Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

List of Puzzles and Solutions

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - List of Puzzles and Solutions

This is a list of all puzzles in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Check out our complete list of puzzles and how to solve them!

Prologue Puzzle

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Golden Idol Golden Idol Location: Deep in a temple in the jungles of South America.
 1. Disarm the traps. Look at the distinct markings on the right tiles.
 2. Switch the sandbag with the idol, then make a run for it.

Marshall College Puzzle

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - The Exhibit The Exhibit Location: In the exhibit room of the Marshall College in Conneticut.
 1. Place the artifacts in the right order.
 2. At the leftmost display shelf place the Bastet Statue, then Terracotta Relief.
 3. On the next display shelf, start with the Funerary Mask, leave a space, then the Ivory case at the very end.

Prologue and Marshall College Guide

The Vatican Puzzles

Vatican Adventure Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Sacred Wounds Sacred Wounds Location: In a secret underground chamber under the Tower of Nicholas V.
 1. Pour wine on the golden basins, wait until the wine leaves a residue.
 2. Take note of the residue, as well as the marked body part of Christ on the mural.
 3. Match the numbers found on the basin with levers on the depicted image of the crucified Christ.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Fountain of Confession Fountain of Confession Location: Located past the Vatican Garden in the Vatican City.
 1. Have the two dragon statues face each other.
 2. Move the lever to see different sides of the puzzle.
 3. On the right side of the puzzle, have the water pass from the man's bucket to the boy.
 4 On the left side of the puzzle, make a path for the boat piece to move across the wall relief.
 5. Push the statues into position to open the gate.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Gold Path Trial Gold Path Trial Location: Found in the Secret Monastery located underneath the Fountain of Confession.
 1. Reach the far-right corner of the room to enter the control hall with the chains.
 2. Align the pillars so that each pillar ignites the appropriate vent.
 3. Pull the lever by the door and escape the room.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Silver Path Trial Silver Path Trial Location: Found in the Secret Monastery located underneath the Fountain of Confession.
 1. Reach the far-left corner of the room to enter hall with two stone tablets.
 2. Take the first tablet to the central mechanism.
 3. Take the second tablet to the mechanism on the other side.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Bulls of Blood Bulls of Blood Location: Inside the Castel Sant'Agenlo
 1. Rotate the two bull portraits so that the red bulls are looking at each other.
 2. The hint to this puzzle can be found on the table across from the wall.

Vatican Mystery Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Secret of Secrets Secret of Secrets Location: Found in an office to the west of the Sistine Chapel's main hall.
 1. Find the two notes in the office giving hints to the safe combination.
 2. Inspect the statues of the saints. Use the notes you found to decode the symbols and figure out the safe combination.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - House of God House of God Location: Found in an art gallery on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace.
 1. Move the lever to open compartments on either side of the puzzle box.
 2. Get objects from the left side compartments and insert them into other parts of the puzzle box.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - A Free Spirit A Free Spirit Location: Found along Via Di Belvedere.
 1. Check out the missing cat poster on the bulletin board in front of the Tower of Nicholas V.
 2. Take pictures of the cats in the area using your camera until you find Signor Smushki, the black cat, along the rooftops.
 3. Post a photo of Signor Smushki onto the missing cat poster.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - A Snake in the Garden A Snake in the Garden Location: Found inside Father Ventura's office on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace.
 1. Pull a book from the book shelf in the office to begin the puzzle.
 2. Check the note on the table for the clue.
 3. Check the spines of the books in the bookshelf. They must be pulled in the correct order.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - A Date to Remember A Date to Remember Location: Found in the restricted areas of Belvedere Courtyard and the Museum Wing.
 1. Gather documents from tents in the Belvedere Courtyard Military Zone and the Museum Wing.
 2. Use these documents to figure out the code for the locked container inside a tent in the Museum Wing.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Signs of Trouble Signs of Trouble Location: This mystery unlocks only after completing the A Nun in Trouble fieldwork. This mystery begins with a note slipped inside the Bible in the Sistine Chapel.
 1. Read the note inside the Bible.
 2. Acquire a Blackshirt Disguise. This is optional but recommended.
 3. Go to the dig site in the Apostolic Palace.
 4 Find and crack the safe.
 5. Return the information in the Bible in the Sistine Chapel.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Father and Son Father and Son Location: Found in a room outside Borgia Tower after completing A Nun in Trouble.
 1. Use Giuliana's key to unlock the room outside the third floor of Borgia Tower.
 2. Find the Italian Poem and Polybius Square Diagram from the desk drawers to figure out the safe code.
 3. Input the code into the safe to complete the puzzle and collect the rest of the notes for the mystery.

