh Artifacts
Gizeh Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds. Shows the locations of Artifacts in Gizeh
Gizeh Books
Gizeh Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds. Shows the locations of Books in Gizeh
Gizeh Frequencies
Gizeh Great Pyramid Excavation - Inside the Nazi Vehicle Garage, Located inside a train cabin near the tracks Shows the locations of Radio Frequencies in Gizeh
Gizeh Medicine
Gizeh Meteorological Station - Located inside a lockchest, Complete Cloud Atlas Mystery to unlock it Shows the locations of Medicine Bottles in Gizeh
Gizeh Mysteries
Gizeh Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds Shows the locations of Mysteries in Gizeh
Gizeh Notes
Gizeh Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 700 pounds. Shows the locations of Notes in Gizeh
Gizeh Relics
Gizeh Nazi Recreational Zone - North of the Nazi Recreational Area. There will be pack of wolves it is near a small tent. Shows the locations of Relics in Gizeh
Hardboiled II
Gizeh Knuckle Duster Den - Buy from the Knuckle Duster Den for 850 pounds Harden protection by merging two health bars into one.
Jumbo Lasso
(Combat )
Gizeh Tomb of Khentkawest 325 Located inside a barrack near Teleport Marker Heavyweight enemies can be whip-pulled into a grab
Patch Up
Gizeh Gizeh Village 550 Near the Fast Travel going up the stairs, it will be inside a house on the right Improves the amount of health that is restored when applying bandages
Pep II
Gizeh Gizeh Workers Area 550 You can find this in a small outpost west of the Workers' Area Add a boost to stamina recovery speed.
Gizeh Nazi Compound 375 Found inside the Nazi Compound, near the entrance on the left side Throw items farther and deal more damage
Sawbones II
Gizeh Knuckle Duster Den - Buy from the Knuckle Duster Den for 550 pounds Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one.
Slug Boy I
Gizeh Nazi Compound 500 Inside the Nazi Compound, Located below Voss' Office Increase handgun ammunition capacity by a half-dozen bullets
Slugger I
Gizeh Nazi Recreational Zone 450 Located at the center, inside a big tent with beds Increases damage from charged-up attacks
Street Scrapper II
Gizeh Gizeh Workers Area 750 It will be inside Nazi Tent, it is placed on a bed Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons
True Grit
Gizeh Gizeh Workers Area 450 South of the Workers Area, Located underground near a body Take less damage when down to the last bar of health

