Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Beginner
Whether you’ve just started playing or want a refresher on the basics of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, check out this beginner’s guide! Read on for tips on starting the game, gameplay tips, and tips and tricks related to combat in the game.

Beginner’s Guide for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Customize Settings to Suit Your Playstyle

Upon starting the game, you will be shown a variety of settings that you can customize before you start your adventure.

The most important settings to take note of are your Action Experience and Adventure Experience settings. Most players will want to set both of these to Moderate, but if you want an easier or more challenging time, you can modify the settings to suit your preferences.

Best Settings

Watch Your Stamina

Stamina can be used up when doing combat, throwing objects, sprinting, and climbing fast. Watch your stamina meter at the bottom of the screen, and make sure you don’t run out!

Running out of stamina can leave you vulnerable for a brief period of time, which can be very inconvenient when fighting or running away from an enemy.

How Does Stamina Work?

Collect Bandages and Food

Bandages and various food items can be found as you explore the world. Using a bandage will regain lost health. Eating a bread item boosts your maximum health. Eating a fruit boosts your stamina.

You can carry a maximum of 3 of each consumable type at a time in your inventory.
How to Use Bandages

Obtain Maps

In this game, maps are pieces of paper that you have to obtain before you can use them as a navigation tool. Once you have a map, you will be able to see objective markers to guide you around the area.

List of All Locations

Find Adventure Books

Lucky Hat I Adventure Book

Adventure Books can be found throughout the world as you explore. These provide Indy with ability upgrades in exchange for Adventure Points, which can help you in your journey.

How to Find Books Easier

Use Disguises to Bypass Enemies

Disguised as a Priest

Changing into disguises allow you to access restricted areas or stroll through public areas without enemies attacking you. However, enemy Captains can see through disguises, so it’s still best to be careful as you go.

Combat Tips and Tricks

Silent Takedowns Defeat Enemies Easily

If you sneak up behind an enemy while holding a melee weapon, you can perform a Silent Takedown when you attack. This will instantly incapacitate the enemy without alerting other enemies that may be in the area.

How to Do Silent Takedowns

Use the Environment to Your Advantage

You can find several creative solutions to defeat enemies if you look at your surroundings. You can pick up items nearby and throw them to create a distraction, equip a nearby broomstick to knock out an enemy, push enemies off of ledges, and avoid enemies by climbing upwards.

Combat Explained

Use Guns Sparingly


In this game, guns function realistically in the sense that one bullet can take out an enemy when succesfully hit. However, guns are very loud and can draw in more enemies to your location that will be encouraged to use their own firearms against you.

Bullets are also not very abundant, so it’s best to use guns only when absolutely necessary.

How to Use Guns

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