Vatican Chest Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Belvedere Courtyard Chest Belvedere Courtyard Chest Location: Found in one of the tents in the Belvedere Courtyard.
 1. Locate the hint in the form of a ticket stub in the nearby area.
 2. Unlock the chest with the code from the hint.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Post Office Cellar Lockbox Post Office Cellar Lockbox Location: Found in the cellar beneath the post office along Via Di Belvedere. The Cellar Key is required to access this area, which can be obtained in A Savage Discovery.
 1. Defeat the guard inside the cellar.
 2. Once defeated, take the note from his body to figure out the code to the locked chest in the cellar.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Museum Safe Museum Safe Location: Found in a garden storage room connected to the museum. You can reach this safe during the A Nun in Trouble fieldwork, or return here afterward by going through the door in the garden of Via di Belvedere.
 1. Turn off the green lamp in the room to see the safe code.
 2. Input the code into the museum safe.

List of All Unlock Codes

Gizeh Puzzles

Gizeh Adventure Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest Nazi Vehicle Garage Chest Location: Inside the Nazi Vehicle Garage
 1. Find the note inside the garage.
 2. Open the chest with the code from the note.
 3. Take the Harvest Stele.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Chamber of Resonance Chamber of Resonance Location: Found underneath the great pyramid west of the Nazi compound.
 1. Examine the tablets on the wall.
 2. Find the missing piece of one of the tablets.
 3. Recite the words on the tablet in the correct order.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Three Eyed Gate Three Eyed Gate Location: Found in the underground cave system beneath the pyramid.
 1. Find a way to get more light rays into the chamber.
 2. Make the light hit the panels on the side of the door to match the three locks.

Gizeh Fieldwork Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Secret of the Queen Mother Mural Secret of the Queen Mother Mural Location: Found in sublevel 1 of the excavation site for the Tomb of Khentkawes.
 1. The mural glyphs should be in this order: bird at the top, snake in the middle, and fish at the bottom.
 2. Once the pieces are all in place, follow the light to a breakable wall.
 3. Break the wall, grab the Light Stele, then make your escape.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Gold Mask Mirror Puzzle Gold Mask Mirror Puzzle Location: Found inside the Great Sphinx during the Sanctuary of the Guardians fieldwork. This is the first of two mirror puzzles in this area.
 1. Move the mirrors near the large stone structure so that they hit the mirrors near the door diagonally.
 2. Move the mirrors near the door so that they hit the gold circles at the base of the platform diagonally.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Statue of Light Statue of Light Location: Found inside the Great Sphinx during the Sanctuary of the Guardians fieldwork. This is the second of two mirror puzzles in this area.
 1. Move the mirror to shine light on the gold disc above the left door to open it.
 2. Help Gina up into the hole above the right door, then place the mirror she slides to you into the slot in the left room.
 3. Shine the light onto the mirror Gina is holding.

