Spider-Man Remastered

...Into the Fire Mission Walkthrough and Guide

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into the fire walkthrough

...Into the Fire is a Main Mission in Spider-Man Remastered as part of the game's Main Campaign. Read on to learn more about the Mission's objectives, how to complete them, and what rewards are available for completing this Mission!

Previous Mission Next Mission
Out of the Frying Pan... Picking up the Trail

...Into the Fire Overview

...Into the Fire
Mission Type Main Mission
Mission No. 37
XP Rewards None

...Into the Fire Location

Map View World View

This mission starts at the top of the Empire State Building in Midtown.

...Into the Fire Walkthrough

...Into the Fire Objectives

Disable the Transformers

Step Objective
Head to the East Objective Marker

You'll be given two precincts to go to. While you can choose either one, the Upper East Side precinct is nearer.
Disable the First Transformer

Once you reach the precinct, head down from your starting point to the nearest transformer. Take out the enemies there then fire your webs at the transformer to destroy it.
Disable the Second Transformer

Head to the rooftop across the first transformer. Do the same process here.
Disable the Third Transformer

Head down to the street below to disable another transformer.
Disable the Fourth Transformer

Swing to the last rooftop with a transformer. There will also be a brute here.
Disable the Last Transformer

The last transformer will be tied to a helicopter that's circling you. Shoot at the transformer after dodging rockets to disable it. This will be easier if you have the Threat Sensors suit mod.
Take Out the Demons

Finish helping this precinct by taking out the Demons on the street.

Stop the Convicts

Step Objective
Head to the Next Precinct

Swing your way to the next objective marker.
Take Out the Rioters

There will be several groups of rioters around the precinct. Go to each one and take them all out.
Take Out the Rioters on the Rooftops

Head up to several rooftops and fight the rioters there, especially those with RPGs.
Fight the Sable Mercenaries

As you clear the rooftops, Sable mercenaries with jetpacks will arrive. Take them out by doing a Web Strike to get to them then continuing with a combo in midair.

Save Miles and Aunt May

Step Objective
Head to the Veterans Center

Swing your way to Harlem to get to the Veterans Center, where Aunt May and Miles are stuck in a fire.
Save Miles and Aunt May

Once you get to the rooftop of the building, a cutscene will start, completing the mission.

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36 Out of the Frying Pan...
37 ...Into the Fire
38 Picking up the Trail
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