List of All Books

Gizeh Journal Notes

Collectible Location Item Type Area Quest How to Find
The Bridge Cavern Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Take a photo of the bridge overlooking from the Three Eyed Gate puzzle chamber.
Old Scholar’s Diary Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Found on a table in the office located on the upper floor of the southern building in the Nazi compound.
Gun Approval Document Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Found on a table inside one of the sheds across from the main building. This is accessible through a window.
Marya’s Letter Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Found on a table in the highest floor of the main building in the compound.
Nazi Compound Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Take a photo from the main building overlooking the Nazi Compound.
Disappearance Report Gizeh Field Notes Voss' Office Field Notes Located inside to the left at the corner of the room from entrance.
Excavation Orders Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Located inside the main building. It is below Voss' Office on the center table.
Engel’s Report Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Found on a table in the room after the one with a table in between two Nazi flags.
Code Note Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Located inside the main building on the 2nd floor. It is on the table near the Nazi flag
Assignment Letter Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Located inside the main building on the ground floor. From the main entrance, go right. It will placed on a table between two Nazi flags
Scary Stories #2 Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Found on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed found inside one of the tents in the Nazi compound in the north.
Temple Entrance Gizeh Field Notes Temple Excavation Site Field Notes Take a photo of the temple entrance from the Temple Excavation site after escaping the Nazi compound.
Train Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Recreational Area Field Notes Take a photo of the stopped train from a spot northeast of the recreational center.
Nazi Cinema Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Recreational Area Field Notes Take a photo of the makeshift cinema in the recreational area.
Poker Tent Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Recreational Area Field Notes Take a photo of the poker table found inside the Nazi recreational area.
Scary Stories #1 Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Vehicle Garage Field Notes Found on a table out in the open inside the garage compound.
Peru Postcard Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Vehicle Garage Field Notes Found on a table in one of the dining tents in the garage.
Code Letter Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Vehicle Garage The Idol of Ra Located inside the garage. From the east side entrance, it is on the table at the right
Winning Hand Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Vehicle Garage Field Notes Found inside the locked Wehrmacht room. Take a photo of the winning cards on the table.
• Wehrmacht Key
Code Note Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Vehicle Garage Field Notes Found inside the locked Wehrmacht Door north of the garage.
• Wehrmacht Key
Conveyor Belt View Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Take a photo from the top of the conveyor belt in the Khafre Excavation site.
Adamic Tablet Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Take a photo of the Adamic Tablet found in the A1 section of the excavation site.
Excavation Plans Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Found on a table inside one of the tents in the upper sections of the dig site.
Old Research Journal Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Found on a table inside one of the tents in the upper sections of the dig site.
Funerary Temple Tunnel Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Take a photo of the cart inside one of the tunnels in the excavation site.
Funerary Temple Dig Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Take a photo of the excavation site from the watchtower found north of the Mortuary Temple Ruins.
Khafre’s Pyramid Gizeh Field Notes Khafre Excavation Field Notes Take a photo of the great pyramid west if the Khafre Excavation site.
Khentkawes Mural Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Located from the elevator, go to the east tomb. It is on the further east side of the map
Kozra Letter Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Found inside one of the rooms inside the Khentkawes Excavation Site.
Horror Tales #2 Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Found on a table in the western part of the Khentkawes Excavation Site.
Dunes Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Take a photo of the dunes. Find a good vantage point in the south part of the Khentkawes Excavation Site.
Menkaure’s Pyramid Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Take a photo of the distant pyramid not visible on the map.
Pipeline Construction Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Take a photo of the large pipeline north of the Tomb of Khentkawes Site.
Numeral Basics Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Found in a small room inside the wooden house near the Tomb of Khentkawes that’s accessible through a window
Professor Omar Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Take a photo of Omar in his tent.
Kleber’s Letter Gizeh Field Notes Khentkawes Excavation Site Field Notes Found on top of a crate in Omar's tent.
Savage and Sidney Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of Professor Savage and Sidney on the bench across from Asmaa in the Village. Complete A Savage Predicament Field Work to take the photo.
• A Savage Predicament
Ful Medames Recipe Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Found on a table in a common dining area southeast of Asmaa's tent.
