Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

How to Get the Blackshirt Uniform

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - How to Get the Blackshirt Uniform
You can get the Blackshirt Uniform from the large courtyard in the Apostolic Palace in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to get the Blackshirt Disguise!

How to Get the Blackshirt Uniform

How to Get the Blackshirt Disguise

Head to Belvedere Courtyard

Make your way to Belvedere Courtyard, the large central area in the Vatican and make your way through the large open doors on the right to arrive at the Vatican Gardens.

Make Your Way Through the Vatican Gardens

Once at the gardens, head left through the alleyway and keep moving forward until you reach a truck.

Head left through the next area just past the truck

Take the Right Stairs

Keep moving forward until you reach two flights of stairs, then turn right.

Head to the Balcony Area

Once you reach the top of the stairs, turn left through the open doors to reach a balcony area in the Apostolic Palace.

You can find a small hole in the wire fence where you can crawl under to reach the courtyard below.

What if the Doors Open from Other Side?

If the doors are closed and its indicating that it Opens from Other Side, it means you'll need to progress a bit through the Vatican story.

Take Down the Enemies in the Courtyard

Use your whip to rappel down to the courtyard and prepare for a fight against three Blackshirts. While you can potentially do a Silent Takedown one of them, you may alert all three once you drop down from the roof.

Take them down one by one, keeping your distance from them to avoid getting ganged up by all three.

How to Do Silent Takedowns

Grab the Blackshirt Uniform

Once all Blackshirts are down, you can safely grab the Blackshirt Uniform from the stool next to a barrel.

Wearing the disguise allows you to enter the Underground Boxing area, as well as grant you some freedom to move around restricted areas in the Vatican. Keep in mind that Blackshirt Captains will still be suspicious of you, so avoid getting too close to them!

What is the Blackshirt Uniform?

Uniform of Mussolini's Blackshirts

Uniform of Mussolini
The Blackshirt Disguise is the uniform of the Blackshirts of the National Fascist Party. Also known as the Squadrismo, they are the paramilitary wing of Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party and are encountered by Indiana Jones once he reaches The Vatican.

Grants Access to the Underground Boxing Ring

The Blackshirt Disguise is required to access the Underground Boxing Ring in the Vatican, and also gives Indy some freedom to move around restricted areas in the Vatican patrolled by Blackshirts.

Keep in mind that like the Clerical Suit, high-ranking Blackshirts will still become suspicious of you so keep your distance from captains!

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