Gizeh Mystery Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Cloud Atlas Cloud Atlas Location: Found inside a weather station in northwest of the Gizeh Workers' Area.
 1. Find the two notes in the station.
 2. Match the cloud data logbook with the numerical classifaction of clouds in the status page.
 3. Open the chest with the code from the two notes.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Seat of Eternity Seat of Eternity Location: Found in a small tomb northwest of the Great Sphinx.
 1. Locate the four canopic jars.
 2. Place them in the right order to open the sarcophagus.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Fortune Fortune's Reach Location: Found near Nawal's tent in the Worker's Area.
 1. Pick up the Wanted Poster from the bulletin board.
 2. Take a picture of the spilled red paint and footsteps south from Nawal’s tent.
 3. Follow the footsteps to an underground opening south of the Worker’s Area.
 4 Pick up the note inside.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Bright Future Bright Future Location: The letter that starts this mystery is found in the Nazi Vehicle Garage. The chest you need to open is located along the main road between the Great Sphinx and the Tomb of Khentkawes.
 1. Get Pohl's Letter and the Nazi Note from the Nazi Vehicle Garage restricted area.
 2. Find the locked crate at the midpoint of the Sphinx and Khentkawes, and enter the code.
 3. Run away before the dynamites inside detonate.

Gizeh Chests and Miscellaneous Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Nazi Compound Safe Nazi Compound Safe Location: Inside the Nazi Compound, located in the building where Hoss' office is located.
 1. The safe can be found in the back part of the main floor.
 2. The note containing the code can be found on the second floor near the telephone.
 3. Input the code 40926 to open the safe. Claim the gun, money, and Ancient Relic inside.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Locked House Locked House Location: Found southwest of Gizeh Village.
 1. Climb onto the roof of the locked house using the boxes and broken wall on the side.
 2. Get the Discarded Key from the bird’s nest on the roof.
 3. Unlock the door using the Discarded Key.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Wehrmacht Chest Wehrmacht Chest Location: Found in a shed requiring the Wehrmacht Key in the elevated area between the Nazi Vehicle Garage and the Great Pyramid Excavation Site.
 1. Pick up the note inside the shed for a clue to the code.
 2. Check the cards on the table for the code. Use your camera to zoom in if you’re having trouble seeing the card numbers.
 3. Enter the code into the chest in this room.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Egyptian Numeral Chest Egyptian Numeral Chest Location: Found in a small room inside the wooden house near the Tomb of Khentkawes that’s accessible through a window
 1. Get the Numeral Basics note from the shelf.
 2. Pick up the clipboard with the Egyptian Numeral Code, and use the other note to decipher the number combination.
 3. Enter the code into the chest in this room.

The Himalayas Puzzles

Himalayas Adventure Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Kummetz Cipher Kummetz Cipher Location: Found in the Officer's Quarters on the KMS Kummetz
 1. Take the four code wheels and put them in the machine.
 2. Take note of the Captain's Code and turn the wheels to match the captain's code.
 3. Match the result with the code tables found in the room.
 4 Input the correct number on the door.

Sukhothai Puzzles

Sukhothai Adventure Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Voss Voss' Gold Stash Safe Location: Found deep inside Voss' camp in Sukhothai.
 1. Take out the guard in the room where the safe is in.
 2. Get the code to the safe from the pocket of the knocked out guard.
 3. Open the safe with the pre-made combination and take all the gold.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Hidden Gate Hidden Gate Location: Found in a hidden chamber in the northern region of Sukhothai. Requires the Rebreather to get to this place.
 1. Turn on the main gear.
 2. Align the cogwheels in both the left and right gear.
 3. Open the gate.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Nephilim Game Nephilim Game Location: Found at the top of the hidden pyramid in Sukhothai.
 1. Gather all the game pieces.
 2. Solve the puzzle by placing the game pieces in such a way that all the stone figures will face the statue.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - The Great Game The Great Game Location: Found inside the hidden temple in Wat Mahathat
 1. Find the entrance to the Hidden Temple.
 2. Observe the great game, wait until the cutscene plays out.
 3. Direct the people in the correct placements to turn the stone figures and unlock the door.