Parked Car Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the two parked cars found in the southern part of the Village.
Village Dog Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the dog found near the entrance to the Village.
Date Harvesting Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the man harvesting dates from the date tree outside of the Village.
Goat Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the goat found in a shed west of the Village.
Asmaa Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of Asmaa in the heart of the Village.
Carpet Merchant Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the merchant selling carpets in the Village.
Senet Players Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the two players playing a game of Senet in the northern part of the Village.
Oud Master Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the musician in the Village.
Snake Charmer Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the snake charmer in the Village across from Asmaa.
Tea House Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the tea house in the eastern part of the Village.
Gizeh Story Teller Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the story teller in the Village.
Nawal Article Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Found on a bench in Gizeh Village.
Hamam Mashi Recipe Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Found on a table in the southern part of Gizeh Village under a tent.
Khufu’s Pyramid Gizeh Field Notes Meteorological Station Field Notes Take a photo of Khufu's pyramid, the pyramid to the north of the Sphinx.
Meroe Page Gizeh Field Notes The Sphinx The Idol of Ra You can get this note from the room behind the Sphinx excavation
Camels Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Take a photo of the camels by the shed found southwest of the Gizeh Village.
Gizeh Village Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Village Field Notes Climb up the watchtower near the Great Sphinx and take a photo of Gizeh Village.
Great Sphinx Gizeh Field Notes Great Sphinx Field Notes Take a photo of the Great Sphinx.
Crashed Bulldozer Gizeh Field Notes Great Sphinx Field Notes Take a photo of the crashed bulldozer found to the east of the Great Sphinx.
Weather Station Gizeh Field Notes Meteorological Station Field Notes Take a phpto of the Meteorological Station west of the Great Sphinx.
Field Kitchen Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Take a photo of the outdoor kitchen of the Workers' Area.
Fattah Recipe Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found on a table in a common dining area, west of Dr. Kafour's tent.
Dr. Kafour Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found in the infirmary unit of the Workers' Area.
Horror Tales #1 Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found inside on a table in one of the tents in the Workers' Area.
Voss Article Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found inside on a table in one of the tents in the Workers' Area.
Thieves Article Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found in a tent on your left as you approach the Blue Tent facing east. The same tent where you acquire the Bread Basket book.
Geomantic Analysis Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area The Idol of Ra You can get this note in the Blue Tent.
Margaret Portrait Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Located at Nawal's Tent. It is on the Nawal's table
Osiris Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Located in Nawal's Tent. Take a photo of the pet snake
Omega Book Page Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Found in a small alley ruins, just west of the workers' area.
Gizeh Vista Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes You can take a picture of the pyramid as soon as you gain control of Indiana when you land in Gizeh.
The Blue Tent Gizeh Field Notes Gizeh Worker's Area Field Notes Located south of the Workers Area, It take a photo at the top of the hill when Indy and Gina start off the Gizeh.
Gizeh Map Gizeh Map Gizeh Worker's Area The Idol of Ra You can get this map in the Blue Tent.
Airship Document Gizeh Field Notes The Blimp Field Notes Located inside the blimp on the right. It is found at a table beside a typewriter
Stelae List Gizeh Adventure Gizeh Worker's Area The Idol of Ra You can get this note from Nawal in the Blue Tent.
Gizeh Medicine Gizeh Map Meteorological Station The Idol of Ra You can get this by completing the Cloud Atlas mystery in the Meteorological Station in Gizeh
Affirmation Letter Gizeh Adventure Voss' Office The Idol of Ra Located inside the office, it is on the coffee table
Genesis Chapter Gizeh Adventure Voss' Office The Idol of Ra Located inside the office, at the back near the window
Marya's Letter Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Located at the top floor. it is on a table near a window
Old Scholar's Diary Gizeh Field Notes Nazi Compound Field Notes Located at the Train Depot. Found on the 2nd floor placed on a table
Ancient Caves Map Gizeh Map Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Obtain by arriving to the Three Eyed Gate
Dead Raider Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Three Eyed Gate at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the skeleton right at the entrance
Three Eyed Gate Combinations Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Automatically obtained by getting to the area.
The Three Eyed Gate Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the gate
Temple Entrance Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the entrance
Eternal Rest Mural Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the mural
Khufu's Command Mural Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the mural
Gift of the Gods Mural Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the mural
Ageless Cave Mural Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the mural
Destroyed Mural Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground after completing Chamber of Resonance at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the mural
