Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

How to Farm Adventure Points

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - How to Farm Adventure Points

You can earn Adventure Points in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle by collecting field notes, solving mysteries, and taking pictures with Indy's camera. Read on for a guide on how to farm Adventure Points!

How to Farm Adventure Points

Adventure Points Farming Methods

Collect Field Notes

Field Notes are documents that you can find across each chapter in the game. Field Notes can range from simple letters and missives that flesh out the world, or documents that are vital to solving mysteries.

Due to how common they are in each location, collecting field notes is one of the more reliable way to farm Adventure Points.

Located in Almost Each Area

Field Notes are scattered throughout each location, sometimes in predictable areas such as offices or buildings, but are also found in chests or lockers. Field Notes grant a small amount of Adventure Points, but will add up over time as you collect them all!

Collect Relics

Similar to Field Notes, you may also encounter Relics in hidden basements, tombs, and temples and are sometimes used to solve mysteries or complete fieldwork. These reward a higher amount of Adventure Points than Field Notes, so keep an eye out for them!

Solve Mysteries

Mysteries are side quests that you can undertake in each location that require collecting field notes to solve a puzzle that can open up an alternate path to Indy's destination.

Solving Mysteries rewards a total of 100 Adventure Points, so keep a look out for potential mysteries to solve in each location!

Complete Fieldwork

Complete Fieldwork.png

Fieldwork are side quests that Indy can undertake and complete in each chapter that rewards a lot of Adventure Points. These involve collecting relics, finding notes, and even solving some mysteries!

Like mysteries, Fieldwork can help you progress faster in the main story such as opening up alternative paths so it's a good idea to complete these as they also reward Adventure Points!

Take Pictures with Your Camera

The Camera is a tool that you'll need to purchase from Ernesto in the Vatican Post Office for 379 Lire. Once obtained, Indy can take pictures of paints, statues, and locations to earn Adventure Points.

A camera icon will appear on the top left of the screen to indicate that you have an opportunity to take a photograph and earn some Adventure Points.

Help NPCs

You may encounter NPCs that require help across the world. These aren't indicated by the map, but you'll often hear them ask for help when you pass them by.

Always be on the lookout for these NPCs as helping them will reward you with a small amount of Adventure Points!

What are Adventure Points?

Used to Unlock Abilities

Adventure Points are a form of currency in the game that Indy can use to unlock Abilities from Adventure Books that he collects throughout the game.

Each Ability costs a certain amount of Adventure points to unlock, with stronger abilities requiring Indy to spend more Adventure Points.

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