Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

List of All Books

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This is a list of all Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, which will give you upgrades or help you find more collectibles. See each book location, how to use books, and tips on how to find books in this guide!

List of All Adventure Books

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Book Type
Book Location Book Type Area Adventure Points How to Find Effect
Bear Hands Sukhothai Brawling Voss' Camp 1400 Southwest of the camp. It is behind a locked door, you will need the Royal Army Key to open Enables unarmed take-downs of enemies
Block Head Gizeh Brawling Nazi Recreational Zone 400 Located at the center, Inside the big tent. It is inside a chest. TBA
Bob & Weave Shanghai Brawling Shanghai 500 After finding the Shanghai map, it is located on the upper floor of the building Gain stamina boost after avoiding an enemy attack through a Perfect Dodge maneuver
Brawler I The Vatican Brawling Bastione San Marco 200 On a box located in the room before you arrive at the Passetto Di Borgo, just before you meet Antonio in the Main Story. Deal increased damage in armed and hand-to-hand combat.
Brawler II The Vatican Brawling Belvedere Courtyard 400 Found inside a tent in Belvedere Courtyard. Inside the restricted area Deal increased damage in armed and hand-to-hand combat.
Brawler III Gizeh Brawling Kafre Excavation Site 700 Found inside the Kafre Excavation Site, near the entrance on the left side TBA
Bread Basket Gizeh Packing Gizeh Workers Area 400 Located near the big blue tent. It will be inside a open tent on the left side. Carry twice the amount of bread
Button Man I Gizeh Combat Khentkawes Excavation 500 Inside the Tomb of Khentkawes, It will be inside the chest on the left side of the entrance One-handed firearms deal more damage
Button Man II Himalayas Combat Himalayas 775 Located in the southern part of the ship, near the radio room Two-handed firearms deal more damage.
Climbing Ace I The Vatican Fitness Belvedere Courtyard 100 Found on top of a barrel near a man having his coffee break. Drain less stamina and enables faster movement by using L while ledge climbing.
Climbing Ace II Gizeh Fitness Khentkawes Excavation 150 Located on the side at the very top of the excavation, it is on a table. Drain less stamina and enables faster movement by using the Climb button while whip-climbing.
Cutman I The Vatican Fitness Sistine Chapel 250 Complete the Secret of Secrets Puzzle Improved health bar regeneration efficiency
Cutman II Nazi Airship Fitness Nazi Airship 550 You can find this in one of the rooms in the Nazi airship as you approach Gizeh. Improved health bar regeneration efficiency.
Fast Hands Sukhothai Combat Wat Sa SI 650 Located near Fast Travel, it will be inside a small temple tower Revolver reload speed is increased
Fruit Bag The Vatican Packing Apostolic Palace 250 Found on a patio once you escape the Necropolis and after your interaction with Gina Lombardi. Carry twice the amount of fruit.
Gizeh Artifacts Gizeh Exploration Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds. Shows the locations of Artifacts in Gizeh
Gizeh Books Gizeh Exploration Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds. Shows the locations of Books in Gizeh
Gizeh Frequencies Gizeh Exploration Great Pyramid Excavation - Inside the Nazi Vehicle Garage, Located inside a train cabin near the tracks Shows the locations of Radio Frequencies in Gizeh
Gizeh Medicine Gizeh Exploration Meteorological Station - Located inside a lockchest, Complete Cloud Atlas Mystery to unlock it Shows the locations of Medicine Bottles in Gizeh
Gizeh Mysteries Gizeh Exploration Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 350 pounds Shows the locations of Mysteries in Gizeh
Gizeh Notes Gizeh Exploration Gizeh Village - Buy from the Gizeh Village after obtaining the lighter for 700 pounds. Shows the locations of Notes in Gizeh
Gizeh Relics Gizeh Exploration Nazi Recreational Zone - North of the Nazi Recreational Area. There will be pack of wolves it is near a small tent. Shows the locations of Relics in Gizeh
Handyman Sukhothai Combat Khmer Warrior Temple 800 Located inide the temple Increases the durability of melee weapons
Hardboiled I The Vatican Survival Underground Boxing Ring 350 Buy from the Underground Boxing Ring for 720 euros Harden protection by merging two health bars into one.
Hardboiled II Gizeh Survival Knuckle Duster Den - Buy from the Knuckle Duster Den for 850 pounds Harden protection by merging two health bars into one.
Hardboiled III Sukhothai Survival Jungle Bruiser Pit 2100 Buy from the Jungle Bruiser Pit for 1200 baht Harden protection by merging two health bars into one.
Iron Grip I The Vatican Fitness Apostolic Palace 225 The Mad Priest Field Work is needed to obtain Indy can clinch enemies for longer
Iron Grip II Sukhothai Fitness Wat Chara Songkhra 475 Near the Fast Travel it will be inside a destroyed temple Indy can clinch enemies for longer
Jumbo Lasso Gizeh Combat Tomb of Khentkawest 325 Located inside a barrack near Teleport Marker Heavyweight enemies can be whip-pulled into a grab
Jumbo Shove Sukhothai Brawling Sukhothai Village 700 Located south of the village, it will be inside a box Push heavyweight enemies
Jumbo Throttle Sukhothai Combat Voss' Camp 650 Top floor of the camp. It is behind a locked door, you will need the Royal Army Key to open Knock out unaware heavy-weight enemies with a whip pull
Kummetz Guide Sukhothai Exploration Voss' Camp - Top floor of the camp. It is behind a locked door, you will need the Royal Army Key to open Shows the locations of Notes in Kummetz
Lucky Hat I The Vatican Survival Captain's Room (Capitano) 125 Found in the same room as the Captain's Key. After being knocked out, Indy can pick up his fedora using X, giving him a second chance at the fight. Lucky Hat is disabled while Indy's Outfit Fortitude is on cooldown.
Marshall College Guide The Vatican Exploration Apostolic Library - Complete the A Savage Discovery to obtain Shows the locations of Notes in Marshall College