Secret Phrase Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Automatically obtained by getting to the area.
“Al haht sheram” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
“Lezeem” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
“Eo-shohd” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
“Vuha” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
“Hat sha-Athon” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
“Leneph” Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the tablet on the wall
Chamber of Resonance Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located underground at the Great Pyramid, take a photo of the statues
Nephilim Symbol Marking Gizeh Adventure Great Pyramid Excavation The Idol of Ra Located in front of the pyramid, below the ground. take the photo of the symbol
Queen's Pyramid Symbol Gizeh Adventure Great Sphinx The Idol of Ra Located north of the Workers Area, take a photo zoomed in to the symbol of the steele in front of the Sphinx
Sphinx Symbol Gizeh Adventure Great Sphinx The Idol of Ra Located north of the Workers Area, take a photo zoomed in to the symbol of the steele in front of the Sphinx
Great Pyramid Symbol Gizeh Adventure Great Sphinx The Idol of Ra Located north of the Workers Area, take a photo zoomed in to the symbol of the steele in front of the Sphinx
Guardian Symbol Gizeh Adventure Great Sphinx The Idol of Ra Located north of the Workers Area, take a photo zoomed in to the symbol of the steele in front of the Sphinx
The Dream Stele Gizeh Adventure Great Sphinx The Idol of Ra Located north of the Workers Area, take a photo of the steele in front of the Sphinx
Giant's Tattoo Gizeh Adventure Nazi Compound The Idol of Ra After eavesdropping on Voss, take a photo of the Giant's tattoo
Voss Arriving Gizeh Adventure Voss' Office The Idol of Ra Take the photo beside the entrance with a window on the right
Symbols Rubbing Gizeh Adventure Voss' Office The Idol of Ra Located inside the bedroom in the office, it is on top of the table
Mural Observation Gizeh Adventure Nazi Compound The Idol of Ra Located inside the main building, below Voss' Office right next to the stairs on a table
Meier's Letter Gizeh Adventure Gizeh Worker's Area The Idol of Ra Located inside a Nazi tent near the Workers Area
Second Stelae List Gizeh Adventure Gizeh Worker's Area The Idol of Ra Located inside Nawal's tent, thjis will appear after collecting the first list.
Excavation Photograph Gizeh Field Work Gizeh Worker's Area Sanctuary of the Guardians Located at Nawal's Tent. This will be handed to you by Gina
Fortune Card Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians Located to the entrance underground of the Great Sphinx, it is on top of a barrell
Logbook Entry Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians Located underground, from the entrance, going down the stairs. It is on a table near a spotlight
King Card Gizeh Field Work Nazi Recreational Area Sanctuary of the Guardians Located at the center at the open area. it is along the tables besside a Nazi Flag
Jack Card Gizeh Field Work Nazi Recreational Area Sanctuary of the Guardians Located at the middle tent, it is on a table in a drawer
Golden Medallion Gizeh Field Work Nazi Recreational Area Sanctuary of the Guardians Located at the middle tent, it is on top of the table
Mirror Statue Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians take a photo of the Mirror Statue in the middle of the room
Gina Holding the Mask Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians take a photo of Gina holding the Gold Mask in the middle of the room
Gold Mask Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians take a photo of the Gold Mask in the middle of the room
Guardian Mural Gizeh Field Work Great Sphinx Sanctuary of the Guardians take a photo of the Guardian Mural in the room
Khentkawes Dig Map Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Located at Omar's tent. it is placed on a table.
Hidden Chamber Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Complete the Mural Puzzle to unlock the chamber to take the photo
Dig Report Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Located at the bottom of the tomb. The elevator must be usable to obtain.
Mural Puzzle Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Located at the bottom of the tomb. Take a photo of the mural
Malfunction Notice Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother It is placed on the elevator near the on switch.
Ostracan Shard Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother After talking to Omar, the shard will be will be on his hand.
Radiogram Transcript Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Located from the elevator, go to the east tomb. It is in a scafolding.
Shutdown Notice Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Located near the elevator on the very top level.
Nightshift Diary Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother Southeast of the excavation, it inside a suitcase
Jürgen's Note Gizeh Field Work Khentkawes Excavation Site Secret of the Queen Mother West of the excavation, near the tanks and barrels. It is on top of a toolbox.
Savage's Letter Gizeh Field Work Gizeh Village A Savage Predicament Located at the village market, Professor Savage will give you the letter. He will be standing in front of a fruit stall
Hanged Man Card Gizeh Field Work Gizeh Village A Savage Predicament Located at a bench where Professor Savage is sitting
Sidney's Letter (Gizeh) Gizeh Field Work Nazi Compound A Savage Predicament Located south of the compound at a large building with two Nazi flags at the entrance. It is inside a cell at the ground floor.
Gantz's Journal Gizeh Field Work Khafre Excavation A Savage Predicament Located west of the excavation site. It is found at one of the tables at the canteen tent
Gantz's Orders Gizeh Field Work Nazi Compound A Savage Predicament Located south of the compound at a large building with two Nazi flags at the entrance. It is inside a cell at the ground floor.
Wanted Poster Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area Fortune's Reach Located at the left side of the blue tent