Sukhothai Fieldwork Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Khmer Pipeworks Khmer Pipeworks Location: Found deep inside Wat Si Sawai during The Kid Who Vanished fieldwork.
 1. Turn on the faucet.
 2. Gather all the pipes.
 3. Arrange the pipes so that the water flows into the three drains.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Prayer Wheel Prayer Wheel Location: Found inside a temple in Wat Sa Si in the Lost in the Past fieldwork in Sukhothai
 1. When you've escaped the dream loop, you will encounter the Prayer Wheel.
 2. Consult with your journal to learn the Adamic symbols for “exodus”, “temple”, and “rebirth”.
 3. Rotate the discs on the prayer wheel so that the three symbols align with each other.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Symbol Pedestal Symbol Pedestal Location: Found inside the secret Khmer Vault in the A Study in Fear fieldwork
 1. Find the three keys for the symbol pedestals.
 2. Use the keys on the pedastal to stop one or two of the spinning discs.
 3. Align the symbols on the pedastal using the keys to get out of the tomb.

Sukhothai Discovery Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Khmer Cogwheel Puzzles Khmer Cogwheel Puzzles Location: Found in multiple locations all across Sukhothai.
 1. Collect all 10 Khmer Cogwheels scattered throughout Sukhothai.
 2. Solve gear puzzles at each location to get an Ancient Relic.
 3. Solve the final Khmer Gear Puzzle west of Voss' Camp when you collect all 10 cogwheels.

Sukhothai Mystery Puzzles

Puzzle Location and Solution
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - The Serpent The Serpent's Chest Location: This chest is found in Voss' Camp in Sukhothai, but requires three keys from previous regions.
 1. Find the note and the chest in Voss' Camp when you steal his gold stash.
 2. Find the key in the Necropolis in the Vatican.
 3. Get the key from a wealthy trader in Shanghai.
 4 Find the key buried somewhere in Gizeh.
 5. Return to Voss' Camp and unlock the Serpent's Chest
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - A Game of Wits A Game of Wits Location: The safe is found in a barracks in the northern part of Voss' Camp in Sukhothai
 1. Solve the Mak-Yek Puzzle.
 2. Open the chest with the combination.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Path of Tigers Path of Tigers Location: Found in a flooded hut near Tongdang's hut.
 1. Inspect the photograph and the safe to start the mystery.
 2. Find the location of the photograph.
 3. Return to the safe with the code.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Monkey Business Monkey Business Location: Found in the Fascist Armory in Wat Mahathat
 1. Take a picture of the monkey warning on the second floor of the building.
 2. Follow the monkeys' trail out of the camp.
 3. Retrieve the Equipment Room key and return to the camp to unlock the Equipment Room.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Counting Letters Counting Letters Location: Found in a tent in Wat Mahathat
 1. Infiltrate the Nazi Camp in Wat Mahathat.
 2. Decipher the code needed for the chest.
 3. Open the chest and claim your rewards.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Timely Arrival Timely Arrival Location: Found in a tent in Wat Chana Songkhram
 1. Infiltrate the Nazi Camp in Wat Chana Songkhram.
 2. Decipher the code needed for the chest.
 3. Open the chest and claim your rewards.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Elephant in the Room Elephant in the Room Location: Found ina Buddhist shrine north of Voss' Camp
 1. Gather all 3 Elephant Statues.
 2. Place all 3 Statues in the niches beneath the Buddha statue.
 3. Discover the secrets of the Shrine.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Child Child's Play Location: Found in the village in Sukhothai
 1. Find the bottle in the water by near where Uncle Sunan is fishing. This will be west of Indy's Hut in the Village.
 2. Follow the simple instructions of the childish treasure hunt.
 3. Enjoy the perks of getting the Jumbo Shove adventure book!

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6 Vil3 months

You actually don't need that many relics, as when you turn them one was or the other, they cover more dots!

5 Drekon3 months

There is a door that uses the ancient relics. It's under a waterfall in sukhathai. I have no fucking clue how to open it. It requires an absolute fuckload of ancient relics. There's also another part of the game with four walls of the goddamned things at the last game location. Am I seriously the only person to find these fucking door's?


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