Moxie I The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Fitness Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness
Moxie II The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Fitness Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness
Moxie III The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Fitness Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness
Patch Up Gizeh Survival Gizeh Village 550 Near the Fast Travel going up the stairs, it will be inside a house on the right Improves the amount of health that is restored when applying bandages
Pep I The Vatican Fitness Belvedere Courtyard 275 Found inside a tent in Belvedere Courtyard. Add a boost to stamina recovery speed.
Pep II Gizeh Fitness Gizeh Workers Area 550 You can find this in a small outpost west of the Workers' Area Add a boost to stamina recovery speed.
Pitcher Gizeh Combat Nazi Compound 375 Found inside the Nazi Compound, near the entrance on the left side Throw items farther and deal more damage
Punch Out I The Vatican Brawling Castel Sant'Angelo 25 Found on top of a Box near the Guard House Key Restore stamina when an enemy is knocked out.
Punch Out II Sukhothai Brawling Fascist Armory 600 Southern Nazi Camp located inside a locked door. Royal Army Key is needed Restore one bar of health when an enemy is knocked out
Sawbones I The Vatican Packing Underground Boxing Ring 250 Buy from the Underground Boxing Ring for 400 euros Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one.
Sawbones II Gizeh Packing Knuckle Duster Den - Buy from the Knuckle Duster Den for 550 pounds Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one.
Sawbones III Sukhothai Packing Jungle Bruiser Pit 950 Buy from the Jungle Bruiser Pit for 700 baht Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one.
Seeing Red Sukhothai Survival Wat Mahathat 900 From the entrance of the Nazi Camp, it will be on the left in a basket Deal more damage when down to the last bar of health
Shanghai Guide Sukhothai Exploration Wat Mahathat - West of the Fast Travel point, hidden between bamboo trees Shows the locations of Notes in Shanghai
Shaping Up I The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Survival Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Increase health reserve by adding one bar
Shaping Up II The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Survival Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Increase health reserve by adding one bar
Shaping Up III The Vatican, Gizeh, Sukhothai Survival Vatican Post Office, Gizeh Workers Area, Sukhothai Medical Hut - Located inside a medical area Increase health reserve by adding one bar
Slug Boy I Gizeh Packing Nazi Compound 500 Inside the Nazi Compound, Located below Voss' Office Increase handgun ammunition capacity by a half-dozen bullets
Slug Boy II Sukhothai Packing Voss' Camp 950 Near the entrance to the camp on the left. It is below the stairs Increase handgun ammunition capacity by a half-dozen bullets
Slugger I Gizeh Brawling Nazi Recreational Zone 450 Located at the center, inside a big tent with beds Increases damage from charged-up attacks
Slugger II Sukhothai Brawling Fascist Armory 900 Complete the Monkey Business Field Work to unlock the door to obtain it Increases damage from charged-up attacks
Splinter Smash The Vatican Combat Belvedere Courtyard 300 Found inside a locked chest in a tent in Belvedere Courtyard. The combination to the chest can be found on the Ticket Stub found in the same area. The last hit before an improvised weapon breaks deals additional dammage.
Street Scrapper I The Vatican Combat Post Office 250 Post Office Cellar Lockbox Code Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons
Street Scrapper II Gizeh Combat Gizeh Workers Area 750 It will be inside Nazi Tent, it is placed on a bed Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons
Street Scrapper III Sukhothai Combat Wat Mahathat 1500 Located inside the camp in one of the big tents. Complete the Counting Letters Mystery to obtain Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons
Sukhothai Books Sukhothai Exploration Tongdang's Hut - Buy from Tongdang's Hut for 450 TBA
Sukhothai Cogwheels Sukhothai Exploration Tongdang's Hut - Buy from Tongdang's Hut for 700 TBA
Sukhothai Frequencies Sukhothai Exploration Voss' Camp - Located inside the main building, on hte first floor below Voss' office Shows the locations of Radio Frequencies in Sukhothai
Sukhothai Medicine Sukhothai Exploration Wat Chara Songkhra - Obtain by completing Timely Arrival Mystery Shows the locations of Medicine in Sukhothai
Sukhothai Mysteries Sukhothai Exploration Tongdang's Hut - Buy from Tongdang's Hut for 450 TBA
Sukhothai Notes Sukhothai Exploration Tongdang's Hut - Buy from Tongdang's Hut for 950 TBA
Sukhothai Relics Sukhothai Exploration Elephant Temple - Obtain by completing Elephant in the Room Mystery Shows the locations of Relics in Sukhothai
Throttle The Vatican Combat Borgia Courtyards 200 The A Nun in Trouble Field Work is needed to obtain. Knock out unware light-weight and medium-weight enemies with a whip pull
True Grit Gizeh Survival Gizeh Workers Area 450 South of the Workers Area, Located underground near a body Take less damage when down to the last bar of health
Vatican Artifacts The Vatican Exploration Post Office - Buy from Ernesto after obtaining the camera for 300 euros. Shows the locations of Artifacts in the Vatican
Vatican Books The Vatican Exploration Post Office - Buy from Ernesto after obtaining the camera for 300 euros. Shows the locations of Books in the Vatican
Vatican Medicine The Vatican Exploration Museum Wing - Obtain by completing A Date to Remember Field Work. It will be in a locked chest with a code of 6380 Shows the locations of Medicine Bottles in the Vatican
Vatican Mysteries The Vatican Exploration Post Office - Buy from Ernesto after obtaining the camera for 300 euros. Shows the locations of Mysteries of the Vatican
Vatican Notes The Vatican Exploration Post Office - Buy from Ernesto after obtaining the camera for 600 euros. Shows the locations of Notes in the Vatican
Vatican Relics The Vatican Exploration Belvedere Courtyard - Obtain by completing House of God Puzzle Shows the locations of Relics in the Vatican