Tail of Red Paint Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area Fortune's Reach Located south of the area, take a photo of red paint at the ground
Graverobbing Plan Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area Fortune's Reach Located south of the area follow the footprints underground. It is also same location of True Grit
Cloud Status Logbook Gizeh Mysteries Meteorological Station Cloud Atlas Located inside the station. It is place on a table in front of a whiteboard
Cloud Atlas Page Gizeh Mysteries Meteorological Station Cloud Atlas Located inside the station. It is place on a table in front of a whiteboard
Hauntings Report Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area The Haunting Located at the restricted area, it is inside the tents. It is placed on a round table
Tomb Photograph Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area The Haunting Located at the restricted area, it is inside the tents. It is placed on a round table
Spy's Note Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Worker's Area The Haunting Located west of the workers area, It will be inside a locked gate.
• Haunted Tomb Key
Tomb Journal Gizeh Mysteries Nazi Vehicle Garage Seat of Eternity Near the garage, the entrance will be east of it. Complete Seat of Eternity to obtain
Canopic Jar Gizeh Mysteries Nazi Vehicle Garage Seat of Eternity Near the garage, the entrance will be east of it. Complete Seat of Eternity to obtain
Pohl's Letter Gizeh Mysteries Nazi Recreational Area Bright Future Located inside of the big tents. It is placed on a table with radios
Nazi Note Gizeh Mysteries Nazi Recreational Area Bright Future Located inside of the big tents. It is placed on a bed
Dead Nazi's Note Gizeh Mysteries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Thief's Promise West of the Tomb, Located underground
Desertion Report Gizeh Mysteries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Thief's Promise West of the Tomb, Located underground
Giant Stele Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx Belongs in a Museum East of the Sphinx, It will be inside a hole on the ground
Death Stele Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Belongs in a Museum North of the Workers Area, near the Nazi tents. The entrance is on the east side of the area
Ra Stele Gizeh Discoveries Khafre Excavation Belongs in a Museum West of the Excavation Site, the entrance is below a wooden scafloding beside a Nazi
Amon Stele Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound Belongs in a Museum Located in the main building of the compound. Wehrmacht key is need to unlock the door to the stele.
Harvest Stele Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Vehicle Garage Belongs in a Museum Inside the garage, it is inside a locked box behind a truck. Code is 0805
Victory Stele Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site Belongs in a Museum Northwest of the excavation, near the Mortuary Temple Ruins. It will be inside the tomb.
Sebek Stele Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Recreational Area Belongs in a Museum North of the Recreational Area, you will need a two-handed melee weapon to open the tomb
Light Stele Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site Belongs in a Museum Complete Secret of the Queen Mother Field Work to obtain
• Secret of the Queen Mother
Construction Stele Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Belongs in a Museum Complete A Savage Predicament Field Work to obtain
• A Savage Predicament
Protector Stele Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Belongs in a Museum Complete Sanctuary of the Guardians Field Work to obtain
• Sanctuary of the Guardians
Ancient Relic 11 Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Riddles of the Ancients Complete The Haunting Field Work to obtain
• Haunted Tomb Key
Ancient Relic 12 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx Riddles of the Ancients Located underground, Complete Sanctuary of the Guardians Field Work to obtain
Ancient Relic 13 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx Riddles of the Ancients Located underground, Complete Sanctuary of the Guardians Field Work to obtain
Ancient Relic 14 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx Riddles of the Ancients Located underground, Complete Sanctuary of the Guardians Field Work to obtain
Ancient Relic 15 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx Riddles of the Ancients Located underground, the entrance is beside a pack of wolves near a tent. Complete Canopic Jar Puzzle to obtain
Ancient Relic 16 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site Riddles of the Ancients Located south outisde the area, it is inside a wooden building. It is inside a locked chest. Code 3262
Ancient Relic 17 Gizeh Discoveries Meteorological Station Riddles of the Ancients Located underground, northeast of the station a hole will be found. Use the whip to go down.
Ancient Relic 18 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site Riddles of the Ancients Located west, underground of the tomb. It is south side of the room
Ancient Relic 19 Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Riddles of the Ancients Complete Belongs in a Museum, Find all 10 Stelae to obtain the relic.
• Belongs in a Museum
Ancient Relic 20 Gizeh Discoveries The Great Pyramid Riddles of the Ancients Progress the Main story unitl you reach the underground area of the Great Pyramid. Before reaching the first mirror, it is in the path behind you will need to long jump.
• The Idol of Ra
Ancient Relic 21 Gizeh Discoveries The Great Pyramid Riddles of the Ancients Progress the Main story unitl you reach the underground area of the Great Pyramid. When reaching the 3 mirrors, it is on left inside a chamber.
• The Idol of Ra
Ancient Relic 22 Gizeh Discoveries The Great Pyramid Riddles of the Ancients Progress the Main quest, after finishing a puzzle it will be on a ledge. You will need to navigate the cavern to obtain
• The Idol of Ra
