Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

List of All Journal Notes

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Journal Notes Top Banner
This is a list of all the Journal Notes in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle which will give you clues on where to go next and serve as a running list of your progress on each stage. Keep reading to see where to find every journal note in this guide!

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Circle Icon Note! This list is a work in progress, and we will continue to add more notes periodically. Come back later for a complete list of journal notes!

List of All Journal Notes

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Collectible Location Item Type Area How to Find
Blackshirts Article Marshall College Adventure Janitor's Closet Can be found on a shelf inside the janitor's closet
Bjorkman's Letter Marshall College Adventure Archaeology Classroom 2A On a stool between a table and an easel.
Cat Mummy Notes Marshall College Adventure Archaeology Classroom 2A On the professor's desk next to a thick book.
Shirley's Letter Marshall College Adventure Archaeology Classroom 2A On the the first row student desk next to the window.
Strange Aeons #1 Marshall College Adventure Student Lounge 2F On a table near the door.
Temple Map Marshall College Adventure Professor H. Jones Office Next to the typewriter outside Indiana's Office.
Cat Mummy Photograph Marshall College Adventure Professor H. Jones Office On the corkboard in Indiana's Office.
Baseball Card Marshall College Adventure Student Lounge 2F On a book cart north of the 2F Student Lounge.
Giant's Pendant Marshall College Adventure Professor H. Jones Office On top of a book in your office.
Faculty Card Marshall College Adventure Reception On the Reception Desk to the left of a fan.
Warriors of the Clouds South America No Journal Entry Camp near Stream Located in a camp near a stream where Barranca tries to shoot Indy.

What Are Journal Notes For?

Used to Gauge How Much You Explored An Area

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - What Are Journal Notes
Indiana's Journal can be filled with various notes which is used to track how much of an area has been explored and which quests he has completed. Make sure to pick up different notes along your quests as these can also hold clues on how to progress.

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