What Do Books Do?

Improves Exploration Quality

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - What Are Books
When used, Adventure Books can have different effects that can aid Indiana in his trek across the globe. These effects can range from increased damage against enemies, better stamina, or help find collectibles and mysteries.

Some books need Adventure Points before they can be used, so make sure to explore around and take pictures to get points.

How to Farm Adventure Points

How to Find Books Easier

Turn On High Contrast Effect

High Contrast Effect.png
You change the game's visual settings to highlight interactable items in the game via High Contrast Effect. You can turn this on by going to Options in the Main Menu. Then, select Video Settings with E or Right Bumper. High Contract UI can be found on the bottom of the list. You can choose between Outline or Tint.

How to Find Books Easier

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4 Albert Dexter2 months

Indiana Jones games have always been about that perfect mix of adventure, mystery, and nostalgia, and "The Great Circle" definitely keeps up with the vibe. While exploring games like this, I often find myself jotting down thoughts and comparisons to earlier titles. Honestly, it’s a bit of a hobby now. Speaking of writing, I’ve recently used to polish up some of my reviews and essays—it’s been a lifesaver when I wanted my ideas to come across clearer without losing that pers

3 Goatlips3 months

NB: Button Man II (Himalayas) "Located in the southern part of the ship, near the radio room" - that's not necessarily south. The book is shown in the furthest 'south west' red room on the bottom of the 'map' (ship layout), which is in the lower (lowest?) decks, so you'll probably need to descend if you revisit.


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