Ancient Relic 23 Gizeh Discoveries The Great Pyramid Riddles of the Ancients In order to obtain this you will need first to have 4 to 5 Ancient artifacts in order to complete the puzzle
• 4 to 5 Ancient Relics
Ancient Relic 24 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound Riddles of the Ancients Located at the Main building, It inside a safe at the back room at the 2nd floor. Code is 40926
Ancient Relic 25 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound Riddles of the Ancients Located at the Main building, it is on the highest level. It will be found inside a crate in a small room.
Medicine 16 Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area A Remedy for All Located at the restricted area. It is found in one of the tents
Medicine 17 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx A Remedy for All Located east of the Sphinx. It is found at the southern part of the ruins
Medicine 18 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx A Remedy for All Located at the front of the Sphinx. It is placed on top of a box
Medicine 19 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx A Remedy for All Located behind the Sphinx. It on the very top of the scafoldings
Medicine 20 Gizeh Discoveries Great Sphinx A Remedy for All Located behind the Sphinx, enter the chamber. It is place on top of a box
Medicine 21 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located north of the site, it is on a military outpost. It is placed on a hill north of the outpost
Medicine 22 Gizeh Discoveries Meteorological Station A Remedy for All Located southeast of the station. It will be found on a truck on the road.
Medicine 23 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located in between the workers area and the excavation. It is on a tent at cliff.
Medicine 24 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Recreational Area A Remedy for All Located at the center. It is found in a table at a open tent.
Medicine 25 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located north of the site, it is on a military outpost. It is on a road near a motorcycle
Medicine 26 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located northwest of the excavation, it is placed on a small tent near ruins.
Medicine 27 Gizeh Discoveries Khafre Excavation A Remedy for All Located east of the pyramid, it is found in a small tent.
Medicine 28 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located southwest of the excavation area, it is found in an elevated part. It will be placed on a small round table.
Medicine 29 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located south of the excavation site. It is on a table at the corner of the map
Medicine 30 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located northeast of the excavation site, it is placed on a table inside a open tent.
Medicine 31 Gizeh Discoveries Tomb of Khenthawes A Remedy for All Located south of the tomb area, inside the small ruins. It is found at a top of some scaffolding.
Medicine 32 Gizeh Discoveries Tomb of Khenthawes A Remedy for All Located at the west side of the tomb. It is located at the middle floor placed on top of a make shift round table.
Medicine 33 Gizeh Discoveries Khentkawes Excavation Site A Remedy for All Located at the top of the elevator. In order to reach it you must be on top of the elevator while it goes up.
Medicine 34 Gizeh Discoveries Voss' Office A Remedy for All Located near the bed inside the office
Medicine 35 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Vehicle Garage A Remedy for All Located center of the garage, It is found inside a building near a few sinks
Medicine 36 Gizeh Discoveries Khafre Excavation A Remedy for All Located south at the mining tunnel, It is found on top of the table close to the entrance
Medicine 37 Gizeh Discoveries Khafre Excavation A Remedy for All Located at the center of the excavation, It is found inside the big tent placed on a shelf
Medicine 38 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound A Remedy for All Located south of the compound. It is inside the big wooden building at the 2nd floor.
Medicine 39 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound A Remedy for All Located at the main building. It is found at the 2nd floor, locked behind a gate. Wehrmacht Key is needed to obtain.
• Wehrmacht Key
Medicine 40 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound A Remedy for All Located west of the compound. It is inside a wooden building on western edge of the compound
Radio Frequency 1 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Compound Wehrmacht Transmissions Located at the main building. It is found on the 2nd floor.
Radio Frequency 2 Gizeh Discoveries Nazi Vehicle Garage Wehrmacht Transmissions Located at a big tent inside the area next to radios
Radio Frequency 3 Gizeh Discoveries Khafre Excavation Wehrmacht Transmissions Located at the big wooden buidling. It is placed inside a locker
Radio Frequency 4 Gizeh Discoveries Meteorological Station Wehrmacht Transmissions Located inside the station, placed on a table with radios
Nok Sculpture Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Worker's Area Lost Artifacts of Africa Located southwest of the area on the other side of the road. The entrance of the sculpture is hidden. A lighter is needed to be able to grawl under the chamber.
Ivory Mask Gizeh Discoveries The Great Sphinx Lost Artifacts of Africa Located east from the sphinx. It will be a hidden entrance from collapesed stone bricks. While facing the vehicle look behind and grawl to the entrance.
Ba'al Statuette Gizeh Discoveries Gizeh Village Lost Artifacts of Africa Located south of the village. The artifact hidden in a banana crate behind a Nazi truck.
Aduno Koro Gizeh Discoveries Tomb of Khenthawes Lost Artifacts of Africa Located at the easr side of the tomb at the bottom floor. It is found on a platform at a side of a wall
Jambiya Dagger Gizeh Discoveries Temple Excavation Site Lost Artifacts of Africa Located near the collapsed tunnel after progressing the main quest. It is found on top a wooden platform.
• The Idol of Ra

List of All Journal Notes

Gizeh Safe and Chest Codes

Cloud Atlas

Map Location World Location
This Chest must be opened as part of the Cloud Atlas Mystery.

Location: Found inside a weather station in northwest of the Gizeh Workers' Area.
Chest Code: 0609
Reward: Gizeh Medicine

Cloud Atlas Code Solution

Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest

Map Location World Location
This Chest can be opened during the main story as you go through Gizeh.

Location: Inside the Nazi Vehicle Garage
Chest Code: 0805

Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest Code Solution

Nazi Compound Safe

Map Location World Location
Location: Inside the Nazi Compound, located in the building where Hoss' office is located.
Safe Code: 40926

Bright Future

Map Location World Location
This Chest must be opened as part of the Bright Future Mystery.

Location: The letter that starts this mystery is found in the Nazi Vehicle Garage. The chest you need to open is located along the main road between the Great Sphinx and the Tomb of Khentkawes.
Chest Code: 0926

Bright Future Code Solution

Wehrmacht Chest

Map Location World Location
Location: Found in a shed requiring the Wehrmacht Key in the elevated area between the Nazi Vehicle Garage and the Great Pyramid Excavation Site.
Chest Code: 13218

Wehrmacht Chest Code Solution

Egyptian Numeral Chest

Map Location World Location
Location: Found in a small room inside the wooden house near the Tomb of Khentkawes that’s accessible through a window
Chest Code: 3262

Egyptian Numeral Chest Code Solution

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Gizeh The HImalayas
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